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low rated
I saw that GOG is at the service of the occidental anti-Russia propaganda, getting some money to (hum maybe) help Ukraine.
I definitely stop to buy games on this corrupted platform.
Epic Games and Steam are showing the same corruption.
I have no other choice to get games from the piracy now. I won't give my money to that corruption.
Thanks GOG to have shown your true face.
So long, and thanks for all the laughs.
Post edited March 25, 2022 by Nephilim88
Imazur: I saw that GOG is at the service of the occidental anti-Russia propaganda, getting some money to (hum maybe) help Ukraine.
I definitely stop to buy games on this corrupted platform.
Epic Games and Steam are showing the same corruption.
I have no other choice to get games from the piracy now. I won't give my money to that corruption.
Thanks GOG to have shown your true face.
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!,_go_fuck_yourself
TPR: Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!,_go_fuck_yourself
You are absolute MORON to link to this.

First, the phrase is FAKE and only exists in newspapers.

Second, the seaman Gribov, who claimed to have said it, with his troops was given orders by Zelensky TO GO INTO SUICIDE mission. Zelensky has AWARDED them with Hero of Ukraine because they died.

Third, Gribov and his crew IN REALITY have SURRENDERED to Russkies. And Russkies didn't beat, didn't humilate, but instead fed them and gave them back to Ukraine later.

Fourth, Zelensky has REMOVED the Hero of Ukraine from them, because they REFUSED to die and Russkies in fact did them NO harm.

TL;DR Its a fake about "brave" seamen sent into suicide by homeland and awarded for this, but rescued and returned safely by Russkies, with their homeland STRIPING their awards.

With that said, go fuck yourself. ^_^
You got things slippin all around, the propaganda is in russia not outside of it, should stop watching RT.

And to the other russian guy here: Maybe do the same. Im sorry, really...

Your leader could just have played the command&conquer games to fight his ego and be done with it, but he decided to burn real lifes over it, making it the affair of others. Hes doomed.
Post edited March 31, 2022 by apfelnymous