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Soundtrack in Cyberia is stored in blobs with many Creative Voice PCM files. To extract them you need to parse them properly.

But here is a quick extracting script (it ignores the format between headers, just matches data between "Creative" part of it), so it can be wrong at times.

I might write a more proper extracting tool later.
Post edited January 30, 2015 by shmerl
How do you use this?
BatJoe: How do you use this?
Run that script passing to it as a parameter some of the resource files with audio. For example files with c93 extension have a lot of audio files in them. And some cam### files.

You need Bash script interpreter to run it. It also uses dd program to perform actual extraction. It works on Linux out of the box. On other systems you might need to install those tools first. Which OS to do you use? OS X has Bash, but not sure about dd. Windows has neither. If you need help with installing them - let me know.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by shmerl
Sometimes I get extra noise in results, which shows that method used isn't always precise. But most of the time it produces good results. Noise can be cut out manually - it's just some extra junk data.

Note that game audio is split into small chunks, so what this script does is producing files with those chunks. You'll need to concatenate them to make the continuous result.

If I'll have time I'll write a proper extracting tool using exact definition of Creative Voice format.

Also, game audio is all merged in the game data - i.e. music and background voices aren't separated for example which is not perfect but still better than nothing.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by shmerl
I've been trying to find the soundtrack for years, specifically mission 1's music (sector 35). If these are ever converted into a usable file format (such as MP3) or posted on YouTube I'd love to and/or download them. Unfortunately, even with instructions, this process is a bit too complex for me. I do appreciate you going out of your way to help people though.
Malcolm3: I've been trying to find the soundtrack for years, specifically mission 1's music (sector 35). If these are ever converted into a usable file format (such as MP3) or posted on YouTube I'd love to and/or download them. Unfortunately, even with instructions, this process is a bit too complex for me. I do appreciate you going out of your way to help people though.
Can you point to this music in this full playthrough?

I'll see if I can find it in the data.

My favorite music in the game is this one:
Post edited February 01, 2015 by shmerl
Thank you very much for your time. I didn't get so far in the game to hear that good tune.

As for the song I like, this link should direct you to it. Thank you for your time and effort!
Malcolm3: As for the song I like, this link should direct you to it. Thank you for your time and effort!
That audio is located in this file: OCEANMUS.C93

Do you want me to help setting up the extraction yourself? You can then apply this method to all other files. If not I can give you the bundle of VOC files.
I appreciate the help, but what would I do with the .VOC files? And is there a way to turn it into an MP3 file?
Malcolm3: I appreciate the help, but what would I do with the .VOC files? And is there a way to turn it into an MP3 file?
That's the original audio, without distorting it in any way (exactly how it's in the game). You can concatenate them, edit etc. Then encode with any other codec you want. Some of the files (like 34th one) have that noise issue I mentioned above. I don't want to merge them all without cleaning those parts.

You can go through them yourself (just play them all in order and you'll quickly spot ones which need cleaning).

VLC can play VOC just fine. It's a raw audio (PCM) format, similar to WAV, except it uses 8 bit depth rather than 16 bit. See
Very interesting. I think it's the "cleaning" parts and not understanding how, where, and when I can play them to listen to them on my own time is what is confusing me. I apologize for not entirely following you, although I get the gist of what you are saying. I'm fairly simple when it comes to audio files.
By cleaning I mean simply cutting out the noise part. You can use Audacity for that:

For example, here is 34th file opened in Audacity (see attachment). Note the high noise part on the right. That's the one you need to cut out.

Anyway, with more proper extraction tool this noise can probably be avoided altogether. But that would require writing it first.
noise.jpg (166 Kb)
Post edited February 01, 2015 by shmerl
I always liked the game's music, and wanted to find a way to extract it. Thanks! Lets see if I can do this right..
I wonder if this also works for Cyberia 2, that game also had some catchy tunes.

EDIT: Tried to do this with Cyberia 2 files, unsurprisingly didn't work. The sequel stores data in .JEB, .M95, .G95 and .BIN in each chapter's directory. I suspect both video and audio data are stored in some .M95's because they weigh in megabytes, even though there's SFX.BIN and SONG.BIN in each directories (but they're in kilobytes)

The script did work for my Cyberia 1 disk files.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by V_Racer
V_Racer: EDIT: Tried to do this with Cyberia 2 files, unsurprisingly didn't work. The sequel stores data in .JEB, .M95, .G95 and .BIN in each chapter's directory. I suspect both video and audio data are stored in some .M95's because they weigh in megabytes, even though there's SFX.BIN and SONG.BIN in each directories (but they're in kilobytes)

The script did work for my Cyberia 1 disk files.
The way I figured it out is simply by looking at Cyberia 1 resources in an editor. I saw "Creative Voice" strings all over the place, so I figured it uses Creative Voice audio :) It was only a matter of extracting them - there was no compression or any obscuring in the resource files. I've never played Cyberia 2, so no idea what they use. You can do the same - analyze resource files and try finding out any traces of audio data and headers.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by shmerl
shmerl: The way I figured it out is simply by looking at Cyberia 1 resources in an editor. I saw "Creative Voice" strings all over the place, so I figured it uses Creative Voice audio :) It was only a matter of extracting them - there was no compression or any obscuring in the resource files. I've never played Cyberia 2, so no idea what they use. You can do the same - analyze resource files and try finding out any traces of audio data and headers.
Alrighty, I'll see what I can find, then.

In the meantime, here's my effort in music editing. I don't like the transition between chunks 78 and 79 in space.c93 (1:08-1:10) but maybe that's just how it plays in the game. EDIT: Yup, it really does play like that.
Post edited February 01, 2015 by V_Racer