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The DRM-Free Revolution Continues with Big Pre-Orders and Launch Day Releases!

Good news! is going to bring you more fantastic launch day releases, preorders, and other exciting new content from some of our favorite developers. We've lined up 3 big titles that we will be bringing to in the next couple of months for sale or preorder that we think will be hits with all of our gamers; and we have more equally exciting games coming up soon.

If you've been a member of the site for a long time, you may recall that when we launched sales of The Witcher 2 on, we had to add in regional pricing. The game cost different amounts in in the US, the UK, the European Union, and Australia. We're doing something like that once again in order to bring you new titles from fantastic bigger studios. Since we don't accept currencies other than USD on right now, we'll be charging the equivalent of the local price in USD for these titles. We wish that we could offer these games at flat prices everywhere in the world, but the decision on pricing is always in our partners' hands, and regional pricing is becoming the standard around the globe. We're doing this because we believe that there's no better way to accomplish our overall goals for DRM-Free gaming and We need more games, devs, and publishers on board to make DRM-Free gaming something that's standard for all of the gaming world!

That brings with it more good news, though! As mentioned, we have three games we're launching soon with regional pricing--two RPGs and a strategy game--and while we can't tell you what they are yet because breaking an NDA has more severe penalties than just getting a noogie, we're confident that you'll be as excited about these games as we are. For a limited time, we will be offering anyone who pre-orders or buys one of them a free game from a selection as a gift from, just like we did for The Witcher 2.

If you have any questions, hit us up in the comments below and we'll be happy to answer (to the best of our ability).

EDIT: Since we've answered a lot of the common questions already here (and lest you think that we've ignored you), it may be handy for you to check out the forum thread about this and search for staff answers by clicking this link here. (hat tip to user Eli who reminded us that the feature even exists. :)
high rated
I don't understand why the "three games" mentioned in the news announcement are highlighted so often here and to find out whether it was worth abandoning the core principles for these.

The core of the announcement is Gog's far-reaching change in strategy and the awareness that their principles are not carved in stone. That is purely bad news for most of us here. Everything around it including the "three games" is marketing speech to distract from and gloss over the sh**.

Far-reaching because now Pandora's box is open. Why should DRM-free not be negotiable in future? When LucasArts or EA approach Gog, offer several titles of their catalogue with a "light" DRM for a start? Surely now Gog can get more big titles than before, but the negotiating power is weakened. Don't expect any big new titles without regional pricing in future. Same might happen for big portions of the catalogue when expiring licenses are re-negotiated.

Calling it "good news" is a slap in your customers' face, like treating us as morons. Setting the video as private (at least temporarily)... I would rather expect such things from bigger companies, but never from you, Gog. You lost a lot of your credibility, at least for me.

But who knows - miracles still happen. Time will tell the consequences of the change in strategy. Maybe Gog is able to keep the pricing rather fair. I just know if we suddenly get a German version of Deponia 3 (just an example) for 19.99 $ --> 24.99 EUR, then I will not be the only one to turn my back on Gog.
TheEnigmaticT: ...because you'll find great games DRM-free on that wouldn't be DRM-free without this.
WhiteElk: 'nuff said

but i'll say more,

TheEnigmaticT: will be giving something for you guys out of our pockets to help make up the difference between regional prices.
WhiteElk: ain't that nice!?!


How is it that people complain? We get DRM free games on GOG that otherwise would not be DRM free. Regional Pricing affects only Some games. Where Regional Pricing is in play, GOG gives us an allowance from their own monies. Is good. Thanks GOG.
They will with these 3 releases and no promises made about future releases. It also neglects the fact that some people might want only that game and whether or not they want the other games, they're still paying more than they would have.

The deal sucks and it's not worth throwing what's left of their reputation in the crapper just to have AAA games from stuck up publishers here.
WhiteElk: How is it that people complain?
Chubz: It wouldn't be the Internet if people didn't incessantly complain about everything.
i complain lots! About my governments policies, about industries, steam, even the weather sometimes. But i don't see the problem here. We get what we otherwise would not - DRM Free versions of games which would otherwise Not be DRM free. Would people rather not have these games in the GOG Catalogue?
Post edited February 23, 2014 by WhiteElk
Denezan: Since it has been ignored, I will add this again for effect. "The point is, games have been cheap as chips on this site for YEARS!!! You have been getting the best deals possible for a long ass time, can you honestly complain when they up the price a bit for new titles?"

