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Can someone help me out? At some point in my game (I believe AI already had lvl 4 houses), one of my houses was invaded by ghosts and they drove the tenants out. However, I still haven't found out how to get rid of these ghosts. I've tried to repair the house but that doesn't do the job. I ended up selling it, the council destroyed it and I built a new house.
Does anyone know how to remove ghosts from a haunted house without destroying or selling it?
I seem to remember the clown having options to deal with ghosts. Have you built a funhouse yet?
No, I haven't, but I'll give it a try.
Thanks, I'll let you know if it works.
Either install a mouse trap in a house that's haunted or send a clown.
You need to install a "ghost gunk" to the haunted house.
Nevermind about my earlier post. Sorry, I thought you guys were talking about "Mob Rule".