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The Slobs
Despite being the lowest of the low this family is critical in the early stages of the game, they produce kids faster than The Greasers and can also provide you with builders. Handy when you need to expand your workforce.
The Slobs don’t ask for much (compared to other tenants) they need a decent sized garden or a park nearby. Expect them to complain about the garden if you don’t plant at least one tree or don’t bother to buy them a standard fence (hedge or white picket will do). Naturally they will moan if they live next door to a factory that’s always producing so think about installing them double glazing. They also don’t like walking too far so make sure you have a satisfactory subway system.
The Greasers
More wealthy than The Slobs, but less bothered about producing offspring (Mr. Greaser prefers singing than screwing!) The Greasers make good rent payers as well as providing you with kids and builders (at a slower rate than The Slobs.)
Pretty much the same that has already been written about The Slobs also applies to The Greasers, only make sure you don’t charge them too much rent or they’ll expect you to re-decorate their house.
The Punks
These Sid Vicious worshipers will provide you the next generation of tenants and police cadets at a decent rate. Despite their appearances these tenants are (mostly) law abiding and will come in handy when you need a proper police presence on your estates.
The Punks are the only tenant which will complain if you plant a tree in their garden, they don’t object to garden gnomes though. Do not place a Punk family next to a factory for the opposite reason is that Punks love pollution and noise and will demand that you keep the factory running for ever and ever. Installing some double glazing BEFORE they move in sorts this problem out. The Punks are also devoted parents and will cause a stir if you construct an undesirables’ building on the same estate. The answer to this problem is regular police patrols on this estate, although some Punks might accuse the police of corruption. Punks also do not like paying rent.
The Students
More laid back than their Johnny Rotten neighbours in everything except paying their rent.
These student layabouts have (parents with) modest amounts of money so are good as an early cash crop so you can save up for that important brick factory.
The Students are fairly easy to please provided you settle them in a nice safe, organic environment: standard garden with trees will do it but a hedge fence is a must for these nature loving tenants.
The Nerds
These whitebread tenants will produce more white collar tenants and if you have at least five Nerd families you’ll have access to an accountant which means a lower interest rate on your bank loans. They also provide a source for mob bribes.
At this point in the game the tenants from level three onwards become extremely demanding and one of the most annoying pitfalls is the ‘keeping up with the Jones’’ next door complaints. If two tenants placed next to each other both start receiving garden equipment (sheds, ponds, trees etc…) one of them will get jealous and complain that he feels neglected. The only way to stop this is preventing it by making sure both gardens are furnished BEFORE the tenants move in
Nerds have a serious love of white picket fences and will complain at the drop of a hat if you don’t build one for their house.
The Retired Major
These well-off old farts are an inspiration to some and a terror to everyone. The manual calls them “pillars of the community” which is a polite way of calling them nosy. Having five Major families means one of them will create a Neighbourhood Watch.
This family will complain about EVERYTHING from the people next door to even the smallest tree in his garden. The Major is very particular in what he likes in his garden and as such doesn’t like evergreen trees and garden gnomes (he’ll even complain about garden gnomes in other peoples’ gardens, you have been warned!) Do not build public utilities or undesirables next door or expect waves of angry letters from him. The major will also complain if you give him a brick wall fence and will demand an iron railing fence only to whine again and demand a hedge. Of course by this point you might feel like blowing his house up!
Wow, thanks. Great tips there.
Post edited February 11, 2010 by Svanhof
What i need too do, when they want new factory to be build? I build new one, and nothing... few times, different factories. Thx
Indroid: What i need too do, when they want new factory to be build? I build new one, and nothing... few times, different factories. Thx
Their complaint will be along the lines of "This stuff you just delivered is crap! Build a new factory!" yes?

In that case, demolish your Gadget factory with your foreman and build a new one.
I have the more monetizing tier 4 tenants and just got them a computer.
Now they complain that I got them 'crap' and they I should build a new factory.
What on earth am I supposed to do?
jdsgn: I have the more monetizing tier 4 tenants and just got them a computer.
Now they complain that I got them 'crap' and they I should build a new factory.
What on earth am I supposed to do?
They're saying your Gadget Factory is outta order, so you need to demolish it with a foreman and rebuild it.