See, this regional price thing will only be applied to NEW games, not their existing catalogue. Everything will STILL be DRM free which is the entire basis of this company, but new titles will be regional priced. I will only take issue with this site if they reverse there attitude on DRM free gaming. Until that time, I am happy to pay more should I be interested in any new releases.
How will I even know? They never said existing games will not be region priced, and what about newly release old games? Do I have to check some external site like steamprices to work out how ripped off I am getting every time I want to buy something?
Ichwillnichtmehr: But, I imagine, they would worry about being 20% or 80% more expensive.
adamhm: It's not such a big issue for digital distributors though... if a publisher sets too expensive a price then they'll get fewer sales there but it won't really cost the distributor anything (they'll actually benefit in a way, as they'll get more for their 30% cut for any sales there); it's not like they have to pay the publisher in advance for X copies or anything like that.
Then we, the consumers, just have to get the publishers and distributors to set a fair price worldwide, and supply will follow demand.

(If only it were that easy ;)
Post edited February 23, 2014 by Ichwillnichtmehr
WhiteElk: How is it that people complain?
hedwards: The deal sucks and it's not worth throwing what's left of their reputation in the crapper just to have AAA games from stuck up publishers here.
This i can understand the logic of. Though it's not GOG's Reputation which gets people in a fit here. But for me, GOG is about DRM Free. That is why i am here. The reason i bought games for other people, and games for me i do not play is to support a DRM Free movement. Regional Pricing is another fight. i see the importance of it, but for me DRM Free is of the most import. GOG IS making a difference in the DRM front. This latest move will yet make more of a difference. That is why i support this move. Respect to those who hate Regional Pricing, i hate it as well. But that one is a different fight fought on another field.
Chubz: It wouldn't be the Internet if people didn't incessantly complain about everything.
WhiteElk: i complain lots! About my governments policies, about industries, steam, even the weather sometimes. But i don't see the problem here. We get what we otherwise would not - DRM Free versions of games which would otherwise Not be DRM free. Would people rather not have these games in the GOG Catalogue?
Actually for some people, yes ... they would rather have GOG not abandon a core policy to sell more games - a core policy GOG swore up and down they would never abandon, the alternative of which GOG mocked its competitors for implementing as inherently unfair to its consumers.

Now the 1-flat price had its problems (you can see my other posts on that), but it did help people from southern and Eastern EU and AU/NZ get more fair prices than regional prices. It is also sad that GOG had to abandon a principle that they touted as being consumer friendly.

But since I (and you) are not directly affected it is easy to be less emotional. I am willing to wait and see what happens, but I also understand why those who are most affected by this are so angry with GOG.
hedwards: The deal sucks and it's not worth throwing what's left of their reputation in the crapper just to have AAA games from stuck up publishers here.
WhiteElk: This i can understand the logic of. Though it's not GOG's Reputation which gets people in a fit here. But for me, GOG is about DRM Free. That is why i am here. The reason i bought games for other people, and games for me i do not play is to support a DRM Free movement. Regional Pricing is another fight. i see the importance of it, but for me DRM Free is of the most import. GOG IS making a difference in the DRM front. This latest move will yet make more of a difference. That is why i support this move. Respect to those who hate Regional Pricing, i hate it as well. But that one is a different fight fought on another field.
Their reputation and region free pricing used to be the main difference between GOG and the few other DRM-free stores out there. Which is a large part of why I think this is so stupid.
hedwards: The deal sucks and it's not worth throwing what's left of their reputation in the crapper just to have AAA games from stuck up publishers here.
WhiteElk: This i can understand the logic of. Though it's not GOG's Reputation which gets people in a fit here. But for me, GOG is about DRM Free. That is why i am here. The reason i bought games for other people, and games for me i do not play is to support a DRM Free movement. Regional Pricing is another fight. i see the importance of it, but for me DRM Free is of the most import. GOG IS making a difference in the DRM front. This latest move will yet make more of a difference. That is why i support this move. Respect to those who hate Regional Pricing, i hate it as well. But that one is a different fight fought on another field.
But for some people regional pricing makes a huge difference in a very negative way. It is easy to say one is not as important as the other when it doesn't affect you ;)
HypersomniacLive: If that's the case, why is retail this expensive again?

