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Was greeted by the following after upgrading to the latest version:

Running Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War
/media/snowfall/Storage/GOG Games/Warhammer 40,000 - Gladius - Relics Of War/game/Binaries/Linux-x86_64/Gladius.bin: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.32' not found (required by /media/snowfall/Storage/GOG Games/Warhammer 40,000 - Gladius - Relics Of War/game/Binaries/Linux-x86_64/Gladius.bin)
I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and the previous version worked just fine. Tried finding a more recent libstdc and using that, but then it complains about some GLIBCXX_2.x it can't find. Tried the latest Arch package (thinking of SteamOS) and it's the same.

What the freck did these guys compile it against and why didn't they statically link libstdc++ for the Emperor's sake?
Post edited March 19, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
I have not tested it on Ubuntu 22.04 so I can not promise it will help, but ./ drops most shipped libraries in favour of system ones, so it might get rid of this incompatibility.
I ran a test on a Debian 12 and got the same error. ./ does not help here.


And now it works!

After installing the game with ./, I put a recent libstdc++6 build (from Debian Sid) in "~/.local/lib/games/warhammer-40k-gladius". Nothing else is required.
├── ->
Post edited March 20, 2024 by vv221
vv221: And now it works!

After installing the game with ./, I put a recent libstdc++6 build (from Debian Sid) in "~/.local/lib/games/warhammer-40k-gladius". Nothing else is required.

├── ->
Thank you, I'll grab it from Sid as well I guess. *Sigh*, none of this would be necessary if people actually tested running these builds on the OSes they tout to support.

Edit: No dice in my case. Adding makes the game complain about a wrong version for, and adding that from Sid causes a segmentation fault. I guess I'll stick to the older version of the game for now.
Post edited March 20, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
Well, I've dropped an email to Slitherine Support, let's see how it goes. GOG support was sort of useless, as expected :/. No offense guys, but you should just forward these yourselves, not ask us to reach out to the devs.
Post edited March 20, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
WinterSnowfall: Well, I've dropped an email to Slitherine Support, let's see how it goes.
The dev studio, Proxy Studios, treat Linux as a first party target (this is not a port of a Windows build). So I expect we will get a good fix soon.
vv221: The dev studio, Proxy Studios, treat Linux as a first party target (this is not a port of a Windows build). So I expect we will get a good fix soon.
As an update, I got a reply from Proxy Studios and it should be fixed now in the game's beta branch. Hoping the next version of the offline installers will include the fix.

Edit: Got hold of beta binaries and can confirm it works now :).
Post edited March 22, 2024 by WinterSnowfall
WinterSnowfall: (…)
Thanks for the heads up, it’s good to see for once a game studio that is reactive about Linux-specific problems.
Mmmh, there still is only the 1.13.03 version offline installer for linux available. Where is the latest .04 version?
When i run ./ in terminal got the exact same error. While the desktop icon simply didn't do anything, no error message, nothing. The game version is still at 1.13.03
00063: When i run ./ in terminal got the exact same error. While the desktop icon simply didn't do anything, no error message, nothing. The game version is still at 1.13.03
Yeah and the Windows installer is already at version 1.14.00. This sucks. Luckily I still have version 1.13.02 installed.
I just sent an email about the broken dependencies of the currently available Linux version
on GOG.
If the publisher/developer don't reach out for GOG, it may be another 2 months (or more)
before there is even hope that a working version will reach the GOG offline installer.

While typing I got "ticket #2024052610000111" - lets hope this is a lucky number!

From my experience half of new games marked as also available for Linux are
not available for Linux (at least no Linux version available via offline installer).
This is a permanent situation - before it was Covid - or too many support requests.
After my experience there is no support at all - and I have not counted how many times
GOG support just told me to get into contact with devs ...

And how can GOG claim to test the versions they sell (and thus delay the availabiluty)
when a Linux version can not run on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ... it is not only the developers
responsibility ... after my expierience it is GOG support which would never react
constuctively to service requests of Linux users.
Ok, while waiting for a current version of Gladius for those (like me) not having a working older version
I found a workaround here (just for the credits ;):
So when using Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (or Mint or KDE neon based on this 'Jammy' = 22.04 LTS version),
one can just help by:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade libstdc++6
Which worked for me with KDE 6.0.4 (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS based).
Now, Gladius runs ... ;)
Post edited May 27, 2024 by JMB9
Yesterday Slitherine asked if the situation is the same - so they thought the new version should have landed.
And today, 29.05.2028, version 14.1 (73103) has landed and I tested with another Ubuntu 24.00 LTS
partition (without the toolchain PPA update) - and now it works for the most stable Ubuntu LTS!

So the game is updated and now working with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and its derivatives (like Mint or KDE neon 6.04+).

Thus, this thread is resoved ... and all interested can update to the latest version.

Note that the changelog is in the installed game:
* game/whatsnew.pdf
and that both printer friendly and ebook manuals are also in the installed game:
* game/Manuals/Gladius\ manual\ printer-friendly.pdf
* game/Manuals/Gladius\ manual\ EBOOK.pdf

For people using GNU/Linux one could create Links to the installed directory with:
ln -s game/whatsnew.pdf
ln -s game/Manuals/Gladius\ manual\ printer-friendly.pdf Gladius_manual_printer_friendly.pdf
ln -s game/Manuals/Gladius\ manual\ EBOOK.pdf Gladius_manual_EBOOK.pdf

Happy war gaming ... ;)
... and thanks to Slitherine and the Devs to provide the current version.