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TheCheese33: So just because it's a well-designed game makes it made for consoles? I like the PC and all, but I'm beginning to hate its fans more and more with every passing day...
It is an amazing game. Absolutely fantastic and it is my favorite RPG ever. I'm pretty confident saying it is my favorite game ever. That sure as hell doesn't mean it is flawless though. The UI needs to be changed to have proper support for M&K, because the current implementation is clunky at best. There is a problem when I don't want to craft or manage my inventory because it is such a chore to go into those menus.
Fayth: The UI needs to be changed to have proper support for M&K, because the current implementation is clunky at best. There is a problem when I don't want to craft or manage my inventory because it is such a chore to go into those menus.
I totally agree with this. I was planning on a heavy alchemy build, but after getting annoyed with the horrible UI/meditation system for making and drinking potions, I decided on swordmaster to save myself the aggravation.

Not being able to sort the inventory, compare items in shops etc made the whole thing a chore. It will never happen, but I'd be happy if the inventory system/UI from the first game were ported over.
I'm hoping for official patches that will at least attempt to make the UI better, but in the case that this doesn't happen, hopefully the toolset they release to modders is robust enough that they will be able to do major configuration of the UI themselves. That is, if they do release a toolset.
The problem is they have touted themselves as a pc only developer, but they gave us a very limited, consolized interface. I think they owe to the fans to patch in better UI elements.
scampywiak: The problem is they have touted themselves as a pc only developer, but they gave us a very limited, consolized interface. I think they owe to the fans to patch in better UI elements.
They never said they were a PC only developer. They were remaking Witcher 1 for the consoles. Red Engine was designed to be used for PC and consoles games, and they have plans on porting Witcher 2 to the console as well. What they did say is that they are a 1 project at a time developer because they don't have the resources to do more then 1 project, and they decided that making Witcher 2 was a better investment then remaking Witcher 1 for the consoles. But it sounds like their next project is porting Witcher 2 to the consoles.
scampywiak: The problem is they have touted themselves as a pc only developer, but they gave us a very limited, consolized interface. I think they owe to the fans to patch in better UI elements.
eisberg77: They never said they were a PC only developer. They were remaking Witcher 1 for the consoles. Red Engine was designed to be used for PC and consoles games, and they have plans on porting Witcher 2 to the console as well. What they did say is that they are a 1 project at a time developer because they don't have the resources to do more then 1 project, and they decided that making Witcher 2 was a better investment then remaking Witcher 1 for the consoles. But it sounds like their next project is porting Witcher 2 to the consoles.
A true multiplatform engine would allow them to make a UI, targeting, and inventory system that isn't the same for both platforms. They should work on having two separate systems, one for M&K, and one for gamepad. Until I see something like this on any so called "multiplatform" engine, I won't be impressed. It would pay off imo. Build it into the engine once, and then they could use it for future games and expansions. I mean, there are so many game engines out there that have lasted quite a long time, and incremental updates have preserved their quality. Why not go all the way with this one?
Post edited May 22, 2011 by Fayth
Many mutliplatform games have more developed UI's than TW2, as well as proper mouse control, and in-game graphics settings. The alchemy screen is just plain bad, which sucks because alchemy was one of my favorite things to play with in TW1, and now I don't want to bother with it. They basically gave us the skeleton of a proper UI.
I agree that they should definitely separate PC and console UI development.

I mean - how hard can it be, to have the overall same look of the current UI, but have it be more Mouse and Keyboard friendly. I cannot imagine it being that hard. Basically you are just arranging some menus and buttons. Maybe throw in some additional boxes or whatnot.

In Witcher 1 you had a complete overview or the inventory all in one screen. Just move the mouse over and you saw everything. While just looking at the inventory or while shopping.

Now you are stuck with a menu based system where you have to scroll through several categories - some which overlap. Icons don't help you much because you still have to scroll. You can no-longer compare your equipped items with store items.
I hate moving in and out of my inventory.

This time around it's more clunky as-well because it's obviously not a part of the gamescreen like it was in the first game. Going to the inventory is like going into the menu. And that yells - Consoles.

The game is not bad ofcourse. I'd give it 9/10 overall. But it seems so ridiculous to put in all that effort into the graphics, story etc - and give us a Console UI. Just silly.
It's not that the M&K are ineffective - it's just that they aren't optimal and nobody wants major gameplay elements like inventory management and shopping/crafting/potionmaking to feel like a chore - which is feels like now.
Although i will agree with most comments about the easy arse fist fights (never lost one) i have to say once i had mapped block and sign to my 4th and 5th mouse button i found the game far more injoyable and the fights alot less difficult. i never really used the quick menu sept for potions and meditaion and didnt really have a issue with it. fighting does seem alot more dumbed down than in the first game but sadly thats a sign of the kind of gamers these days its not just a console thing.
eisberg77: I'll say it here as well. Lots of people must be new to PC gaming. QTE? Yup, those were in PC games long before consoles had an effect on PC gaming. There were a whole slew of MS-DOS games that were built around QTE, and those games were fraking fun, wish more companies would make them. But if a company did make them, all the new generation of PC gaming kids would scream and yell 'Its a console game!'.

Same with gamepads, games were being made for use with a gamepad long before consoles started to effect the PC gaming scene.
... [geez] ...Yes, I know gamepads have been around for a long time.. although these weren't really "gamepads", but joysticks originally designed for flight simulators, which at one point started to be supported by non-flight sim games.

Heck, if you are going to mention MS-DOS, lots and lots of MS-DOS games didn't support the entire keyboard: no key mapping, no wasd, etc. But what happened? PC game control evolved to take advantage of the mouse and the number of keys on the keyboard. Nowadays you can buy a mouse with just about as many buttons/functions as your standard console keyboard.

