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Looking back at the original Everquest and Dark Age of Camalot now, could've been the best time in MMORPG's, seems like a different time then with players cooperating, building communities and making their own worlds, instead of now games seem setup around griefing, grinding, power leveling, gold farmers, nerfing, hacking and trying to get people to play longer.

I just have to look at one sceenshot of Final Fantasy 11 and it all starts creeping back, like omg the obsession is taking over again.
Post edited March 04, 2018 by bad_fur_day1
Breja: Right now I'm playing Heroes of Might & Magic 2 again
There are some really good maps out there, if you look.

I don't understand the appeal of MMOs at all. They seem like a collection of everything I hate in games and gamers, in one malodorous bog.
I wanted to play Final Fantasy 14 and WoW for a time, but from my experiences with SWTOR and Star Trek Online the MMO genre really appears to be dying out in favor of MOBAs and battle royale type games. MMOs have too much of a time commitment nowadays for people, not to mention the increased demands of "money money give us all your money to avoid this grind!".

I really miss the social aspects of playing a MMO, but Discord and things like that have killed socializing. Most of the time I log into Star Trek I am playing solo. I am down to one day a week if that. I really miss chatting with others. I don't use Steam anymore because of their policies and my experiences with being harassed there.
Breja: not interesting enough to overcome my inherent dislike for online games and multiplayer

guess what I really want is someone to take those games and make single player versions of them I could actually enjoy :P
I would like to recomend you to play Secret World Legends - it's an MMO, but it's as close to singleplayer as it could possibly get. It has deep and captivating story, colorful characters and interesting world based on urban legends (and a bit on Lovecraft works).

And it's also free.
timppu: Online multiplayer (at least the kind of games I play, FPS):
- Competitive in nature, to me it is like going to play football with friends, all I want is to beat the other team.
Good comparison! I don't play football with friends... nor am I interested in anything with a competitive nature.

MMOs... I'll start playing them when I've finished my backlog (=never). And I hate Blizzard for continuing the Warcraft games as an MMO. Where's Knights of the Old Republic 3? Right....
teceem: Where's Knights of the Old Republic 3? Right....
Rumor is the story is what became one of the Jedi tracks in swtor. No way of really telling though.
teceem: Where's Knights of the Old Republic 3? Right....
drmike: Rumor is the story is what became one of the Jedi tracks in swtor. No way of really telling though.
I was enjoying the story in The Old Republic. Until everything else bored me half to death that is. But it could not have been all that great a story either, since I can't remember anything about it now.
drmike: Rumor is the story is what became one of the Jedi tracks in swtor. No way of really telling though.
Breja: I was enjoying the story in The Old Republic. Until everything else bored me half to death that is. But it could not have been all that great a story either, since I can't remember anything about it now.
I;ve done all 8 stories and could not for the life of me tell you any of them.
Breja: I can't say I didn't enjoy Korgoth, but I don't know if I'd stick around for a whole series. I'd be more interested in Tartakovsky doing a serious Conan animated series.
That would be amazing!

Breja: The classic Conan-esque sword & sorcery sub-genre is a weird thing - it seems dirt simple, and yet it also seems very hard to get right and not too cheesy or a parody. I mean, when Conan the Destroyer narrowly beats out the Deathstalker for a spot on the Top 5 movies list you know the genre is trouble.

Anyway, I agree, Conan's world is defiantely another one I'd love to explore in a video game. But Age of Conan if a dead or dying MMO, and Exiles seems to focused on survival for my liking (I really hate survival games).
It's a bit of an anomaly yes. Perhaps it's because it's so simple. Most other fantasy settings I think almost automatically gravitate towards high-fantasy with pixes and elves around each corner. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Properly pulled off its amazing, eg. LotR. But perhaps Conan's world works in that sense because it comes across as more familiar or something.

And thank you, somehow I didn't know of, or more likely completely forgot about Deathstalker. It looks cheesy as hell, but impossible enticing at the same time :)

(Oh btw come to think of it, I always thought the first Golden Axe had a pretty strong sword and sorcery vibe.)
I couldn't really get into any MMO after UO.
Matewis: And thank you, somehow I didn't know of, or more likely completely forgot about Deathstalker. It looks cheesy as hell, but impossible enticing at the same time :)
The series is amazing. It starts of as a Conan rip-off, but then goes straight into Evil Dead 3 comedy fantasy territory in the second movie. And then the third is just this insanely riff-able bad high fantasy type thing and each has the main character portrayed by a totaly different actor playing a completely different type of hero. And then it curves back in on itself, breaks the space-awesome continuum and becomes the first movie again in the fourth film, with the actor (and stock-footage I think) from the original.

It has to be seen to be believed.
Only MMOs I have bought were Star Trek and Elder Scrolls, in both cases because I'm a massive fan of the franchise. In both cases I was so annoyed by the gameplay I quit after like 10 hours or whatever and felt like an idiot for trying. I don't even like co-op in shooters, I'm a singleplayer kind of guy I guess.
I skip most online games. Not counting LAN or direct player to player games, the only ones I spent any real time with were Trade Wars 2002, Barren Realms Elite, Subspace, Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Battlezone II, Freelancer, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy and Star Trek Online.

Aside from being impressive tech demos, I never liked any of the Quake games. I also don't like games based on "real life" conflicts, such as Call of Duty or Medal of Honour. I found all of those to be drab and uninteresting.

MMOs never felt satisfying to me. They all seem to be about who grinds the most or who pays the most, not skill or fun. The sole reason I got into STO is because it's Star Trek, but the only real fun I can derive from it is playing space Barbie and chatting with fleetmates.
looking for an absolutely unique, game-changing, MMO game?

Camelot Unchained

I'm not "into" MMOs, I've played a few for some varying periods, but most of them suck or have such major flaws and / or drawbacks that make me not interested, but, this game has me interested (:
Serren: MMOs never felt satisfying to me. They all seem to be about who grinds the most or who pays the most, not skill or fun.
that's most MMOs, too bad you missed the glory days of DAoC, check out CU!
Post edited March 05, 2018 by drealmer7