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low rated
hera35: And what does that have to do with me? Or GOG's stance on this issue? GOG didn't remove the game out of solidarity for the poor publishers who previously got fucked over by China, they're doing the exact opposite in fact: taking CCP's side in this issue by punishing the developers again for ever daring to insult the great leader.
The publisher got "fucked over" by Red Candle, who hid the Winnie joke in the game and should have known this won't end well, especially coming from Taiwan.

And GOG doesn't "side with the CCP", they're "siding" with the shareholder of of CD Projekt SA, and simply because they must.

Get real.
high rated
hera35: And what does that have to do with me? Or GOG's stance on this issue? GOG didn't remove the game out of solidarity for the poor publishers who previously got fucked over by China, they're doing the exact opposite in fact: taking CCP's side in this issue by punishing the developers again for ever daring to insult the great leader.
toxicTom: The publisher got "fucked over" by Red Candle, who hid the Winnie joke in the game and should have known this won't end well, especially coming from Taiwan.

And GOG doesn't "side with the CCP", they're "siding" with the shareholder of of CD Projekt SA, and simply because they must.

Get real.
There is no denying the fact that they are effectively helping an authoritarian censor people even outside his nation by denying us to see whatever he doesn't wants us to see.

Also the developers should be free to do whatever joke they like. They shouldn't have their game pulled out of non Chinese entities because the little Chinese dictator is scared of a meme.
low rated
SumofOne: Also the developers should be free to do whatever joke they like. They shouldn't have their game pulled out of non Chinese entities because the little Chinese dictator is scared of a meme.
The things are often not how they should be is something one usually learns in their childhood. And later one learn to pick the battles where they actually have a chance to win.

Some people just seem to have got stuck somewhere on that way.
It is not a matter of boycotting them, it's just so sad it really diminishes my will to buy games I won't play right now just because they are on sale - and if things do not change, my "loyal stance" regarding GOG and CD Project is just gone. Just gone.

I'll be no longer waiting years to buy a game because it hasn't been released on GOG.
RafaelRamus: It is not a matter of boycotting them, it's just so sad it really diminishes my will to buy games I won't play right now just because they are on sale - and if things do not change, my "loyal stance" regarding GOG and CD Project is just gone. Just gone.

I'll be no longer waiting years to buy a game because it hasn't been released on GOG.
So will you be quitting games altogether or buying them from other places that are just as bad?
toxicTom: And GOG doesn't "side with the CCP", they're "siding" with the shareholder of of CD Projekt SA, and simply because they must.

Get real.
So you're admitting you condone Chinese censorship both in China and outside it whenever it happens to suit the company you're bootlicking? Loud and clear.

Of course, CD Projekt is well within their legal rights to remove a game for whatever reason they please, they can help government mandated censorship outside said country because it's more profitable, they can also lie to their international customers, they can manipulate a game’s review process with pre-release footage NDA and do all sorts of anti-consumer and anti-developer practices, and they can slowly renege on every single one of their founding values that made them popular in the first place, whenever it happens to best serve their bottom line.

I'm not denying whether they could do any of that, but likewise customers are well within their rights to not keel over because of said decisions and accept eating shit. Don't expect everyone likes being treated as second-class customers that try to deflect blame from a multi-million dollar company by making this some sort of humans rights issue regarding the developer endangering their partners, rather than CD Projekt’s own conduct. This is a debacle CD Projekt chose.

§pectre: So will you be quitting games altogether or buying them from other places that are just as bad?
Why buy them? Plenty of ways to get GOG games without dealing with their store. They clearly don't mind losing dirty foreigner euros.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by hera35
This is surprising. Drama on gog forums.
low rated
toxicTom: Tell that to the original publisher, they'll be glad to hear it...
hera35: And what does that have to do with me? Or GOG's stance on this issue? GOG didn't remove the game out of solidarity for the poor publishers who previously got fucked over by China, they're doing the exact opposite in fact: taking CCP's side in this issue by punishing the developers again for ever daring to insult the great leader.
Gog already did this to their own customers already.

§pectre: So will you be quitting games altogether or buying them from other places that are just as bad?
hera35: Why buy them? Plenty of ways to get GOG games without dealing with their store. They clearly don't mind losing dirty foreigner euros.
Plenty of people complaining about this don't mind other aspects of censorship etc. Why are they annoyed now that some chinese people complained about a game. Why start with gog when there are other tech companies doing far worse.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by §pectre
high rated
§pectre: Plenty of people complaining about this don't mind other aspects of censorship etc. Why are they annoyed now that some chinese people complained about a game. Why start with gog when there are other tech companies doing far worse.
Setting aside the obvious whataboutism, what makes you think people complaining about GOG censorship are somehow okay with other tech companies doing similar things, and that they already haven't complained? Earlier in this thread I wrote a list of different customer boycotts that actually managed to change something.

And besides, "because everyone is doing it, that makes it okay for GOG to do it too" is a really weak fucking argument in favor of GOG. Bravo.
RafaelRamus: It is not a matter of boycotting them, it's just so sad it really diminishes my will to buy games I won't play right now just because they are on sale - and if things do not change, my "loyal stance" regarding GOG and CD Project is just gone. Just gone.

I'll be no longer waiting years to buy a game because it hasn't been released on GOG.
§pectre: So will you be quitting games altogether or buying them from other places that are just as bad?
First of all, I have +600 games on this store alone, plus console games and emulation. So there is no quitting games.

But if the other places are JUST AS BAD (as in, GOG is not better than those), as you mentioned, why would I buy games preferably at GOG?

