Cpt_J4m3s: I just looked at the GOG shortcut and its target is set to:
"D:\GOG Galaxy\Games\DOOM\DOSBOX\DOSBox.exe" -conf "..\dosbox_doom.conf" -conf "..\dosbox_doom_single.conf" -noconsole -c exit
So, why does it only add doom and doom_single conf files if there are three other conf files (doom_client, doom_server, doom_settings)? Are those not needed?
How can the -conf commands work with a partial target ("..\dosbox_doom.conf") how does the shortcut know what "..\" is?
And what about that "-noconsole -c exit"? What's that?
I feel that this all comes down to how much you want to learn about DOSBox and file paths in Windows and whether you are willing to start tweaking the files and such, or just to be able to run the game.
Firstly, the GOG shortcut is generated from the folder path you chose to use when installing the game from the GOG installer.
"D:\GOG Galaxy\Games\DOOM\DOSBOX\DOSBox.exe" is the path to the DOSBox executable. The rest of the shortcut are the command line parameters to be used. You can find out about these here:
https://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Usage#Command_Line_Parameters In the Windows command line you can specify the current folder with a dot and the folder one level up with double dot. This is for using relative paths instead of absolute paths. So ..\ will look in the folder one level higher than the current folder.
GOG's DOSBox games often come with multiple sets of conf files as they are used for different purposes. They usually have a main settings one (in this case dosbox_doom.conf) that is always called as it sets up the video, sound and other settings to allow the game to run. Then the others are for whether you want to run the game as single player, or to host the server of a multiplayer environment or be a client of a multiplayer server. The conf files can easily be edited by the tool that GOG provide with the installation, GOGDOSConfig.exe, as mentioned by chungy, so when you use this tool it should edit the settings conf file accordingly and also switch which of the other conf files to use depending on how you want to play the game.