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Dalthnock: And just in case this goes unnoticed in my previous, lengthier post:

"Let's not try to dominate Europe ever again. Oops."

Do. Something.
The gambling world would call that tactic 'doubling down.' The globalists only know one how to stumble forward with the same Utopian jargon they've been spouting for the last 50 fucking years. When will my brothers and sisters over in the old country ever learn?
low rated
"That’s where I am these days, kicking around, holding the hands of the people stuck with you after your shining balloon fills with lead. I’m all crazy hat and loud voice, and when you most want to mourn your dream and turn to lighter lands, I’m there to drag you down where the bodies are buried."

[The Internet Archive preserves the Vote Leave website, because of course they do.]
Gnostic: I spend an hour or so typing a response and then it's gone. ... Still people cling to the politicians hoping they will make things better instead of trying to make things better for themselves.
Trilarion: I'm sorry your system ate your post. I know what it feels like because sometimes I also tend to write long posts which are then gone somehow.
Never trust an online text editor with a long post. c&p it into Notepad or something.
Trilarion: I'm sorry your system ate your post. I know what it feels like because sometimes I also tend to write long posts which are then gone somehow.
Tyrrhia: Heed this advice, then: type your lengthy posts in a text editor and then copy-paste them in the "Add new post" window; or at least copy what you just wrote to the clipboard before you submit it so that, in case anything goes wrong, you will still be able to paste the contents back.
I already posted this advice, m8....oh wait. Never mind. :(
Post edited June 28, 2016 by richlind33
Lodium: ...I dont think aid in the form of money is the answer allthough it can solve problems in the short term it doesnt fix the issue.
You need to create jobs, and invest in the contry you want to build up.
In addition to that you also need education and building up the contrys infrastructure.
And probably also a few more things i havent thougth about.
Trilarion: I agree that EU shouldn't expand further for the next two decades at least but then there also isn't much to expand. Taking in Turkey is a joke. Don't believe it for a second, it won't happen. Maybe some balcan states at some point but they aren't very big anyway.

Building up infrastructure or providing education costs money, so aid in form of money to do this would be indeed the obvious answer to fix the issues. Corruption is the biggest problem there.

Creating jobs and sending investments to the underdeveloped places is usual done kind of automatically in a single market area, after all cheap labour is an advantage when searching for investment opportunities.

If this is not enough I recommend temporary, regional stimulations for example by reducing taxes or paying aids for investments. This costs money again but is directed at the issues. Corruption (for example in souther Italy or Greece) is again the biggest problem.

But even if smart financial transfers are the solution, you can never make everything totally equal. Even within countries not every place is exactly equally prosperous. You will probably have to live with some range of inequality. The good thing: people can move, so if the money doesn't come to you you can try going towards it.
I meant aid in the traditional sense.
Like how the the western world keep sending aid in form of money but does not help building those contrys up.
If you just send the money its obvious alot of it is gonna end up gone in corruption.

Some African contrys are a perfect example of this.
Some contrys there have recived aid 30 years but things still havent improved alot.
Theres also the chance a contry can just become too reliant of money aid and as a result it wont grow.
Post edited June 28, 2016 by Lodium
Starmaker: "That’s where I am these days, kicking around, holding the hands of the people stuck with you after your shining balloon fills with lead. I’m all crazy hat and loud voice, and when you most want to mourn your dream and turn to lighter lands, I’m there to drag you down where the bodies are buried."

[The Internet Archive preserves the Vote Leave website, because of course they do.]
You are in favor of EU i assume?

If so , there are rumors the EU will be turned into a superstate :D, means even more power to Brussels, and less to no power to the people (the ones who vote for the countries politicians, and then the politcians will be bowing for the selfelected dinosaurs(means they cant be removed) that control Europe under the name of EU)
Once this has started democracy will be a demockracy, written with a k in it, then in the end it will be more like Dick Tator's ship, which we used to disapprove off in the past.

