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Seph22: Patch note 17 : "Islamic–themed and similar textures have been deleted and/or replaced"

HOW DARE YOU OFFEND MUSLIMS ! okay just kidding :P here is the real reply

I can honestly say that most Muslims did notice the removed texture thingy because it was a typical Islamic prayer rug (Google prayer rug) Muslims pray 5 times a day on those (to avoid praying on dirt if floor was dirty) and surely that exact islamic prayer rug was like in a lot of rooms ingame so it's hard to miss, seems like there are a lot of Muslim houses in witcher 2 (lol)

Either way i have never reported the issue myself to CDP because it didn't bother me, Islamic rugs are part of culture and not a religion matter plus Islamic font/art is used a lot in variety of games so it was honest mistake as what CDP put it here.

"By mistake on one of the carpets in one of the games brothels there were islamic motives. Not a good taste and pure mistake. Carpets in this particular brothel then get exchanged;)


People are saying they did it to avoid being bombed or fear, or that they should put it back and not surrender in other threads seriously? CDP was just being nice and i clap for them what is wrong of being nice to others, some people are really childish here learn to live with others muslims are about 2billions not 2 persons so stop being racists saying things like we are bombers and stuff lol :P

I bought the game for Steam and W2 is my favorite RPG ever ! keep up the good work CDP ! looking forward to more DLC and maybe expansion :) so again Thank you CDP for being nice
Ekhem if the CDP would want to be nice instead of replacing and retexturing carpets that had no right to offend any1 hence they got nothing to do with actual religion. They could finaly fix the god damn Radeon problems like some freakish light balls hanging around all over the place. The wierd performence issues i got over recomended setting and i cant play on any other than low setting without heavy lags. Theres no support for 4:3 monitors witch makes it even worse. In the end i get a crappy textured video with big ass black bars that makesthe screen so tiny its like 15" plus i get to be blinded by the light bug. All in all it suck to be radeon user :/ You think muslims with radeons on crossfire would notice the carpets ? :P
Post edited June 05, 2011 by Ren.Midori
MaceUK71: I am an atheist but was baptised so could be called C of E but I do not, nor do most Christians, call for another Crusade everytime someone knocks the bible etc.

How has it got to this state that this fear is instilled? Surely it is a good thing to weave in others customs/religions?
Not nowadays at least but a few hundred years ago :D

Also I do not know whether Seph22 ignored my post or simply overlooked when I mentioned that my problem in Islam is how they treat their own people who only want to do a bit of free thinking. (as in NOT act religious and hold hands with the opposite sex or just go for a beer... which you know, human society has been based on since ancient times).
What are your specs Ren ? I also have Radeon 4870 and the game runs flawlessly on high (just ubersampling off), however my resolution is somewhat low 1366x768 only on my 19'' LCD but still I am enjoying it on high settings. I faced some hiccups and choppy gameplay which caused a lot frustration during combat but it all went away when I updated my drivers from 11.2 to 11.5

I don't see any texture corruption or weird lighting problems.
MaceUK71: I am an atheist but was baptised so could be called C of E but I do not, nor do most Christians, call for another Crusade everytime someone knocks the bible etc.

How has it got to this state that this fear is instilled? Surely it is a good thing to weave in others customs/religions?
SLOFila: Not nowadays at least but a few hundred years ago :D

Also I do not know whether Seph22 ignored my post or simply overlooked when I mentioned that my problem in Islam is how they treat their own people who only want to do a bit of free thinking. (as in NOT act religious and hold hands with the opposite sex or just go for a beer... which you know, human society has been based on since ancient times).
I did ignore it actually because it was totally unrelated to the reality and free thinking is demeaned by the Quran and Islam 1400 years ago, people where worshiping dolls and Quran in many verses courage to think/discuss/argue everything about religion instead of following what "our father did so we do it"

1-If you talk about free thinking about religion people do it in TV/Newspaper/books/many top Muslims people who study islam disagree between one another in a lot of matters so it's there, fact is Islam itself is a choice not forced

2-You want alcohol/touching stranger women as a part of "free thinking" excuse me but this is ridicules, what you are saying "why I'm not allowed to modify the religion to fit my goals" Islam follow the rules of 1 unmodified book for 1400 years which is the Quran, unlike other religions books which is known and get modified on daily bases and original book is lost, the Quran today is the same one 100% 1400 years ago there is no second copy and its rules are clear.

If you are a Muslim and do things that are 100% against islam and you know its against islam, you are still a Muslim but a Muslim With sins, however if you say "these things are not allowed but i will allow them for myself anyway as free thinking" then you are not a true Muslim and a hypocrite because the moment you don't believe in the Quran word by word you are not a Muslim.

