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Fairfox: its true, tho

drunk or high i'm an uuuuuber buyer
im a shopping malls dream
ebay dream
amazon dream
gogie dream

c.c. nightmare

other peeps must be teh same, right. get influenced, get buyin'
falloutttt: shopping malls are fairy tales of the past. most people shop online nowadays, except for "dinosaurs". :P
Can you imagine that there was a time where people would actually go to a specific store to rent one(!) movie to watch during the weekend?

God bless the Internet, this wonderful invention that keeps human contact at a minimum. You don't even have to pick up the phone to order pizza now, you can just pay everything online and give the pizza guy a friendly nod (if you feel like it) when he arrives.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by user deleted
low rated
nuuu-oooo. i still go to teh mall from time-to-time. usual lee with friends; much moar fun. plus you can grab an iced coffee in teh summer heat!

but youre right that alot is online. makes it worse, tho! drunk - shoes, buy. clothes, buy. music, buy. oh, a crap gogie game? sure, why not, buy.
Fairfox: nuuu-oooo. i still go to teh mall from time-to-time. usual lee with friends; much moar fun. plus you can grab an iced coffee in teh summer heat!

but youre right that alot is online. makes it worse, tho! drunk - shoes, buy. clothes, buy. music, buy. oh, a crap gogie game? sure, why not, buy.
Sounds like fun, still it seems that losing your mind over alcohol is not healthy, you could do more good with your money and I'm not talking about giving it away to other people/organizations, you could spend it on yourself.
falloutttt: shopping malls are fairy tales of the past. most people shop online nowadays, except for "dinosaurs". :P
DadJoke007: Can you imagine that there was a time where people would actually go to a specific store to rent one(!) movie to watch during the weekend?

God bless the Internet, this wonderful invention that keeps human contact at a minimum. You don't even have to pick up the phone to order pizza now, you can just pay everything online and give the pizza guy a friendly nod (if you feel like it) when he arrives.
lol tell that to the youngsters today. lol them not even going to believe you. lol

i used to collect DVD's. no point in doing so anymore. tho soon them'be available at museum exhibitions only. :P
Fairfox: nuuu-oooo. i still go to teh mall from time-to-time. usual lee with friends; much moar fun. plus you can grab an iced coffee in teh summer heat!

but youre right that alot is online. makes it worse, tho! drunk - shoes, buy. clothes, buy. music, buy. oh, a crap gogie game? sure, why not, buy.
dinosaur alert!!! :P

na, me shop at the mall as well, sometimes. but it's often empty. but i like it. it's like the mall is only for me alone. feels nice and special.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by falloutttt
DadJoke007: Can you imagine that there was a time where people would actually go to a specific store to rent one(!) movie to watch during the weekend?
I once rented a movie in a such place and went for a weekend to my girlfriend. The movie was not bad and her father asked me for a cassette (yes, in Russia we rented VHS cassettes, DVDs were a rarity for respected citizens only) to watch for himself. I decided that he would watch it in 2-3 days at most and it would cost me just a small extra fee at the venue. But he took his time and watch it only after 4th week and I was young and extremely polite back then (bah!) to remind him about it. Well, it cost me a pretty large sum and the manager was quite surprised that I returned it, I was told that my name was put into black list and now redeemed and that it's the first case in their history due to so many thefts (non-returns). Soon afterwards that place was closed for good and the new era of 10-100 Mbit internet and DVD stores began. I could have saved my money or my dignity, but I lost all. Good times! ;)
DadJoke007: God bless the Internet, this wonderful invention that keeps human contact at a minimum. You don't even have to pick up the phone to order pizza now, you can just pay everything online and give the pizza guy a friendly nod (if you feel like it) when he arrives.
We can do it too but pizza delivery company always calls back to confirm the order and address in a very slow and monotonous manner. And it's hard to give a delivery guy a friendly nod since he usually calls from his cellphone telling that he is "just a minute away" from you. And pizza in Norway probably of good quality, in Russia it's a joke with improper cheap cheese and last year sausages from the freezer (if lucky). I envy you!
Post edited June 25, 2019 by Cadaver747
low rated
Cadaver747: in Russia it's a joke with improper cheap cheese and last year sausages from the freezer (if lucky). I envy you!
In Australia it's worse then a joke, The Pizza tastes like plastic...