I have 45 items between games and DLCs on my cart since the beginning of the Winter Sale (waiting for a proper response from the staff). Do I need all of them? Of course not. Buying them here was also a way of showing support to both devs and the site. I am one of those people that would "buy it again to show support because they released the game here". But after all this? No longer.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by RafaelRamus
blueGretsch: No, it's not, because then I would have to boycott every Western producer or seller that sells products manufactured in China, wholly or partially, which requires more effort than the amount I care about this drama. The developers made a [unnecessary] choice to be controversial [this poster adds nothing of value to the game], whilst knowing fully that a ban could be one of the consequences. Also, this is a Taiwanese developer, so there are obvious background connections to be made, why PRC reacted so strongly. Poland (CDPR/GOG) and the EU don''t even recognize the independence of ROC, to my knowledge. Lastly, why are only Americans allowed to be nationalistic, proud of their political leaders ? When it's other countries the people there must be brainwashed. Contrary to US right-wing dogma, there are plenty of Chinese who are proud of their country and it's leaders, what they have achieved. The only thing we hear about are those who oppose it.
Holy god man. you are poisoned by liberalism.
§pectre: Plenty of people complaining about this don't mind other aspects of censorship etc. Why are they annoyed now that some chinese people complained about a game. Why start with gog when there are other tech companies doing far worse.
hera35: Setting aside the obvious whataboutism, what makes you think people complaining about GOG censorship are somehow okay with other tech companies doing similar things, and that they already haven't complained? Earlier in this thread I wrote a list of different customer boycotts that actually managed to change something.

And besides, "because everyone is doing it, that makes it okay for GOG to do it too" is a really weak fucking argument in favor of GOG. Bravo.
Proud of you for standing up to these communist wannabes. Keep up the good fight.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by zgrillo2004
§pectre: Plenty of people complaining about this don't mind other aspects of censorship etc. Why are they annoyed now that some chinese people complained about a game. Why start with gog when there are other tech companies doing far worse.
We mind all kinds of censorships. I, for example, switched from other places to GOG specifically because I considered GOG a company with a consciousness and wanted to support them and not support other companies. I don't anymore. I don't want to support any of those. There is no need to buy games from GOG or any other company in order to play it, as long as your consciousness is okay with it. It doesn't bother mine anymore.
zgrillo2004: Holy god man. you are poisoned by liberalism.
Proud of you for standing up to these communist wannabes. Keep up the good fight.
Could you please shut up? It would greatly help our pushback to Chinese censorship if you would just shut the hell up. Please do your duty. Thank you.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by Grahor
serpantino: Anyone with a large game collection stands to lose out if GOG goes under. There's talk of backing up all games offline but realistically, not everyone has a strong enough Internet connection and if the masses of users start doing that then the servers are going to crawl.
Timboli: I must admit I am one of those who just don't understand why when it comes to wanting DRM-Free, that you don't download each game you buy as soon as possible.

If you buy a game with intent to play at some point, you are going to have to download it.

One of the major benefits of DRM-Free is to be independent. You are not independent if you haven't downloaded your games. So letting them build up is silly and only making it a more onerous task in the end, and a huge risk.

Stores close all the time, and a unique store like GOG is always under threat because many in the industry do not like or support it. I consider it a remarkable feat that they have lasted 12 years, honestly.

It takes a good while to fill a reasonable drive, which should be plenty of time to save up for the next one. If you have filled a drive, then you must have spent a bit of money, so must be able to afford a new drive, else you have your priorities screwed.

In reality, you should have at least two copies of every game, on separate drives, as a drive can die any time, and it takes such a damn long time to copy files. You have to stay ahead of the curve or you are doomed to fail ... potentially all that money down the drain.
You have a point even if it comes across as rude and condescending.

I don't get your 'if you filled a drive then you must have spent a bit of money' comment though; I shoot 4k drone footage, 5k vr footage & shoot 24mp raw... hard drive space really doesn't last that long with those kinds of files, especially not if you want to keep everything in it's highest quality but it hasn't cost me as I have the equipment already.
My internal drives are all SSD/M.2 aside from 1 and space doesn't last long when files like that are sitting on it for editing either. They're good for editing etc but space is a real premium with them.
I generally have 1 hotswap mechanical in the bay for transferring but it's not got space for my entire collection; all I have is an old 2011 drive that was a clone which i've appropriated for it but it's only 2tb so I will prioritise for now.

Also covid is a big issue here, work has dried up because of it so finances have nose dived. We had to move house in the midst of it all as well and recently had a new baby. It all adds up and I lack the time to really go through everything and optimise space at the moment or download it all.

Regardless of personal loss I think losing gog would be a terrible thing if only for it's original inception when it was devoted purely to old games.
low rated
hera35: So you're admitting you condone Chinese censorship both in China and outside it whenever it happens to suit the company you're bootlicking? Loud and clear.
Turning the words around in my mouth is an obnoxious way of discussion.

The world simply doesn't work like you want it to. Deal with it. Because if you don't even make an effort of understanding how things work, you'll never have a chance to change anything. Like child stomping their feet "I want a cow, NOW!"

Accusing someone trying to explain what bad things happens, and why, of "condoning them" is stupid zealotry, simply put. If I explain to you, why genocides happen, do I "condone" genocides?

Maybe I do "condone" GOG not bringing the game (which I probably would have bought), because I can see them not having much choice in the matter.

Aand... getting downvoted for telling the truth of what Red Candle did to their original publisher.

By all those with "freedom of speech" in their every second sentence. You're all such heroes xD
Post edited December 20, 2020 by toxicTom
zgrillo2004: Holy god man. you are poisoned by liberalism.
You have to speak louder, we can't hear you over the sound of you sucking your great leaders cock.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by Strijkbout