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I've received a lot of help here via the forums on various games, so thought to "pay it forward" concerning a simple way to achieve remapping of Dungeon Hack's numpad default movement keys to the modern "WASD" layout. This was especially an issue for me on my laptop without a numpad. I'm aware that there are other threads here which explain how to do this, but all to my knowledge do so the long way. It can be frustrating for some to follow exactly what to do.
The remapping presented below makes W = forward, A = left, D = right, S = back, Q = turn left and E = turn right.

Make a new text document titled, "" and copy/paste the content shown below into it and then save the file. Be sure your full file name is "" and NOT "". Zip the file and title the zip file something like, "mapper-WASD".
Here is the text to paste into this first file:

hand_shutdown "key 290 mod1"
hand_capmouse "key 291 mod1"
hand_fullscr "key 13 mod2"
hand_pause "key 19 mod2"
hand_mapper "key 282 mod1"
hand_speedlock "key 293 mod2"
hand_recwave "key 287 mod1"
hand_caprawmidi "key 289 mod1 mod2"
hand_scrshot "key 286 mod1"
hand_video "key 286 mod1 mod2"
hand_decfskip "key 288 mod1"
hand_incfskip "key 289 mod1"
hand_cycledown "key 292 mod1"
hand_cycleup "key 293 mod1"
hand_caprawopl "key 288 mod1 mod2"
hand_swapimg "key 285 mod1"
key_esc "key 27"
key_f1 "key 282"
key_f2 "key 283"
key_f3 "key 284"
key_f4 "key 285"
key_f5 "key 286"
key_f6 "key 287"
key_f7 "key 288"
key_f8 "key 289"
key_f9 "key 290"
key_f10 "key 291"
key_f11 "key 292"
key_f12 "key 293"
key_grave "key 96"
key_1 "key 49"
key_2 "key 50"
key_3 "key 51"
key_4 "key 52"
key_5 "key 53"
key_6 "key 54"
key_7 "key 55"
key_8 "key 56"
key_9 "key 57"
key_0 "key 48"
key_minus "key 45"
key_equals "key 61"
key_bspace "key 8"
key_tab "key 9"
key_q "key 263"
key_w "key 264"
key_e "key 265"
key_r "key 114"
key_t "key 116"
key_y "key 121"
key_u "key 117"
key_i "key 105"
key_o "key 111"
key_p "key 112"
key_lbracket "key 91"
key_rbracket "key 93"
key_enter "key 13"
key_capslock "key 301"
key_a "key 260"
key_s "key 258"
key_d "key 262"
key_f "key 102"
key_g "key 103"
key_h "key 104"
key_j "key 106"
key_k "key 107"
key_l "key 108"
key_semicolon "key 59"
key_quote "key 39"
key_backslash "key 92"
key_lshift "key 304"
key_lessthan "key 60"
key_z "key 122"
key_x "key 120"
key_c "key 99"
key_v "key 118"
key_b "key 98"
key_n "key 110"
key_m "key 109"
key_comma "key 44"
key_period "key 46"
key_slash "key 47"
key_rshift "key 303"
key_lctrl "key 306"
key_lalt "key 308"
key_space "key 32"
key_ralt "key 307"
key_rctrl "key 305"
key_printscreen "key 316"
key_scrolllock "key 302"
key_pause "key 19"
key_insert "key 277"
key_home "key 278"
key_pageup "key 280"
key_delete "key 127"
key_end "key 279"
key_pagedown "key 281"
key_up "key 273"
key_left "key 276"
key_down "key 274"
key_right "key 275"
key_numlock "key 300"
key_kp_divide "key 267"
key_kp_multiply "key 268"
key_kp_minus "key 269"
key_kp_7 "key 113" "key 263"
key_kp_8 "key 119" "key 264"
key_kp_9 "key 101" "key 265"
key_kp_plus "key 270"
key_kp_4 "key 97" "key 260"
key_kp_5 "key 261"
key_kp_6 "key 100" "key 262"
key_kp_1 "key 257"
key_kp_2 "key 115" "key 258"
key_kp_3 "key 259"
key_kp_enter "key 271"
key_kp_0 "key 256"
key_kp_period "key 266"
mod_1 "key 306" "key 305"
mod_2 "key 308" "key 307"