The free thinking the Quran demand is not the kind of "hey lets allow drinking and ignore what the Quran says that we shouldn't drink alcohol" the Quran courage free thinking as "Why did the Quran didn't allow it? lets discuss this and understand its point and everything about this point instead of just repeating no to alcohol like sheep without understanding why it said so) by the end of discussion if All islam explanations and points regarding the issue did not ring true to you or didn't make you understand then you are lying to yourself by staying a Muslim , you can't lie to your heart saying i believe what i disbelieve

The Quran make it very clear that to be a Muslim you have to believe in 1 god/his messengers (jesus/Mohammad/etc)//hereafter/Quran being god error free book/Bible/torah being god ex-books but were corrupted through time/etc if you DISBELIEVE any of these points then you are no longer a Muslim, you can't say I'm a Muslim but i don't believe in jesus etc

To make it simple how can you say i believe the Quran is error free then try to modify it by allowing Alcohol if it says clearly it's not allowed? only solution is not to become a Muslim but as i said discussing why i can't/why god didn't allow it/why it's created on earth if god didn't want us to have it? couldn't he just make alcohol existence on earth not possible instead of all this drama?etc all these questions the Quran courage to ask to increase someone faith instead of following something like an idiot.

Also you didn't tell us where you at, Some cultures are hardcore and force culture not religion issues into their people, IN Saudi for example a woman doesn't drive, every other Muslim country women drives fine it's culture issue, in my country a woman is preferred not to do certain things even if it's allowed by Islam by certain people not all because it can be considered shameful to the family (Like talking to the men at shops when buying something if her husband was with her standing besides her)

Post edited June 05, 2011 by Seph22
WINNIPEG, MANITOBA,CANADA— "A dozen Muslim families who recently arrived in Canada have told Winnipeg’s Louis Riel School Division that they want their children excused from compulsory elementary school music and coed physical education programs for religious and cultural reasons." - special to National Post. [Feb 5,2011]

There is no reason to cater to these people, as this sets a precedent for any other children, not following the Muslim faith to want to opt out of music/gym class as well. The simple solution is: follow our rules or find another educational institution or province/state/country that accepts your wishes. These parents simply have no right to dictate their terms in Canada, but they will try.
Post edited June 05, 2011 by MikeP999
MikeP999: WINNIPEG, MANITOBA,CANADA— "A dozen Muslim families who recently arrived in Canada have told Winnipeg’s Louis Riel School Division that they want their children excused from compulsory elementary school music and coed physical education programs for religious and cultural reasons." - special to National Post. [Feb 5,2011]

There is no reason to cater to these people, as this sets a precedent for any other children, not following the Muslim faith to want to opt out of music/gym class as well. The simple solution is: follow our rules or find another educational institution or province/state/country that accepts your wishes. These parents simply have no right to dictate their terms in Canada, but they will try.
And what this got to do with the thread exactly? and who said they are telling Canada to follow their rules? this is the typical hatred posts by bigots like you and you are only fooling yourself not others if you say you are not, you think other people never had similar issues or it's only Muslims? There are countries where atheists refuse to send their kids to any school that teach their kids or even mention Jesus even in History subjects etc

Oh wait i forgot, if That school didn't stop teaching Music to those Muslims they will get bombed right? your post is pitiful it's like Muslims only come from outside but not from canada, there are plenty of native Muslim Canadian and American Muslims who share similar views and reported by news ages ago plus they are talking about their own kids not all kids in school and since when music is a mandatory in school?

Everyone have the right to speak whatever they believe, if i don't want my kid to be learn certain things i have the right to say so it's my kid not yours and the school have the right to accept or deny my request and i have the right to take my kid to another school or shut up and let him join a school that is uncompilable my ideal view.,Take your insecurity and unrelated post somewhere else.
This thread needs to die.
SLOFila: Not nowadays at least but a few hundred years ago :D

Also I do not know whether Seph22 ignored my post or simply overlooked when I mentioned that my problem in Islam is how they treat their own people who only want to do a bit of free thinking. (as in NOT act religious and hold hands with the opposite sex or just go for a beer... which you know, human society has been based on since ancient times).
Seph22: I did ignore it actually because it was totally unrelated to the reality and free thinking is demeaned by the Quran and Islam 1400 years ago, people where worshiping dolls and Quran in many verses courage to think/discuss/argue everything about religion instead of following what "our father did so we do it"

1-If you talk about free thinking about religion people do it in TV/Newspaper/books/many top Muslims people who study islam disagree between one another in a lot of matters so it's there, fact is Islam itself is a choice not forced

2-You want alcohol/touching stranger women as a part of "free thinking" excuse me but this is ridicules, what you are saying "why I'm not allowed to modify the religion to fit my goals" Islam follow the rules of 1 unmodified book for 1400 years which is the Quran, unlike other religions books which is known and get modified on daily bases and original book is lost, the Quran today is the same one 100% 1400 years ago there is no second copy and its rules are clear.

