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Ok finally I was able to install Oblivion reloaded, it required to follow the step by step guide. And installe in advance also OBSE (the version for GOG)

Now finally I added some nice Post processing effects (and to my surprise it was running smooth on my low-range laptop with almost all effects enabled.)

However I find Oblivion reloaded a bit unusable, to my understanding it overrides many settings of the game (including continuosly adjusting distance of objects and tree to keep a stable framerate), this in theory should be a good thing, but it is not.

But I found some downsides, has anyone any Idea on how to fix the downsides?

- Ojects distance automatic adjustment is too fast: to keep framerate stable it continuosly pop objects in and out. I'd like to disable automatic adjustment and set my items, grass, and characters distances manually

- Snow, sometimes snow goes in the wrong direction (it raise instead of falling O_O, especially after fast travel). I guess this is just a bug and I can't do much with it

- ALT-TABBING no longer keep the games loaded, if you alt tab, you have a 99% chance of getting the game stuck(especially in main menu) and once you maximize the window again it stays black and you have to log-out from windows session to close the application (task manager not work).

- Kicked out of the game: it happens after 5 minutes of playing, and it is pretty consistent. This is the worst thing of all, I can remember to avoid ALT-TABBING, but nonethless when traveling by feet or by fast traveling you have a chance that the game decides to ALT-TAB itself. So I cannot play for more than 5 minutes when OR plugin is active.

the quality of graphics is really improved, but at which price?

Does anyone know how to contact developers or how to work-around these issues?
I'm not familiar with Oblivion Reloaded, but reading the documentation makes me feel that OR has to be installed and used with great care. Have you read and do you follow the requests and recommendations described in Especially the contents of the sections "REQUIRED AND RECOMMENDED INGAME VIDEO OPTIONS", "RECOMMENDED OBLIVION.INI SETTINGS" and "README" (including sub-sections). If not, you shouldn't expect OR to run smoothly.
yes I read and followed exactly, infact I got it working, I think I can make it more stable by disabling the right set of features, but If I fail to do so, I think I'll just try and add some minor mods manually. Some of the mods listed in this forum seems quite cool already. It is a pity because the look and feel is great with OR
Ok finally I manged it to make stable, this is my OblivionReloaded.ini:

FoV = 90.0
WaterReflectionMapSize = 512
WaterManagement = 1
MemoryManagement = 1
AnisotropicFilter = 4
FarPlaneDistance = 283840.0
ScreenshotPath = \Screenshots
ScreenshotType = 1
ScreenshotKey = 87
FPSOverlay = 0
ShaderModel3 = 1
NVIDIAPatch = 0
RendererBoost = 0
CustomEffects = 1
SaveSettings = 0
ReplaceIntro = 1

Enabled = 0
HUDReticle = 2
ChasingFirst = 0
ChasingThird = 0
OffsetX = 0.0
OffsetY = 15.0
OffsetZ = 5.0
NearDistanceFirst = 5.0
NearDistanceThird = 10.0
DialogFirst = 1
DialogThird = 2
DialogOffsetX = 50.0
DialogOffsetY = -10.0
DialogOffsetZ = 10.0

Enabled = 0
ShieldOnBackPosX = -15.0
ShieldOnBackPosY = -10.0
ShieldOnBackPosZ = 0.0
ShieldOnBackRotX = 0.0
ShieldOnBackRotY = 270.0
ShieldOnBackRotZ = 30.0
WeaponOnBackPosX = 14.0
WeaponOnBackPosY = -30.0
WeaponOnBackPosZ = -2.0
WeaponOnBackRotX = 15.0
WeaponOnBackRotY = 5.0
WeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosX = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosY = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotX = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotY = -5.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
BowOnBackPosX = 0.0
BowOnBackPosY = 25.0
BowOnBackPosZ = 0.0
BowOnBackRotX = 0.0
BowOnBackRotY = 0.0
BowOnBackRotZ = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosX = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosY = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosZ = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotX = 180.0
StaffOnBackRotY = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotZ = 120.0
TorchOnBeltPosX = 0.0
TorchOnBeltPosY = 0.0
TorchOnBeltPosZ = -15.0
TorchOnBeltRotX = 90.0
TorchOnBeltRotY = -15.0
TorchOnBeltRotZ = 0.0
TorchKey = 21
SleepingEquipment = 1
SwimmingEquipment = 1
CombatEquipmentKey = 260
DualBlockDelay = 0.15

