Introducing new ways to browse and filter game catalog

We’re happy to announce that we’re slowly starting to roll out a new game catalog on GOG. Today, first users will get the chance to check new and robust ways to browse the entire offer on the store.
With more than 5500 products in the catalog, searching for the next game to play or discovering the gems to add to your collection can be a hassle. We understand that – we’ve been listening to your feedback and researching ways to improve your experience with GOG’s offer.
Now, we've introduced the new catalog on GOG to the first group of users – some of you may have already noticed the change. It allows for a more customized search, adding more ways to sort and filter games via price range, genres, release date range, and newly introduced tags system. You can see a little sneak peek at the attached image.
In the coming weeks, we will be rolling out the new catalog to more users, while we test its performance. Let us know how you like it!