Now, make a second new text document titled the same as the previous, "" and copy/paste the content shown below into it and then save the file. Be sure your full file name is "" and NOT "". Zip the file and title the zip file something like, "mapper-default".
Here is the text to paste into this second file:

hand_shutdown "key 290 mod1"
hand_capmouse "key 291 mod1"
hand_fullscr "key 13 mod2"
hand_pause "key 19 mod2"
hand_mapper "key 282 mod1"
hand_speedlock "key 293 mod2"
hand_recwave "key 287 mod1"
hand_caprawmidi "key 289 mod1 mod2"
hand_scrshot "key 286 mod1"
hand_video "key 286 mod1 mod2"
hand_decfskip "key 288 mod1"
hand_incfskip "key 289 mod1"
hand_cycledown "key 292 mod1"
hand_cycleup "key 293 mod1"
hand_caprawopl "key 288 mod1 mod2"
hand_swapimg "key 285 mod1"
key_esc "key 27"
key_f1 "key 282"
key_f2 "key 283"
key_f3 "key 284"
key_f4 "key 285"
key_f5 "key 286"
key_f6 "key 287"
key_f7 "key 288"
key_f8 "key 289"
key_f9 "key 290"
key_f10 "key 291"
key_f11 "key 292"
key_f12 "key 293"
key_grave "key 96"
key_1 "key 49"
key_2 "key 50"
key_3 "key 51"
key_4 "key 52"
key_5 "key 53"
key_6 "key 54"
key_7 "key 55"
key_8 "key 56"
key_9 "key 57"
key_0 "key 48"
key_minus "key 45"
key_equals "key 61"
key_bspace "key 8"
key_tab "key 9"
key_q "key 113"
key_w "key 119"
key_e "key 101"
key_r "key 114"
key_t "key 116"
key_y "key 121"
key_u "key 117"
key_i "key 105"
key_o "key 111"
key_p "key 112"
key_lbracket "key 91"
key_rbracket "key 93"
key_enter "key 13"
key_capslock "key 301"
key_a "key 97"
key_s "key 115"
key_d "key 100"
key_f "key 102"
key_g "key 103"
key_h "key 104"
key_j "key 106"
key_k "key 107"
key_l "key 108"
key_semicolon "key 59"
key_quote "key 39"
key_backslash "key 92"
key_lshift "key 304"
key_lessthan "key 60"
key_z "key 122"
key_x "key 120"
key_c "key 99"
key_v "key 118"
key_b "key 98"
key_n "key 110"
key_m "key 109"
key_comma "key 44"
key_period "key 46"
key_slash "key 47"
key_rshift "key 303"
key_lctrl "key 306"
key_lalt "key 308"
key_space "key 32"
key_ralt "key 307"
key_rctrl "key 305"
key_printscreen "key 316"
key_scrolllock "key 302"
key_pause "key 19"
key_insert "key 277"
key_home "key 278"
key_pageup "key 280"
key_delete "key 127"
key_end "key 279"
key_pagedown "key 281"
key_up "key 273"
key_left "key 276"
key_down "key 274"
key_right "key 275"
key_numlock "key 300"
key_kp_divide "key 267"
key_kp_multiply "key 268"
key_kp_minus "key 269"
key_kp_7 "key 263"
key_kp_8 "key 264"
key_kp_9 "key 265"
key_kp_plus "key 270"
key_kp_4 "key 260"
key_kp_5 "key 261"
key_kp_6 "key 262"
key_kp_1 "key 257"
key_kp_2 "key 258"
key_kp_3 "key 259"
key_kp_enter "key 271"
key_kp_0 "key 256"
key_kp_period "key 266"
mod_1 "key 306" "key 305"
mod_2 "key 308" "key 307"

Now, take your two zip files and copy/move them to Dungeon Hack's root Install folder. In Windows it's located at:
C:\GOG Games\Dungeon Hack

At this point, all you need to do is extract in place the file you wish to use. For instance when creating a character, extract your in C:\GOG Games\Dungeon Hack so that the WASDQE keys are available for typing your character's name. When the dungeon first loads, go to Camp and save the game and then exit the game. Now extract & overwrite your mapper file from and relaunch the game. You will now have WASD +QE movement available throughout your game.
I just wanted to say this is actually working for me with Eye of the beholder by making sure the mapper names matched which injmy case is "" and so far its working really good...thanks for this.

Havent got to far but i quess i will find out
Post edited April 05, 2019 by qwert_44643
Thanks from me also; I used this just a few days ago. Found it buried a few pages back. I don't know my way around dosbox much at all so this helped - just had to update the mapfile name that is called.

Remember to turn off the numlock as well or the keys won't work.

Besides the key layout, another tip for dungeon hack would be to find the intro music for it on youtube and let it loop in the background while playing. Unless I am missing something, it doesn't seem like dungeon hack has a way to play its own music during the game.
jr43dd: Thanks from me also; I used this just a few days ago. Found it buried a few pages back. I don't know my way around dosbox much at all so this helped - just had to update the mapfile name that is called.

Remember to turn off the numlock as well or the keys won't work.

Besides the key layout, another tip for dungeon hack would be to find the intro music for it on youtube and let it loop in the background while playing. Unless I am missing something, it doesn't seem like dungeon hack has a way to play its own music during the game.
thanks i didnt know bout the numlock supposed to be turned off

this is working good for me so far in eotb