BreOl72: Fun fact: this account
(the one without underscore) is from August 2020, the underscore account is from December 2020.
So, this account is the old account - the Cyberpunk account
(with underscore) is the new(er) account.
Yeah semantics, sorry dude. Let's call it main* instead of old an account then, as the meaning wasn't obvious enough.
My fun fact addition is that I had an older account than this one on gog, but never bought any games with it so it fell to obscurity. Same goes for steam, where the email service I registered it with even ceased to function about a decade ago. For me they are old accounts not because they are in fact older, but because I no longer log into them, same like the op... although for different reasons ofc. Nobody asked, but here it is anyway!
*Main account as the one where you buy/register/play your games, as in contrast to alt account(s).
However the timeline and implication for this story is quite funny indeed.
KagoAkira: Yes, I tried to change the picture to see if the two are really different. Because cant find any emails for second account.
I wrote before, that i remember the install without gog options is a bad, and I did something to make it work properly.
But sorry, i cant remember what. : S
Possibly that i made account with facebook. But facebook used same email with this KAGOAKIRA account.
It's very unfortunate indeed, but i don't blame you - I forget stuff all the time. Heck I don't even remember what I had for breakfast today or which hentai I already watched before. It seems I'm watching the same stuff all over again.
Anyway, I hope that the support can verify all this on the backend and maybe merge both Kagos into a single big KAGOAKIRA, kinda like when Powerrangers are morphing!