If you are a Muslim and do things that are 100% against islam and you know its against islam, you are still a Muslim but a Muslim With sins, however if you say "these things are not allowed but i will allow them for myself anyway as free thinking" then you are not a true Muslim and a hypocrite because the moment you don't believe in the Quran word by word you are not a Muslim.

The free thinking the Quran demand is not the kind of "hey lets allow drinking and ignore what the Quran says that we shouldn't drink alcohol" the Quran courage free thinking as "Why did the Quran didn't allow it? lets discuss this and understand its point and everything about this point instead of just repeating no to alcohol like sheep without understanding why it said so) by the end of discussion if All islam explanations and points regarding the issue did not ring true to you or didn't make you understand then you are lying to yourself by staying a Muslim , you can't lie to your heart saying i believe what i disbelieve

The Quran make it very clear that to be a Muslim you have to believe in 1 god/his messengers (jesus/Mohammad/etc)//hereafter/Quran being god error free book/Bible/torah being god ex-books but were corrupted through time/etc if you DISBELIEVE any of these points then you are no longer a Muslim, you can't say I'm a Muslim but i don't believe in jesus etc

To make it simple how can you say i believe the Quran is error free then try to modify it by allowing Alcohol if it says clearly it's not allowed? only solution is not to become a Muslim but as i said discussing why i can't/why god didn't allow it/why it's created on earth if god didn't want us to have it? couldn't he just make alcohol existence on earth not possible instead of all this drama?etc all these questions the Quran courage to ask to increase someone faith instead of following something like an idiot.

Also you didn't tell us where you at, Some cultures are hardcore and force culture not religion issues into their people, IN Saudi for example a woman doesn't drive, every other Muslim country women drives fine it's culture issue, in my country a woman is preferred not to do certain things even if it's allowed by Islam by certain people not all because it can be considered shameful to the family (Like talking to the men at shops when buying something if her husband was with her standing besides her)

1. How is it a choice when it is forced upon people? People are not allowed to convert out of Islam while being in an Islamic state (and if they do while they are outside they are not allowed to come back home only as a "foreigner" and also lose every right to the family ties) so it is not being given a choice. They are born muslim, because the state (as in country) demands it so and there is no way out unless you leave the country or drop dead.

2. The problem with this part is inherent to the first one. Since one is not allowed to CHOSE not to be a muslim he is confined to live the life of one even though he does not believe in it. If he doesn't live according to the said rules than the religious police gets on his ass.
And I am not talking about "changing the rules to fit my ideals". I am talking about practicing your religion FOR YOURSELF and do not force another one into it. If the other person doesn't want to do it do not send the religious police on him, let him live the path he chooses, whether it be in sin or not. If you believe everything that the book says good for you, live by it and have the peace of mind but don't throw a hissy fit and threaten someone else when he doesn't do it just because that person was never given the possibility of choosing.
Post edited June 05, 2011 by SLOFila
Fuck religion. The best thing to come from Islam is nifty ornate rugs perfect for fucking on the ground.
SLOFila: 1. How is it a choice when it is forced upon people? People are not allowed to convert out of Islam while being in an Islamic state (and if they do while they are outside they are not allowed to come back home only as a "foreigner" and also lose every right to the family ties) so it is not being given a choice. They are born muslim, because the state (as in country) demands it so and there is no way out unless you leave the country or drop dead.

2. The problem with this part is inherent to the first one. Since one is not allowed to CHOSE not to be a muslim he is confined to live the life of one even though he does not believe in it. If he doesn't live according to the said rules than the religious police gets on his ass.
And I am not talking about "changing the rules to fit my ideals". I am talking about practicing your religion FOR YOURSELF and do not force another one into it. If the other person doesn't want to do it do not send the religious police on him, let him live the path he chooses, whether it be in sin or not. If you believe everything that the book says good for you, live by it and have the peace of mind but don't throw a hissy fit and threaten someone else when he doesn't do it just because that person was never given the possibility of choosing.
1- Tell me who is being forced? where is that country in all history on earth where told people become Muslim or get killed? other religions do have such history but not islam

What you are talking about i have already explained before it's exclusive to people who PRETENDED to be Muslims then turned AGAINST islam and muslims not just dropped islam (aka fighting muslims or used muslims like saying I'm a muslim so he can join muslims and spy on them or pretending to be muslim for political reasons even then killing such person is not easy in islam there are plenty of rules regarding it) , no one cares if someone drop islam, India king was a muslim at the time and most of the people were muslims too, now majority are not muslims why no one killed them, you are misinformed nothing more nothing less.

