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Put them in here instead of other threads.
You mean surgical thead? There are two kinds that I know of: The self-dissolving one and the one you need to remove.
I suffer from chronic Fullashitness.
I suffer from Strange maladies and doctors think there is nothing wrong with me until I start Nevermind!
Bishops Finger, Hobgoblin, Bombardier... oh... AILMENTS
Post edited May 17, 2019 by Sachys
Sachys: Bishops Finger, Hobgoblin, Bombardier... oh... AILMENTS
Oh yeah, I forgot "EA Thumb".

It's searing pain and callousing on the left hand thumb caused by hours upon hours of nonstop 'NHL 94' on the Sega Genesis.

I had it all throughout high school
Sachys: Bishops Finger, Hobgoblin, Bombardier... oh... AILMENTS
tinyE: Oh yeah, I forgot "EA Thumb".

It's searing pain and callousing on the left hand thumb caused by hours upon hours of nonstop 'NHL 94' on the Sega Genesis.

I had it all throughout high school
I had Snes finger from holding the controller the wrong way thanks to Mario's bullshit sluggish as F*ck jumping mechanics.
That's life (that's life), that's what all the people say
You're ridin' high in April, shot down in May
But I know I'm gonna change that tune
When I'm back on top, back on top in June
The doctors are not sure what I am :(
Oddeus: The doctors are not sure what I am :(
A green eyed pussy, all normal so find another doctor that ain't a quack.
Ran into a mailbox when I was a kid... with chopsticks in my mouth. You can probably guess how well that went. Ran home with blood pouring from my mouth and two wooded sticks jutting out from my gaping maw. Still have a small scar in the roof of my mouth from that one.

Encephalitis when I was 13. Barely survived. Spent 4 days in the hospital. That was garbage hell. Wished I'd gone off to Hades more than once. I don't recommend it.

Bicycle accident later that year. Ripped open my right arm at the elbow. Could see down to the bone. Took about 8 stitches. Banged up my knee too. The elbow healed much better (left a really nice scar that I get to brag about), but the knee still gives me problems.

A year after the bicycle accident I popped out that same knee while skateboarding and going over a parking curb doing a rail grind. The knee was so dislocated that I literally couldn't walk on it for about 3 days.

Got a really bad sinus infection about two years ago that convinced me to finally give up cigarettes, for better or worse. Allergy season gives me sinus headaches constantly from about April all the way through September. I should probably move to the North pole... or at least somewhere where there's no trees.

That's about it. All in all more accidents and injuries than anything else. I prefer them any day over illness. Being sick sucks. Recouping from accidents, those are just fun stories.
Oddeus: The doctors are not sure what I am :(
Tauto: A green eyed pussy, all normal so find another doctor that ain't a quack.
LOL, I really have green eyes.
Tauto: Put them in here instead of other threads.
I have several issues that are plaguing me/have plagued me in the past, including:

Mental Issues

Mild-Moderate Anxiety issues/panic attacks/etc(linked to phobias/near death events in my past), OCD(Mostly related to cleanliness).

Physical issues

A semi-permanent hernia(which sometimes causes pain that makes me have panic attacks), one blackout(might be seizure related) that doctors could never explain, slightly bad short term memory/memory in general.

There's probably more i'm forgetting to list, but my memory makes it hard to recall stuff right off the bat sometimes.
Tauto: Put them in here instead of other threads.
GameRager: I have several issues that are plaguing me/have plagued me in the past, including:

Mental Issues

Mild-Moderate Anxiety issues/panic attacks/etc(linked to phobias/near death events in my past), OCD(Mostly related to cleanliness).

Physical issues

A semi-permanent hernia(which sometimes causes pain that makes me have panic attacks), one blackout(might be seizure related) that doctors could never explain, slightly bad short term memory/memory in general.

There's probably more i'm forgetting to list, but my memory makes it hard to recall stuff right off the bat sometimes.
I had a double hernia last year, took care of that. The painkillers were great! :D
Of course I'm a cancer survivor.
I'm also on two different kinds of anti-depressants but I think a lot of that is my fault.
Contrary to what a lot of extremest media personalities say, the cancer WAS NOT MY FAULT! :P

Oh and I suffer from high blood pressure, but I think that has a lot to do with the entire block of salt I eat every morning.
Post edited May 17, 2019 by tinyE
tinyE: I had a double hernia last year, took care of that. The painkillers were great! :D
Of course I'm a cancer survivor.
I'm also on two different kinds of anti-depressants but I think a lot of that is my fault.
Contrary to what a lot of extremest media personalities say, the cancer WAS NOT MY FAULT! :P

Oh and I suffer from high blood pressure, but I think that has a lot to do with the entire block of salt I eat every morning.
Yes, painkillers can help, but unfortunately my problem isn't sever enough to warrant them. :\

As for anti-depressants, I was on some SSRI's before but keeping up with appointments to get said meds proved to be a pain(I sometimes don't feel like leaving the house and I missed many appointments because of that....leading to many mental health doctors blacklisting/refusing to see me). Also, I had some odd side effects: One pill I was on made me get extreme dry mouth/mouth/throat pain, so I was taken off it, and the ones I stayed on for awhile gave me either very vivid dreams(lucid almost) and/or no dreams, along with slight physical problems(I won't mention them as they pertain to more sensitive ailments).

Add to that the time I went into the watch unit(mental health) at the hospital after my blackout(listed above)...they put me on sleeping meds(I had trouble sleeping) which gave me problems sleeping when I was off them/out of the hospital.

Sidenote: It sucks to hear you had cancer(I hope you're better now?).....I have had several family members get/die from various types of cancer and losing them hurts when I think about them sometimes.

Sidenote 2: As for the salt intake....I wouldn't worry about it. Yeah, you might die earlier but imo it's better to live one's own way/have fun while doing so instead of severely limiting one's self and suffering mentally/emotionally because of it.