As PC players, we have gotten used to a certain level of control over the game, and a certain type of interface with the game, which again, greatly evolved since those MS-DOS days of using only the arrow keys to move. When you take that control and that level of interface from us for whatever reason, we are going to raise objections, period.

TheCheese33: So just because it's a well-designed game makes it made for consoles? I like the PC and all, but I'm beginning to hate its fans more and more with every passing day...
That makes no sense.
It is not well designed for PC use at all, when you design your interface to accommodate a very small percentage of your consumer base. You can rant and rave all you want, and insult anyone you want, but the fact remains , and it has been acknowledged by the developer, that the interface was designed with a gamepad in mind, which takes away from the control and interface PC gamers have gotten accustomed to all these years.
Post edited May 22, 2011 by SystemShock7
azraden00: Spergin' self-entitled PC gamers itt.

I've played both gamepad and kb/m, to see how they stack up against each other. Both work incredibly well. Other than going through the inventory, but that's because the inventory system is bad, not because CONSOLES A BLOO BLOO BLOO.

Seriously, reading this thread is like reading a Dragon Age 2 thread. Except Dragon Age 2 actually deserved it. How in the hell people are honestly thinking this game is anywhere near that debauchery of a game is beyond me. This is a fantastic game with a few minor questionable design decisions. This has come close to being sealed as GOTY for me, which is quite the feat, considering what games have/will come out this year. Arkham City is the only game I see giving this one a run for it's money.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Some people are bound to whine for anything. Dragon Age 2 deserved the bashing. The Witcher 2 absolutely does NOT.

So express your concerns politely and Cd Projekt Red may listen. They are listening and you know it. I wouldn't be surprised if they release a UI patch after they have a final decision about releasing this game on consoles or not.

Ofcourse NOT releasing it will only promote them patching the game and even changing some UI elements even more.

I can understand that the game has some UI problems no one is perfect but constant whining about this is ridiculous if one thinks what a masterpiece this game really is.

Let's just wait for the official forums to open and post constructive criticisms there shall we? Cd Projekt Red team has a reputation for listening to its fans.
azraden00: Spergin' self-entitled PC gamers itt.

I've played both gamepad and kb/m, to see how they stack up against each other. Both work incredibly well. Other than going through the inventory, but that's because the inventory system is bad, not because CONSOLES A BLOO BLOO BLOO.

Seriously, reading this thread is like reading a Dragon Age 2 thread. Except Dragon Age 2 actually deserved it. How in the hell people are honestly thinking this game is anywhere near that debauchery of a game is beyond me. This is a fantastic game with a few minor questionable design decisions. This has come close to being sealed as GOTY for me, which is quite the feat, considering what games have/will come out this year. Arkham City is the only game I see giving this one a run for it's money.
Bowmangr: Couldn't have said it better myself. Some people are bound to whine for anything. Dragon Age 2 deserved the bashing. The Witcher 2 absolutely does NOT.

So express your concerns politely and Cd Projekt Red may listen. They are listening and you know it. I wouldn't be surprised if they release a UI patch after they have a final decision about releasing this game on consoles or not.

Ofcourse NOT releasing it will only promote them patching the game and even changing some UI elements even more.

I can understand that the game has some UI problems no one is perfect but constant whining about this is ridiculous if one thinks what a masterpiece this game really is.

Let's just wait for the official forums to open and post constructive criticisms there shall we? Cd Projekt Red team has a reputation for listening to its fans.
Sure hope it is constructive and not the kind of stuff that has been posted on the makeshift site they put up. That stuff was downright hateful at times.
azraden00: Spergin' self-entitled PC gamers itt.

I've played both gamepad and kb/m, to see how they stack up against each other. Both work incredibly well. Other than going through the inventory, but that's because the inventory system is bad, not because CONSOLES A BLOO BLOO BLOO.

Seriously, reading this thread is like reading a Dragon Age 2 thread. Except Dragon Age 2 actually deserved it. How in the hell people are honestly thinking this game is anywhere near that debauchery of a game is beyond me. This is a fantastic game with a few minor questionable design decisions. This has come close to being sealed as GOTY for me, which is quite the feat, considering what games have/will come out this year. Arkham City is the only game I see giving this one a run for it's money.
Bowmangr: Couldn't have said it better myself. Some people are bound to whine for anything. Dragon Age 2 deserved the bashing. The Witcher 2 absolutely does NOT.

So express your concerns politely and Cd Projekt Red may listen. They are listening and you know it. I wouldn't be surprised if they release a UI patch after they have a final decision about releasing this game on consoles or not.

Ofcourse NOT releasing it will only promote them patching the game and even changing some UI elements even more.

I can understand that the game has some UI problems no one is perfect but constant whining about this is ridiculous if one thinks what a masterpiece this game really is.

Let's just wait for the official forums to open and post constructive criticisms there shall we? Cd Projekt Red team has a reputation for listening to its fans.
no one is whining really this is partly an attempt to get ready to make a case on the witcher forums.

but it feels liek people like you are trying to say we hate a restaurant because they wont let us get a cup of water with out meal. and we said we would like one
coastie65: They will. I would imagine it is an big undertaking to transfer everything from the original Forums to the new one and will take some time.
I just don’t understand why they are a) doing this now and b) doing this at all. Why a new one?
coastie65: They will. I would imagine it is an big undertaking to transfer everything from the original Forums to the new one and will take some time.
Demut: I just don’t understand why they are a) doing this now and b) doing this at all. Why a new one?
maybe to fit the sites new style

but yeah they should have done it before launch, its important to have a way to contact the devs.