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It took me about 20 hours of playing before I beat the game, I used the Red-Tail to finally beat it. That ship is pretty awesome when you first start, 4 lasers in the first sector makes it pretty hard to even take any damage before destroying the enemy ship.
OK, finally beaten this game on normal... with the Ospray (unlocked on easy)... thanks to... sheer luck... 2 free more burst laser mark 2, a small bomb (free too), an augment giving you more scrap (free)... I even stupidly killed two crews because I wanted to scrap an enemy vessel but forgot about the big auto beam of that ship.

The flagship was a bit of a joke there, still had to fight a bit, but easy all in all (bit harderthan in easy).

Like I said, luck is too proeminent in this game and I don't like that...

Again, this game needs some fixing.
Zoidberg: Like I said, luck is too proeminent in this game and I don't like that...
It is prominent for you, most other people get through the game without it.
Zoidberg: Like I said, luck is too proeminent in this game and I don't like that...
jamotide: It is prominent for you, most other people get through the game without it.
Then it IS a matter of luck. Doesn't help me though, still dissapointed. :/
Yes it is a matter of luck, for YOU. Other people can win, despite bad luck, at least with the normal ships.
jamotide: Yes it is a matter of luck, for YOU. Other people can win, despite bad luck, at least with the normal ships.
And why would that be?

Sorry but it does not help the least bit, for your information it is impossible for me to become one of you.

Besides I don't see how luck through a game could be changed through me, that is silly.

It is impossible to circumvent luck (or lack of) in this game, while it was quite possible in a game like The Binding of Isaac.

FTL really does seem like it's more about luck than skill and no-one in this thread made the littlest argument to counter that. Not long term anyway...

Guess I'll stay dissapointed in this game.
If you play well, bad luck doesn't matter after the first ten minutes.
jamotide: If you play well, bad luck doesn't matter after the first ten minutes.
Yeah, first ten minutes...
That's right, after that you can prepare for any bad luck.
jamotide: That's right, after that you can prepare for any bad luck.
Thanks a lot for the critical info!!!!!!!!!
I just beat it, at last. According to the stats, it took me 59 tries. Not sure if the restarts count towards that. I must admit I kind of cheated, though, as I restarted several times to make sure I got an extra crew member at the beginning and was off the right direction.

I got 4805 points, not sure if that's a lot or not. I have to say, I hadn't felt this fulfilled by beating a game in quite a while.
It took me 16 hrs to beat the entire game on easy difficulty using Engi Cruiser. I got 2324 pts.
I finally beat it on my 51st playthough using the redtail.
I was lucky with drops and shops and ended up with a burst laser mk2 and 2 mk1 burst laser to go with the remaining basic laser. But the real difference maker ended up being the crystal crewman I got, him plus a mantis along with the crystal lockdown ability allowed me to kill off the crew in the first stage which made the second stage so much easier since I could take out the drone control and not have to worry about the boarding drones
Dunno how many hours... It was my 53rd game.
Beat it on normal using the Adjudicator. Greatest moment of my month.
It took me 18 tries, but I finally did it!

I just beat the flagship on Easy with the Kestrel. Got 3845 points. Had maxed engines and shields, 7 crew members, Artemis missle launcher, 2 Burst Laser II, and Fire Bomb.

I managed to pick up the second laser in sector 7, but because I had to hit the shop I got stuck behind the rebel lines and had to fight my way through the last 3 jumps in that sector. Totally worth it though because otherwise I never would have managed to win. Entered zone 8 with like 30 missles, and I am just so psyched that I finally destroyed those rebel scum!