Enabled = 0
Average = 33
Min = 20
Critical = 10
Gap = 3
Delay = 10
FadeStep = 1.0
FadeMinObjects = 5
FadeMinActors = 10
GridStep = 5
GridMin = 5

Enabled = 0

Enabled = 0
WeaponOnBackPosX = 14.0
WeaponOnBackPosY = -30.0
WeaponOnBackPosZ = -1.0
WeaponOnBackRotX = 30.0
WeaponOnBackRotY = 5.0
WeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosX = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosY = 4.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackPosZ = 0.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotX = 10.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotY = 15.0
TwoHandWeaponOnBackRotZ = 0.0
BowOnBackPosX = 0.0
BowOnBackPosY = 0.0
BowOnBackPosZ = 0.0
BowOnBackRotX = 0.0
BowOnBackRotY = 0.0
BowOnBackRotZ = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosX = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosY = 0.0
StaffOnBackPosZ = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotX = 210.0
StaffOnBackRotY = 0.0
StaffOnBackRotZ = 120.0

Enabled = 0
Rest = 1
RestMessage = You must be in a bed to rest.

Enabled = 0
CoeffNightR = 0.60
CoeffNightG = 0.60
CoeffNightB = 0.50
CoeffFogR = 0.90
CoeffFogG = 0.88
CoeffFogB = 0.86
CoeffSunR = 1.00
CoeffSunG = 0.90
CoeffSunB = 0.80

Blood = 1
Grass = 0
HDR = 1
NightEye = 0
POM = 1
Precipitations = 1
Shadows = 1
Skin = 1
Terrain = 1
Water = 1

AmbientOcclusion = 1
BloodLens = 0
Bloom = 0
Cinema = 0
Coloring = 1
DepthOfField = 1
GodRays = 1
LowHF = 1
MotionBlur = 0
Sharpening = 0
SMAA = 0
SnowAccumulation = 1
Underwater = 1
VolumetricFog = 1
WaterLens = 0
WetWorld = 1

InfoEnabled = 1
TextFont = Calibri
TextSize = 22
TextFontStatus = Courier New
TextSize = 11
TextColorNormal = 250,240,180
TextShadowColorNormal = 50,50,50
TextColorSelected = 255,255,255
TextShadowColorSelected = 50,50,50
TextColorEditing = 255,100,50
TextShadowColorEditing = 50,50,50
PositionX = 60
PositionY = 120
InfoPositionX = 480
InfoPositionY = 800
TitleColumnSize = 850
MainItemColumnSize = 100
ItemColumnSize = 300
InfoColumnSize = 960
RowSpace = 0
RowsPerPage = 30
KeyEnable = 24
KeyUp = 200
KeyDown = 208
KeyLeft = 203
KeyRight = 205
KeyPageUp = 201
KeyPageDown = 209
KeyAdd = 78
KeySubtract = 74
KeySave = 28
KeyEditing = 156
StepValue = 0.1
Decimals = 4

HealthEnabled = 0
FatigueEnabled = 0
HealthCoeff = 0.5
FatigueCoeff = 0.5

Enabled = 0
Time = 300
PurgeTextures = 1
PurgeCells = 1
Key = 88

Enabled = 0
Value = 9.8

Enabled = 0
AcrobaticsLevel = 0
DoubleTap = 1
DoubleTapTime = 0.2

Enabled = 0
ScrollMultiplier = 5.0
KeyAdd = 78
KeySubtract = 74
StepValue = 1.0

CompileShaders = 0
CompileEffects = 0
TraceShaders = 0