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Is the unofficial patch included in the GOG version?

If not and I decide to download it, can I use SKSE to arrange load mod order? Never played this before and would like to have a fairly vanilla experience but unsure of the modding options. Thanks.
This question / problem has been solved by Shabdezimage
I doubt the patch is included in the GOG version of the game. You will need to download it from Nexusmods. According to the mod forum, the team is still investigating if the mod is 100% compatible with the GOG version, but Arthmoore seems to be quite optimistic about that.

SKSE is a script extender that adds additional features for scripting to the game and not a mod manager. On the GOG store page for Skyrim SE they mentiion that Vortex (Nexusmods' own modding tool) is already updated for the GOG version. So, get Vortex and use it to install your mods (that includes Load Order).
Shabdez: I doubt the patch is included in the GOG version of the game. You will need to download it from Nexusmods. According to the mod forum, the team is still investigating if the mod is 100% compatible with the GOG version, but Arthmoore seems to be quite optimistic about that.

SKSE is a script extender that adds additional features for scripting to the game and not a mod manager. On the GOG store page for Skyrim SE they mentiion that Vortex (Nexusmods' own modding tool) is already updated for the GOG version. So, get Vortex and use it to install your mods (that includes Load Order).
I've not played Skyrim before and so was quite overwhelmed by the modding options so thank you for the info.
Pajama: Is the unofficial patch included in the GOG version?

If not and I decide to download it, can I use SKSE to arrange load mod order? Never played this before and would like to have a fairly vanilla experience but unsure of the modding options. Thanks.
> You can use skse (devs made a version for Gog here
but I encountered problems to enable just "SkyUI" and "Quality Map" mods

I posted few suggestions today to simplify the problem (link here : Skyrim GOG Suggesting an important lil' improvement for MODDING)
There is no file manager with Gog version (temporarily I hope), I never had to use any external software to mod oldrim (and I particulary dislike external stuff instead of a simple copy-paste+enable in a simple menu alike in many games),
with actual Skyrim SE GoG version you need to trafficking few files (in \appdata\local) after install/manage your mods with vortex mod tool (Has worked in my case). Also apparently many mods are not compatible...

> I vaguely heard somewhere "they" (GoG/Bethesda?Both? Idk) will find a solution for easy modding (there is 3 versions of the game immagine the headhache for modders lol), I hope this solution is true and will arrive soon :)

For your main question if unofficial patch is included..idk..I suppose no, personnaly I installed it anyway The game has not crashed for the moment^^.
Post edited October 01, 2022 by hengyn45
hengyn45: For your main question if unofficial patch is included..idk..I suppose no, personnaly I installed it anyway The game has not crashed for the moment^^.
Thank you for your detailed answer. I think I may well have a go at installing the unofficial patch as this is all I actually want for my first play through.
Pajama: Thank you for your detailed answer. I think I may well have a go at installing the unofficial patch as this is all I actually want for my first play through.
Np man, with pleasure^^
Precision : just at this moment I discovered something, I uninstalled unofficial patch it screwed language translation of some game+skyUI textual stuff, I play in french and many stuff were in english and some favorites group in skyUI were erased.
All has returned to normal after uninstall unofficial patch. After take a look on nexus this is a normal effect bcause this patch has no FR translation.
Edit : aahh I finally found it by google, works like a charm in GoG version, textures are translated too (pannels etc...) very rare high quality mod :p
Have GG thought Skyrim^^
Post edited October 03, 2022 by hengyn45
I installed the unofficial patch via Vortex, and have the Gog version of SKSE. So far, it's working.
I use the unofficial patch with GOG's version. Besides having to use Vortex to install it, it works like a champ.