If not , then the possible changes wont be that good.
Dalthnock: ... Even if you don't believe me, please keep your eyes open, at the very least.
Sure I will. EU is in turmoil too (even if they try not to look like it) and it could well be that they try to do some stupid actions now. The best would be to democratize EU leadership, to tackle the obvious problems instead of creating even more.


Some other things about the Brexit campaign I do not really understand.

1. The thing about the fishermen opposing EU fish quote. This quote are also there for the fish. Will there be suddenly more fish in the UK water if the UK leaves? Aren't there international treaties that rule that anyway? Also it seems fishing is really a very minor part of the whole economy but apparently it played a big role. How did this happen?

2. The big role that the 350 million pounds (which aren't 350 but much less) per week played that are being paid to EU and end up in other European countries. After all the whole government spending is 772 billion pounds ( for 2016 which is about 14,800 million a week. Much of this goes to things that maybe, just maybe could be spent better somewhere else, for example defense is 900 million a week. Why did people not discuss this much larger part of the budget (14,800 million is about 70 times more than the ~200 million per week that Britain is net paying towards the EU). If not now at least for the next election this should be the much more important topic. And the costs of the EU membership seems rather cheap in this regard. It could be quite likely the case that the benefits by far outweighed the costs, couldn't it?

I don't know what I find actually worse: Voters actually falling for some really bad and wrong arguments or voters knowing that it will impact them negatively and still voting for it. But anyway I hate the media that just mindlessly repeats what populists tell them. Some mandatory common sense (let's check the facts) commentary to each statement of a politician would be cool.
Post edited June 28, 2016 by Trilarion
Trilarion: Sure I will. EU is in turmoil too (even if they try not to look like it) and it could well be that they try to do some stupid actions now. The best would be to democratize EU leadership, to tackle the obvious problems instead of creating even more.
Well, more rumours of the super-state are popping up. How does that strike you for a stupid action? If that happens, democratisation of the EU leadership will be next to impossible.

I'm a bit tempted to create a humorous thread about the topic, called "Dear Germany, please stop trying to take over Europe, it's not funny anymore", but I don't think people would get the joke.

Trilarion: I don't know what I find actually worse: Voters actually falling for some really bad and wrong arguments or voters knowing that it will impact them negatively and still voting for it. But anyway I hate the media that just mindlessly repeats what populists tell them. Some mandatory common sense (let's check the facts) commentary to each statement of a politician would be cool.
As far as I know, there was blatant propaganda on both sides. Some neutral Brits would probably do a better job of explaining how, and I think the £350 million thing has been addressed in some places already.

While I obviously cannot speak for the intricacies of the British economy, I can tell you that the economy of my country is hostage of the European Union. Obviously, the stupidity of our own politicians contributed a whole lot to this, but we've been stagnant for 15 years or so & we'll continue to do so because there is no room for growth. And we cannot leave, we will be economically crushed if we do.

We're suffocated, and I believe this is the fate awaiting every single European Union state sooner or later. The entire EU is working for Germany & France, who are in turn working for an unelected elite.
Dalthnock: I'm a bit tempted to create a humorous thread about the topic, called "Dear Germany, please stop trying to take over Europe, it's not funny anymore", but I don't think people would get the joke.

As far as I know, there was blatant propaganda on both sides. Some neutral Brits would probably do a better job of explaining how, and I think the £350 million thing has been addressed in some places already. ...
Germany is hated anyway in the EU, even though they pay the most and have less seats or comissioners than we should have given the population. So your thread would just be one in a see of thousand similar ones, I can assure you.

Whether Germany and France is taking over? I don't know but I doubt it.

I'm sure there was blatant propaganda on both sides although it's always bad to reject all expert knowledge and the "project fear" currently looks somewhat realistic. What I mean is that it might be that the blatant propaganda was much more concentrated on one side. If this is the case it should be a hot topic I think. I just comment on all the blatant lies I can find.
Trilarion: Spain and especially Italy are kind of average in the wealthiness ranking I think. While poor countries like Poland and Hungary still have their own curency and could devalue.
Regardless of overall wealth, unemployment in Spain, especially youth unemployment, is through the roof. This is because they cannot make their exports competitive, which is because...

