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Comes up as disc access error, cannot verify/ repair as the game is classed as uninstalled. wtf
Post edited February 23, 2022 by mrlemon7
mrlemon7: Comes up as disc access error, cannot verify/ repair as the game is classed as uninstalled. wtf
I have the very same issue. Trying to redownload the game makes the progress bar jump to 92% and produce an error. I tried deleting the game completely and re-installing and the progress stopped at 92% after 20 minutes or so with the same error. Worked prior to midgnight yesterday.
mrlemon7: Comes up as disc access error, cannot verify/ repair as the game is classed as uninstalled. wtf
BubbleBott: I have the very same issue. Trying to redownload the game makes the progress bar jump to 92% and produce an error. I tried deleting the game completely and re-installing and the progress stopped at 92% after 20 minutes or so with the same error. Worked prior to midgnight yesterday.
I found a sort of fix, installing the game into another location. I went with documents and made my own game folder. This WAS working until just now. Its fucked.
have the exact same issue, happened once and managed to install past the 92%, but now it happened again and have to re-download and install it all over again. it happened twice over the span of 2 days and i haven't seen any fixes so far, i don't remember having this many issues last time i played it a year ago
Same thing happened to me, tried to make a new folder and a fresh install of GoG but that didn't seem to fix the problem.

So now i guess we just wait for some sort of patch??
just to add, the game was not detected by either gog nor geforce apps, the first time around i managed to reinstall and repair it back, but the second time it failed, hitting uninstall gave me an error and i tried removing everything and reinstalling to a different folder and that failed as well. i am now downloading the offline installation files but it's taking forever (there's 28 4GB parts). haven't seen any fixes for it but saw people having that issue a year ago as well, both on steam and gog
mrlemon7: Comes up as disc access error, cannot verify/ repair as the game is classed as uninstalled. wtf
BubbleBott: I have the very same issue. Trying to redownload the game makes the progress bar jump to 92% and produce an error. I tried deleting the game completely and re-installing and the progress stopped at 92% after 20 minutes or so with the same error. Worked prior to midgnight yesterday.
Found a fix of sorts, something with my antivirus was messing up the download.
I need to completely disable all firewalls then retry the download, then it worked for me. hope it helps.
BubbleBott: I have the very same issue. Trying to redownload the game makes the progress bar jump to 92% and produce an error. I tried deleting the game completely and re-installing and the progress stopped at 92% after 20 minutes or so with the same error. Worked prior to midgnight yesterday.
thebondemaister: Found a fix of sorts, something with my antivirus was messing up the download.
I need to completely disable all firewalls then retry the download, then it worked for me. hope it helps.
omg you're right, didn't even think of the antivirus because i didn't get any notifications that it's quarantining any apps, but here we are, thanks!