Posted May 24, 2022
I was excited when I finally got Gangsters Organized Crime to work on my Steam Deck (Steam OS) after days/hours of tinkering.
I'm linking a Word Doc Guide with screenshots and a video below that:
Dropbox Link to Guide
Google Drive Doc Guide Link
Quick Video showing Proof on concept on Deck
How to get GOC Multiplayer working on Steam Deck within Lutris:
1. Assuming you followed above guide and your game launches. Open Lutris and select a GOC Config
2. On the bottom bar of Lutris, there is a Wine Glass icon with an up-arrow next to it, click that and select "Winetricks"
3. A separate window will load titled "Winetricks" and will ask "What do you want to do?" Click "Select the default wineprefix" and then Ok
4. You'll be prompted with "What would you like to do to this wine prefix?" Select "Install a Windows DLL or component"
5. You'll be prompted with "What packages would you like to install?" Scroll down and select "directplay" and click Ok.
Directplay is now installed and you can play multiplayer by selecting TCP/IP Directplay in multiplayer menu. If you're on LAN or use a app like Hamachi (only tested LAN), no need to type in an IP, else follow the guide below under the multiplayer section.
See my Win10 Guide for other multiplayer portion
Special thanks to developer(s) of Lutris, Wine, GOC Installer Script, Valve, and all the Linux wizards who made this possible.
I'm linking a Word Doc Guide with screenshots and a video below that:
Dropbox Link to Guide
Google Drive Doc Guide Link
Quick Video showing Proof on concept on Deck
How to get GOC Multiplayer working on Steam Deck within Lutris:
1. Assuming you followed above guide and your game launches. Open Lutris and select a GOC Config
2. On the bottom bar of Lutris, there is a Wine Glass icon with an up-arrow next to it, click that and select "Winetricks"
3. A separate window will load titled "Winetricks" and will ask "What do you want to do?" Click "Select the default wineprefix" and then Ok
4. You'll be prompted with "What would you like to do to this wine prefix?" Select "Install a Windows DLL or component"
5. You'll be prompted with "What packages would you like to install?" Scroll down and select "directplay" and click Ok.
Directplay is now installed and you can play multiplayer by selecting TCP/IP Directplay in multiplayer menu. If you're on LAN or use a app like Hamachi (only tested LAN), no need to type in an IP, else follow the guide below under the multiplayer section.
See my Win10 Guide for other multiplayer portion
Special thanks to developer(s) of Lutris, Wine, GOC Installer Script, Valve, and all the Linux wizards who made this possible.
Post edited May 25, 2022 by Daimyo.615