I have my own question, by the way. Certain tenants complain when you build the Mob HQ on their estate. I've tried everything I can think of (doghouses, different fences, indoor gadgets...) but nothing works. Am I overlooking something, or is getting rid of the Mob HQ the only solution?
jdsgn: I have the more monetizing tier 4 tenants and just got them a computer.
Now they complain that I got them 'crap' and they I should build a new factory.
What on earth am I supposed to do?
lanipcga: They're saying your Gadget Factory is outta order, so you need to demolish it with a foreman and rebuild it.


I have my own question, by the way. Certain tenants complain when you build the Mob HQ on their estate. I've tried everything I can think of (doghouses, different fences, indoor gadgets...) but nothing works. Am I overlooking something, or is getting rid of the Mob HQ the only solution?
Demolish and rebuild? Strange.


Not sure but I fear that's the only solution
jdsgn: I have the more monetizing tier 4 tenants and just got them a computer.
Now they complain that I got them 'crap' and they I should build a new factory.
What on earth am I supposed to do?
lanipcga: They're saying your Gadget Factory is outta order, so you need to demolish it with a foreman and rebuild it.


I have my own question, by the way. Certain tenants complain when you build the Mob HQ on their estate. I've tried everything I can think of (doghouses, different fences, indoor gadgets...) but nothing works. Am I overlooking something, or is getting rid of the Mob HQ the only solution?
The solution to that problem is make sure none of your tenants on that block are making babies, only make them pay rent and you'll never have that problem
IwubCheeze: The solution to that problem is make sure none of your tenants on that block are making babies, only make them pay rent and you'll never have that problem
Thanks for clarifying that. I followed your advice in my latest game.


Speaking of which, I learned something new today. One of my level 4 tenants, the Professor, asked for an alarm, double glazing, and security shutters (to which I obliged). But that wasn't all. At the bottom of his complaint, he said, "And check my fence while you're at it." Such a vague demand! This stumped me for awhile, but I eventually discovered that only the Immoveable Monolith fence will satisfy him. Keep this in mind in case any of you get the same request.
IwubCheeze: The solution to that problem is make sure none of your tenants on that block are making babies, only make them pay rent and you'll never have that problem
lanipcga: Thanks for clarifying that. I followed your advice in my latest game.


Speaking of which, I learned something new today. One of my level 4 tenants, the Professor, asked for an alarm, double glazing, and security shutters (to which I obliged). But that wasn't all. At the bottom of his complaint, he said, "And check my fence while you're at it." Such a vague demand! This stumped me for awhile, but I eventually discovered that only the Immoveable Monolith fence will satisfy him. Keep this in mind in case any of you get the same request.
Glad I could help out :)

The professor is actually very easy to please, even the GP doesn't have any special requirements when you get your 5th professor. The only time they bothered me was when their house was on fire. If they asked you for an alarm and stuff, I'm assuming you had them make babies. How cruel are you making those old fogies make babies? :P (Edit: Coming to think of it, did you have an undesirable on that estate by any chance? That possibility just occurred to me)

As for fences, these tenants are also happy with a hedge but of course, if you do that, you can't defend the property with dogs. The "brick with steel bars fence" (sorry, I forget the name at the moment) will also satisfy them AND enable the property to be protected with a dog house. The monolith is also an option but I don't use it cos it looks tacky :P. However, if the property is close to the enemy AND you're blowing up their buildings, the monolith is obviously the choice here ;)

Here is how I deal with the professor. I only build two level 4 houses that occupy all of an estate (I use Scottish Lodges but that's just me) and keep them paying rent. After the houses are built, add a shed, trees and a PROPERLY PLACED dog house. Upgrade the fence as mentioned above. Upgrade the rooms at least once (I go all the way as I usually have tons of cash at this point). Add double glazing and a toolbox. Do all this, the only time they will complain is when their house needs repairs. My 5th professor usually shares an estate with my 5th yuppie. The only difference here is make sure both properties have a shed, trees, garden furniture, rose arbour and pond. Professors are very laid back tenants, I like em :)

Edit: Dammit, now I'm in the mood to play some Constructor :P
Post edited May 01, 2015 by IwubCheeze
IwubCheeze: If they asked you for an alarm and stuff, I'm assuming you had them make babies. How cruel are you making those old fogies make babies? :P (Edit: Coming to think of it, did you have an undesirable on that estate by any chance? That possibility just occurred to me)
Oddly enough, that estate consisted of two rent-payers (the Professor and Students) and four breeders (all Nerds). The complaint message made it sound like I had placed the Professor near to an Undesirable, but that wasn't the case. Of course, the town was crawling with Undesirables (it was me versus two AI's), but I'm pretty sure his doghouse kept the riffraff away. My only other guess is that he was simply above having lowly Students or Nerds as his neighbors.

