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Upvoted your post OP. Thank you for your generosity.

As for me, I'd like to be in for Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate 2.

Much obliged and good luck everyone!
Too tempting not too jump in :p

I'm in for BG1 and BG2
Always want to play baldur's gate series. The only DnD games I've played are neverwinter night and kotor 1 & 2 and I always hear baldur's gate is better than both
drealmer7: What does that even mean? Wait...why am I even engaging you?...
Tauto: What do you think?
that you're not worth engaging

for the record, in case it wasn't clear, I'm NOT IN. I already own all of these games, I even bought them myself! Amazing, I know!
Post edited May 10, 2016 by drealmer7
Well, I won't be in given that Icewind Dale is my favorite RPG ever and have already finished it multiple times... If it were the enhanced edition I'll jump in to see the differences and such, but the original is already in my hands. Still +1 =)
Tauto: What do you think?
drealmer7: that you're stupid
At least I don't suck up for free games like you.
Don't feed the trolls, don't spoil a nice gesture here with more of this mess. Please.
Not in; but, thank you for the giveaway offer. +1!
Cavalary: Don't feed the trolls, don't spoil a nice gesture here with more of this mess. Please.
congratz to your diabolical rep :)
666.jpg (8 Kb)
Post edited May 10, 2016 by apehater
very tempting indeed.
I know it's a shame but I didn't play neither of them.. Back in time I was quite busy with some other foreplays ; )
Since games were on my wishlist, put me in please. At the end of the list though.
Thank you very much for the giveaway! ++
I am in for BG1 and IWD. Thank you for the giveaway
I'm in, please. I have never played those games and I'll love to.

Thank you so much for the giveaway and +1 :)
I'm in! Thanks for your generosity Ophelium. +1.

I played BGEE and BGIIEE last year and I really enjoyed the experience, so I'd like to try luck with Icewind Dale since I like snowy landscapes (who does not) and dragons... oh yes, dragons.

A lot of thanks for the chance!
After sitting here and mulling it over... All right, I'm in for Baldur's Gate 1 ONLY.
Just got myself a physical copy of BG 1&2, but I'd love a gog copy of IWD, so I'm in for that, please.

Hopefully later I can buy IWD 2 on sale before it's bundled or something.

Thanks for the chance :)
Please count me in for Icewind Dale. Thank you. +1