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Not in, but Happy Birthday! :D
Happy Birthday XYCat! I hope you have a great year! :)

Not In, but thank you for the generous celebration GA and for drawing attention to an interesting looking game I'll have to check into.
aRealCyborg: I am in
this is one of my screenshots form sub a glitch that was there back in the day
Hey :D
Valid entry, but I'm getting a 404 on that link though.
aRealCyborg: I am in
this is one of my screenshots form sub a glitch that was there back in the day
XYCat: Hey :D
Valid entry, but I'm getting a 404 on that link though.
does this one work?
yeah I can see some robot there :D
It is a bug in subnautica (a great space game tbh)
where if you are just out of range for a storage thing it will do that instead of open it
Happy Birthday! Also, you can count me in, the game looks interesting.

As for screenshot, it's my old one, but gotta love Civ 5 AI. :)
Post edited April 30, 2019 by Trid
Belated birthday to you! Glad I stumbled here. Never heard of The Solus Project before, Added it to my wishlist anyways... in case I don't get picked. Looks like my type of game!

So, I'm in! Thx for the generous gesture.

Old screenshot here. One of me justing hanging around with my npcs. ;)
XYCat: So to enter the giveaway, state that you're in and post an interesting screenshot of something interesting or funny you found in your videogames :D
AB2012: +1 and Happy Birthday! I'm in. I thought it was a bug at first but System Shock 2 has a funny dancing robot Easter Egg. Basically, at the start of the game you have to go through three "training years" and select skills. Immediately after starting the third year, look left, wait a few seconds and watch the robot go through his moves through the glass (see attached pic1). :-)

Edit: The same Looking Glass Studios devs must have had a thing for dancing as Thief 2 has a dancing zombie Easter Egg. Toss a scouting orb over the left wall to the start of Mission 3 "Framed" and you'll see pic2:-
I knew about the SS2 E.Egg but the Thief one is new to me. Looks silly/cute.

To op: Not in for the contest, btw, but +1. :)
Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a good time~
Not in this time, but good luck to those entering
Happy Birthday! :D

Not in.
Happy birthday,

not in this time, but thanks to this post I'm adding this game to my wishlist
Happy Birthday and all best wishes:)

Not in +1
And random picker picked Trid for The Solus Project :D yay

thank you everyone for participating and for birthday wishes :D

Trid: Happy Birthday! Also, you can count me in, the game looks interesting.

As for screenshot, it's my old one, but gotta love Civ 5 AI. :)
I will send you a message in gog chat with the key :D
Congrats to the winner and thanks again for the giveaway. :)