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I'm probably going to get pitch forked for this and that's ok. I'm just curious where the stopping point is for good old games now.

It's no longer good OLD games now that they're adding every game they can get on their library now but hey, more power to them I guess.

However, what boggles me is the fact is a DRM free site. DRM FREE. Now you can argue this till you're blue in the face, however, and correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't ARAMA Combined require a cd-key? I can be wrong, and I'll admit it, but last I knew, ARMA Combined is using a cd key which is a form of DRM.

Are they just going with the excuse "oh but it's just required for MP"? DRM is DRM. What's next?
It's hardly DRM. You install the game, click another thing and there's no other problems.
Spykez0129: I'm probably going to get pitch forked for this and that's ok....


Are they just going with the excuse "oh but it's just required for MP"? DRM is DRM. What's next?
Nah, no pitch fork:-)
As someone who hates drm I can understand why you think they have violated their own policy.
They explained a while back (and I can't find the message, search function sucks) that some games are designed to use the cd key to access the server or that the server uses the cd key to identify the player. I didn't pay full attention because I don't do multiplayer.
You have to understand that they don't have access to source code and they certainly can't change whatever was set up on the multiplayer servers. So their only choices are to release the game without multiplayer or to provide the cd key to allow their customers to access it.
They're doing the best they can with a situation that they cannot control.
Post edited September 12, 2012 by frankd3
Oooooh ok. So it's just a cd key for MP.

Oh pfff no issue than. I might just pick this up than.
Spykez0129: Are they just going with the excuse "oh but it's just required for MP"? DRM is DRM. What's next?
Oh come on. Next you will complain if some old game will require you to enter something from a code sheet because neither GOG nor the developer/publisher is able to remove this kind of protection anymore. Yeah, it's some form of DRM but it's not keeping you from maintaining as many copies as you want. That's what counts and will always be true for any GOG release. I'd rather have more releases including some that demand a serial key than an absolutely strict "no serials and no code protection!" policy that will hold back some releases. :P must not have read ANYTHING after the first post. Good job. You resurrected a 4 day old topic for absolutely no reason other than to make yourself look like a fool.