Look at these prices what a joke

this is what it looks like when delivered This shit!
even though this is from NZ it's happened in Australia too.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: Look at these prices what a joke
Margherita pizza, large (Sydney) - 7.95 Australian dollars or 347.59 Russian roubles
Margherita pizza, medim [30cm] (Moscow) - 439 Russian roubles

Yeah, right.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by Cadaver747
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: Look at these prices what a joke
Cadaver747: Margarita pizza, large (Sydney) - 7.95 Australian dollars or 347.59 Russian roubles
Margarita pizza, medim [30cm] (Moscow) - 439 Russian roubles

Yeah, right.
Hey at least yours are 30cm our large is 22cm I can literally put my hand over the pizza and it's touching both the bottom and top.

Here is the "large" notice the hand and the pizza cutter

Dominos-australia scandal franchisee selling visas? LOL
Post edited June 25, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: Hey at least yours are 30cm our large is 22cm I can literally put my hand over the pizza and it's touching both the bottom and top.
F@ck it, today I'll bake some good old pizza, Italian way, with mozzarella in the middle and proper parmesan on top. It's way cheaper and much much more tasty.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by Cadaver747
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: Hey at least yours are 30cm our large is 22cm I can literally put my hand over the pizza and it's touching both the bottom and top.
Cadaver747: F@ck it, today I'll bake some good old pizza, Italian way, with mozzarella in the middle and proper parmesan on top. It's way cheaper and much much more tasty.

Also if you buy Bolognese sauce it's more tasty.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: Here is the "large" notice the hand and the pizza cutter
Funny how your "large" pizza looks exactly like our "small". And I thought that only in Texas, US people get over sized food portions.
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: Here is the "large" notice the hand and the pizza cutter
Cadaver747: Funny how your "large" pizza looks exactly like our "small". And I thought that only in Texas, US people get over sized food portions.
IT IS SMALL and our smalls are literally your fist is bigger then our small pizzas
Post edited June 25, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: Also if you buy Bolognese sauce it's more tasty.
Not likely, sauces are not healthy due to plenty of sugar and stuff used there as preservatives, and they are usually costly in Russia (imported goods). I prefer to have some good meat mashed and cooked on frying pan with onion combined with tomato paste (with no extra ingredients) and a bit of salt of course.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by Cadaver747
low rated
fr33kSh0w2012: Also if you buy Bolognese sauce it's more tasty.
Cadaver747: Not likely, sauces are not healthy due to plenty of sugar and stuff used there as preservatives, and there are usually costly in Russia (imported goods). I prefer to have some good meat mashed and cooked on frying pan with onion combined with tomato paste (with no extra ingredients) and a bit of salt of course.
Jesus Christ what sauces have you been buying?

I usually buy tomato juice (I call it bolognese sauce) you probably would call it tomato juice. I mix onion garlic and some white pepper and some ground black pepper in it and cut up chilli peppers for taste. Also If I have it some red wine but that is extremely rare.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: Jesus Christ what sauces have you been buying?
Barilla (Italy) in average sized glass jars. And no, I'm not buying that stuff anymore.

fr33kSh0w2012: I usually buy tomato juice you probably would call it I mix onion garlic and some white pepper and some ground black pepper in it and cut up chilli peppers for taste.
Tomato juice is made out of tomato paste (I've attached a pic), I prefer to buy the latter, it's very cheap and product quality is good. However we have some products claiming it's tomato paste but it's more like a ketchup with starch, sugar and salt.
Yes, onion and garlic (at the end), paprika (pepper) is good, chili* is nice too but not always. Ground black pepper and salt, we call them just "spices".

*chili makes me want to eat more, doctors say I should not eat chili due to... reasons.
Post edited June 25, 2019 by Cadaver747