Like you said, Professors don't usually give me problems. But damn, the Majors and Nerds are just unreal. I've been stationing gangsters on their properties since they're too uptight about having doghouses. I guess that goes for Students, too, but I haven't been using them a whole lot lately.
lanipcga: Oddly enough, that estate consisted of two rent-payers (the Professor and Students) and four breeders (all Nerds). The complaint message made it sound like I had placed the Professor near to an Undesirable, but that wasn't the case. Of course, the town was crawling with Undesirables (it was me versus two AI's), but I'm pretty sure his doghouse kept the riffraff away. My only other guess is that he was simply above having lowly Students or Nerds as his neighbors.
You are right and it's more than likely the students that were giving the professor problems. The higher level tenants simply don't like the lower level ones. You might also get some tenants bitching about not having a private hospital cos they don't like going to the same one as Joe Bloggs. I'm not certain but I think this is caused by putting higher level tenants with lower level ones. Still I avoid this problem by only putting 2 houses on small estates (3 at the very most) and make sure the tenants are the same level.

lanipcga: Like you said, Professors don't usually give me problems. But damn, the Majors and Nerds are just unreal. I've been stationing gangsters on their properties since they're too uptight about having doghouses. I guess that goes for Students, too, but I haven't been using them a whole lot lately.
Actually, you can give majors doghouses. Majors don't complain about the brick and steel bar fence, however, you will have to give them double glazing. For majors, I just give them a deciduous tree (no evergreens), dog house, brick and steel bar fence, double glazing, upgraded rooms and a patroling repairman. They then shut up for the rest of the game :).

Nerds insist on the white picket fence though so yeah, no dogs for them. Not much you can do about that except station a few gangsters as they become available. The only tenants you can't defend with dogs are the students, nerds and the stockbroker IF he is making housing plans (He demands his property have railings). All others can use dogs (I always give level 4 and 5 tenants the brick and steel bar fence except for the exception mentioned above) but as I'm sure you've already found out, some tenants will also require double glazing (a minor inconvenience for the benefit of having a dog IMO).
Post edited May 02, 2015 by IwubCheeze
jimboloid666: Punks also do not like paying rent.
There is an easy way to get money from Punks. Set their rent to normal. When you see a complaint from them, lower their rent until complaint is gone, then set it back to normal. You'll get 20 white marks. Wait until another complaint from them, lower and raise rent again for another 20 white marks. Rinse and repeat. 100 white marks = $10000.
IwubCheeze: Actually, you can give majors doghouses. Majors don't complain about the brick and steel bar fence, however, you will have to give them double glazing. For majors, I just give them a deciduous tree (no evergreens), dog house, brick and steel bar fence, double glazing, upgraded rooms and a patroling repairman. They then shut up for the rest of the game :).

Nerds insist on the white picket fence though so yeah, no dogs for them. Not much you can do about that except station a few gangsters as they become available. The only tenants you can't defend with dogs are the students, nerds and the stockbroker IF he is making housing plans (He demands his property have railings). All others can use dogs (I always give level 4 and 5 tenants the brick and steel bar fence except for the exception mentioned above) but as I'm sure you've already found out, some tenants will also require double glazing (a minor inconvenience for the benefit of having a dog IMO).
Thanks for those tips for taking care of the Majors. They had been getting on my nerves.

I've had it with those Nerds, though. Why insist on having white picket fences, and yet, come crying to me when they get broken? (Most annoying game mechanic ever.) Too bad I need Level 4 tenants and Mob favors so badly, because otherwise I'd blow their houses sky-high! I used to feel sorry for the nerdy guy in all those Street Wars/Mob Rule animated cutscenes, but not anymore! Next time I fire up the sequel, I'll gloat at every time he gets his face pounded in by Thugs and Bruto.