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So today I wanted to add another game to a Gogmix I add to when I complete a game. Log in and go to the GOG mix to add the game.

The Gog Mix features Monster Bash 5 times, a Blake Stone game 5 times, and etc.

Wow, I remember that happening before, and I know I didn't recommend Monster Bash, The Blackwell Epiphany, All Gabriel Knight games, and many others five times before a different game is listed in the Gogmix. Like this:

Monster Bash
Monster Bash
Monster Bash
Monster Bash
Monster Bash
Blake Stone
Blake Stone
Blake Stone
Blake Stone
Blake Stone
Zork Anthology

I'm not someone with such a bad sense of humor to recommend the same game that many times for emphasis on how good they are.

So it must just be a hilarious error that pops up on GOG sometimes.

Even more fun, as I delete the multiple entries I discover some of the games on my GOG list have been deleted completely. Logging out and logging back into GOG didn't fix the error. Modern technology is great, but when it screws up it really screws up. l

With my sense of humor, it's no big deal. Now excuse me, I'm going to stick my laptop in the corner to punish it for allowing such an error and search for mythological gremlins lurking in the computer that may have caused this error. (Just kidding.)
it could have been

Stone monster
stone monster
stone monster
bash blake
bash blake
bash blake

Post edited May 21, 2015 by Cavenagh