Trilarion: There are economic theories of optimal single currency areas. They have advantages (bigger market, less risks of variable exchange rates, easier travelling and paying cross border) and disadvantages like no devaluation. Especially problematic is a missing fiscal union but that is not what many people want anyway. Having the single currency probably doesn't make much sense if not at least there is some sort of fiscal union (which means something like I have a say in how much you can spent as long as you have financial problems). It's a really long way to go there.
Exactly right. The problem is that with or without fiscal union, the entirety of the Eurozone is most definitely not an optimal currency area. One of the main criticisms of the Euro (from nearly every economist back then, now more so) when it was conceived was exactly this, and since then the Eurozone has expanded. How could you possible put Germany and Greece into the same pot and believe that a single currency can apply to both?

Trilarion: But I don't want to blame the single currency only. Look for example at the public debt to GDP ratio. Even for the UK with its own currency the debt has gone up a lot. The exact responsibility for this 40% increase of debt to GDP ratio within 8 years (you better not try to convert this to billion pounds or you might get really angry at someone) is still a bit unknown or not really followed (hint: It probably wasn't Brussels this time.)
Indeed, having your own currency doesn't prevent debt going up.

Trilarion: <The rest, which I mostly agree with>
Trilarion: Voters actually falling for some really bad and wrong arguments or voters knowing that it will impact them negatively and still voting for it.
I've been hearing all sort of crazy stuff on the news too. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them voted "leave" just because they liked the Sex Pistols in the 70s.

There's nothing wrong with voting to support your opinions, whatever they are, but people who can't make an informed judgment, or gather up sensible justified reasons for voting one way or the other, shouldn't really vote at all imho.
Post edited June 28, 2016 by WinterSnowfall
Seeing that the "Leave" campaign was rooted by UKIP, the UK may be ruled by the xenophobic nationalists after the next major elections, if the majority votes in their favour again. Yeah, that's the gist of it.

Well done Britain, well done.

... not being fully serious here, of course
Post edited June 28, 2016 by Unkalibriert
greater in stupidity than the possibility of people voting without knowing what they were doing is the stupidity of leaders calling a vote for something that it seems none of them ever really wanted to happen.
Osborne saying that he will raise taxes, whilst cutting public spending.
Dalthnock: Well, more rumours of the super-state are popping up. How does that strike you for a stupid action? If that happens, democratisation of the EU leadership will be next to impossible.
you got any more hilarious links like that Daily Express article you posted earlier? I hadn't had any good entertainment this evening :p

more seriously,
as far as I understand all that "super-state rumoring" is based upon a joint statement from the German & French foreign minister. And that it not a rumor but an official press release, which you can find here:
A strong Europe in a world of uncertainties

I admit I haven't spend the time to read it all, but from what I read i dare say it deserves some more detailed analysis than just scaremongering about the upcoming German dictatorship :p

(and furthermore it is just vague proposal at the moment. Politicians produce a lot of those)
immi101: you got any more hilarious links like that Daily Express article you posted earlier? I hadn't had any good entertainment this evening :p

more seriously,
as far as I understand all that "super-state rumoring" is based upon a joint statement from the German & French foreign minister. And that it not a rumor but an official press release, which you can find here:
A strong Europe in a world of uncertainties

I admit I haven't spend the time to read it all, but from what I read i dare say it deserves some more detailed analysis than just scaremongering about the upcoming German dictatorship :p

(and furthermore it is just vague proposal at the moment. Politicians produce a lot of those)
Sorry for interfering and replying to you, in the stead of the person whom you quoted. But a little piece of info is already articled in european press... French and Germans are going to pressure soon, for the matter of creating a united, joint ARMY from all the remaining countries inside the union. Euro-army formation incoming, in plain words. That super state thing is no rumoring, if the article for euro-army isn't, either. The times are turbulent, there is a storm brewing. The worst is yet to come...