And one more question, when talking about retail distributors, are we actually talking about stores that sell exclusively retail editions of games and games only?
crazy_dave: A variety of reasons: physical cost of production + distribution, perceived value of physical goods, and finally the resale value are amongst them
The only argument ive seen for higher prices (and its been done to death) has been transport delivery costs - its the only difference between retail product sold here or in US etc. And even then distributors do it in bulk (i assume) - at least the transport cost is one component of the argument for the much higher price. I also think i read somewhere its the stupid publishers which pocket the huge difference. Retail usually has a 20-25% markup over cost? (profit after costs of store maintenance, wages etc)
WhiteElk: This i can understand the logic of. Though it's not GOG's Reputation which gets people in a fit here. But for me, GOG is about DRM Free. That is why i am here. The reason i bought games for other people, and games for me i do not play is to support a DRM Free movement. Regional Pricing is another fight. i see the importance of it, but for me DRM Free is of the most import. GOG IS making a difference in the DRM front. This latest move will yet make more of a difference. That is why i support this move. Respect to those who hate Regional Pricing, i hate it as well. But that one is a different fight fought on another field.
I don't quite understand your position, particularly "But that one is a different fight fought on another field". To enforce regional pricing requires DRM type measures. Perhaps it is at the point of sale rather than in the game, but is that really so different? Why is one acceptable and one not? What if the game only ran if you had a US IP address? GOG already have CD Keys for games so it isn't a stretch to give you one that matches the region you purchased it in.

Personally I consider CD Keys themselves to already have broken the DRM stance, so there is is no black and white answers here.
JediEagle: You know what the worst thing is? If these games actually fail on GOG, piracy and DRM-Free will be to blame, instead of regional pricing :/
I asked TET a question about this on the day this announcement was made, still waiting to see what his respond will be, if I get one with these many posts and quotes he got.
Niggles: And the odd thing is?. Im willing to be most of retail store outlets

a) hardly have any PC games on display (usually in a tiny corner) - if they do 80% of them are either old games or shitty casual titles
b) probably make most of their money from console/portables software sales + console hardware - i doubt EB or JB Hifi (they sell all other electronic crap like computers, tvs, etc) are financially hurting
Gandos: It depends on the country. Here, PC games are dedicated the most shelf space.
Im surprised. Most EB Game stores here have a 1.5m x 2-2.5 m high part of the wall for PC. Rest of the shop space is covered by console and portable crap. 80% of PC games on sale are budget/casual titles...
JediEagle: You know what the worst thing is? If these games actually fail on GOG, piracy and DRM-Free will be to blame, instead of regional pricing :/
HypersomniacLive: I asked TET a question about this on the day this announcement was made, still waiting to see what his respond will be, if I get one with these many posts and quotes he got.
Hope he had a nice weekend :D
Post edited February 23, 2014 by Niggles
avatar ...regional pricing is becoming the standard around the globe.
Same can be said about DRM.

Prices in Canada tend to be higher on average compared to the us though they tend to be reasonable. Please try to make prices standardized for everyone in the future.
i'd reply to all and dive deeper into this, but listening to Wendell Berry lecture is of more constructive purpose atm. i'll say in closing that i do understand peoples feelings towards regional pricing. Though i am in the US, we face it here as well, just not with games - in a relevant if not exact way. When i wonder how best to defeat DRM, i think of a shoplike GOG selling mainstream DRM Free titles. i was excited when GOG announced they'd be selling new games last year. Now i am interested to see how the inclusion of lawyer-bound regional priced games will affect the fight.

GOG promised to make allowance for games already under contract, but has not made promise on games not yet contracted; this is true - and right.

i may be biased by not being affected by regional pricing, yet i do feel strongly for others, so it figures squarely in my thinking. But DRM i do Hate with passion. For me, GOG Is about DRM Free and not much else. So i am happy to see another weapon in the arsenal. i think this decision will assist in the fight. /