paulcmnt: You're not going to get anywhere (in a rational discussion) by being so over the top as to say Steam is basically malware.
All DRM programs are. They provide no benefit to me what so ever, can actually mess things on your computer (StarForce), interfere with legimate programs (they have no right to prevent operation of my disc image emulation software), try to contact internet without my permission and stop game from working because my firewall explitely prevents them or my internet is off, gather all sorts of information I don't want them to (DD store clients like Steam) and so fort.
You do know that major reason why old games don't work on newer OS'ses is because the DRM in them can't handle the new operating system and cracked the game works fine (that's primary way for GOG staff to make them compatiple. Other way would be updating DRM but why the hell would anyone update potentially harmfull program).
If game has DRM it has zero value for me, if not then it might have value depending my interest. If price is too high for me, I wait for price drop or sale. It might take year or two but it's not like I'm going to have shortage of games to play with over 200 game backlog :-p.