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say Pro because that's what I have, no idea if this will work for standard PS4 but if someone wants try and let us know please do. Now I was having the same frame rate drops, crashes and weird glitches as everyone else. But I noticed something familiar with these issues. They where an awful like the memory leak caused by the auto save feature and moving to many objects around in Fallout New Vegas on ps3. Which you could work around by turning off Auto save and trying not to throw everything around the world because the game had to remember where you left ever little pebble.

Now Cyberpunk doesn't have a way to turn off autosave. Also if you go into the saves the size of the save file in the folder doesn't add up. Plus I'm sure you've noticed your profile data defaults for no reason when you start up the game

So I decided to move the game from my ssd to the "ice box" my extended storage regular HDD. It's where I store games I'm waiting for patches back catalog or I'll get to them when I get it them.

Well I got curious, because when I decided to do this I couldn't play the game for more than three mins without a crash. So I fired it up on the external. Now the SSD is only buffering and handling saves and and the like. And I'll be damned if I wasn't able to play the game for 6 hours so far without a single issue. No frame drops, no crashes, and some of the weird glitches with animation gone. It's running smooth as butter. I think the game may have the same memory leak issue as New Vegas. But since I'm basically streaming it from external via usb and it's saving to the internal it is bypassing the issue.

So if anyone would like to help me test this by running it from an external HDD. Could use the feedback because this could be the work around. Like I said I've been running it for 12 hours now total with 8 of those straight without a single issue. So I need more test subjects! I have a steady frame rate.