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Today I would like to talk about, drum roll please...

Judy's tattoos. The most prominent one I think would be the number 13 on her left arm. Getting this tattoo would actually get you into some trouble. And if you are in LA (which NC basically is) or near there, that tattoo can get you into a lot of trouble. The number is associated with bad luck. Talk to her enough and she'll express how unlucky she really feels. She's not that direct about it, though.

She's got spiderweb tattoos. I heard they are associated with neo-nazis, but I'm not really sure if that's true or not. Everyone and their grandma has it, so I think this one is pretty safe.

She also has a tattoo with a Chili Peppers reference, which I talked about here:

And she has a firetruck tattoo, which I can't get into without spoilers.
Post edited May 21, 2024 by J Lo