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Given the camping system and other EC features were used in Realms of Arkania and Darklands, and the subject matter from Colonization is obviously similar, can GOG games be partly responsible for how the new Expedition Conquistadors turned out?!

Just a thought, but it does show GOG is the natural place to buy Expedition Conquistadors! :)
UK_John: Given the camping system and other EC features were used in Realms of Arkania and Darklands, and the subject matter from Colonization is obviously similar, can GOG games be partly responsible for how the new Expedition Conquistadors turned out?!

Just a thought, but it does show GOG is the natural place to buy Expedition Conquistadors! :)
GOG is the best place to buy classics and there is a crowd of people happy to buy them. Steam has recently noticed that and they are trying to sell quite a few old school games... I am very happy to buy new games on GOG as well - like Expeditions: Conquistador for instance. This game has absolutely its roots in the games you mentioned yet it is a new experience... I hope that more and more people will give the love back to GOG!!
When I first started playing, elements of Darklands, Jagged Alliance and Oregon Trail popped out at me. They really took inspiration from some of the best... and it shows!! Really wonderful game, and kudos to the makers.

Haven't tried Realms of Arkania yet though...
UK_John: Given the camping system and other EC features were used in Realms of Arkania and Darklands, and the subject matter from Colonization is obviously similar, can GOG games be partly responsible for how the new Expedition Conquistadors turned out?!

Just a thought, but it does show GOG is the natural place to buy Expedition Conquistadors! :)
xep624: GOG is the best place to buy classics and there is a crowd of people happy to buy them. Steam has recently noticed that and they are trying to sell quite a few old school games... I am very happy to buy new games on GOG as well - like Expeditions: Conquistador for instance. This game has absolutely its roots in the games you mentioned yet it is a new experience... I hope that more and more people will give the love back to GOG!!
If made prior to the steam system, they likely won't work (and steam doesn't tell you that).
The Kings Bounty remakes were obviously the biggest inspiration, basically the same gameplay structure
Maybe not influenced by it but I get a similar kind of vibes when I'm playing Mount & Blade. You know, that point when you're out with the squad, managing troops, making decisions etc. If you combined the two, you'd probably have my favourite game ever possibly - the political side and the sprawling, epic third person direct battles of M&B with the random events and sense of constant danger in Conquistador.
It also reminds me a little of Conquest of the New World, for any of you who may have played that one. It's available here on the site.

King's Bounty is the first thing I thought of, however.
I would love love love it if Darklands were remade.