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If you have access to the videos (they were linked in the "Still censored?" thread), you can replace the upscaled videos. I am not 100% sure you can do it for ALL of them (I know they had to edit some parts for the release when there were incomplete parts, and these edits might be important for the flow of the story), but I managed to switch out the first video in the story without issues.

I had to convert the video format to .mp4 and rename it to fit the files used in the game (the differences are minor, so you should be able to figure out what to rename, if you are interested), but other than that, it was smooth sailing. The game didn't care that the duration, file size and resolution were different.

I still think this is a bit of a lousy effort (I can even understand not having subtitles, but no way to skip to the choices and not offering the original videos without upscaling? Really?), however I am a sucker for "historical" oddities like this one, so I bought the unrated version, after I originally refunded the "PG-13" version a while ago (it doesn't seem like they are planning to make any improvements to either version, sadly).

I wish someone would upload the whole thing to youtube with separate videos for each choice, like someone did once with "Plumbers Don't Wear Ties", so you get a better experience in playing through this if you want to check everything out. XD