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A top-down detective adventure with point-and-click mechanics, inspired by classic Gameboy games, is coming soon to GOG! We’re talking, of course, about Inspector Waffles Early Days.

Follow Waffles in his first days as an Inspector who wants to prove to everyone that he is more than just a rookie. But beware… Your future worst enemy is hiding in the shadows.

Wishlist it now!
avatar Coming soon: Inspector Waffles Early Days

This new game was made for Game Boy Color
That explains that.
Aargh, declined, I'd rather have the (sub)title of "The Confusions of Young Waffles"
I've started and finished playing Inspector Waffles last week, which I enjoyed for its story and music. Despite its lack of interactivity and dated graphics, reminiscent of the Commodore 64 era, I found it entertaining. With this new game, it seems Goloso is taking a step back graphically, resembling the Famicom era rather than evolving towards refined pixel art or a cartoony style.

I will add it to my wishlist and hope that it turns out to be as enjoyable as the first one.
A funny game with great punchlines, an interesting story full of twists and turns!
Wishlisted because cats.
avatar Coming soon: Inspector Waffles Early Days

This new game was made for Game Boy Color
BreOl72: That explains that.
It is still a new game, right? But going full retro with all the limitations of the chosen target system (GBC).
Would be cool to get a rom file as proof-of-concept then. Alwa's Awakening The 8-Bit Edition did it that way and explicitly requires an NES emulator to run.
Post edited May 24, 2024 by g2222
This information is really helpful for who really needs this. I hope you will many more write post like this.
We're getting GB Studio games now? I'd say GOG's getting a bit too much like, but at least that platform got the sequel to Freedom Planet...
Post edited May 26, 2024 by 00063
What's with all the animal detective games we've been getting lately?