2-Jews were drinking and living among Muslims during the prophet time, Muslims rules apply to Muslims not none-Muslims what you are complaining about are countries forced laws not religion laws, if you drink in my country you go to jail doesn't matter what is your religion, in UAE and Bahrain (same area the gulf) you can drink if you are not a Muslim but can't if you are a muslim

I'm a muslim i can drop islam any second without getting killed lol neither anyone will care but I'm sure if i do so i might lose family ties as you put it, what do you expect of humans? have you never heard of stories of Christian families kicking their son out because he became a muslim or atheists ? people do such things unrelated to what their religion says, what islam actually says no matter what someone religion in a family they should remain close but go explain that to people when they get angry they wont listen.

Thing is you put politics/laws/culture in 1 cup with religion and mix them together.

Interesting. Well I can understand CDPR didn't want to offend anyone with their game. The fact they removed it is probably more out of good will and respect for the religion than fear of threatening. It's just a kind gesture. I don't understand all the fuss about it.
galildoughty: Fuck religion. The best thing to come from Islam is nifty ornate rugs perfect for fucking on the ground.
Stupid post is stupid, do you sense the anger,hatred confusion and insecurity in it? sure did
You want people to say plow atheism it only brought xxxxx xxxxx xxxx? these are low and stupid ways to communicate

At least The Muslims posts were very beautiful in this thread <3 and i think if i stay here any longer I'll listen to too much hatred and stupidity that i don't need in my productive and lovely life as a Muslim, i wanted the thread to get locked for ages but there are no mods, i don't think i have anything in my life that i hate as much as some people here hate religion/islam and Muslim , i don't have to hate like a mad man things i disagree with some people here need to visit psychology drs or something.

Post edited June 05, 2011 by Seph22
Senteria: Interesting. Well I can understand CDPR didn't want to offend anyone with their game. The fact they removed it is probably more out of good will and respect for the religion than fear of threatening. It's just a kind gesture. I don't understand all the fuss about it.
Cause there are people who think religion is a joke and does not deserve any kind of respect, so they will fuss about anything if religion has anything to do with any decision made.
SLOFila: 1. How is it a choice when it is forced upon people? People are not allowed to convert out of Islam while being in an Islamic state (and if they do while they are outside they are not allowed to come back home only as a "foreigner" and also lose every right to the family ties) so it is not being given a choice. They are born muslim, because the state (as in country) demands it so and there is no way out unless you leave the country or drop dead.

2. The problem with this part is inherent to the first one. Since one is not allowed to CHOSE not to be a muslim he is confined to live the life of one even though he does not believe in it. If he doesn't live according to the said rules than the religious police gets on his ass.
And I am not talking about "changing the rules to fit my ideals". I am talking about practicing your religion FOR YOURSELF and do not force another one into it. If the other person doesn't want to do it do not send the religious police on him, let him live the path he chooses, whether it be in sin or not. If you believe everything that the book says good for you, live by it and have the peace of mind but don't throw a hissy fit and threaten someone else when he doesn't do it just because that person was never given the possibility of choosing.
Seph22: 1- Tell me who is being forced? where is that country in all history on earth where told people become Muslim or get killed? other religions do have such history but not islam

What you are talking about i have already explained before it's exclusive to people who PRETENDED to be Muslims then turned AGAINST islam and muslims not just dropped islam (aka fighting muslims or used muslims like saying I'm a muslim so he can join muslims and spy on them or pretending to be muslim for political reasons even then killing such person is not easy in islam there are plenty of rules regarding it) , no one cares if someone drop islam, India king was a muslim at the time and most of the people were muslims too, now majority are not muslims why no one killed them, you are misinformed nothing more nothing less.

2-Jews were drinking and living among Muslims during the prophet time, Muslims rules apply to Muslims not none-Muslims what you are complaining about are countries forced laws not religion laws, if you drink in my country you go to jail doesn't matter what is your religion, in UAE and Bahrain (same area the gulf) you can drink if you are not a Muslim but can't if you are a muslim

I'm a muslim i can drop islam any second without getting killed lol neither anyone will care but I'm sure if i do so i might lose family ties as you put it, what do you expect of humans? have you never heard of stories of Christian families kicking their son out because he became a muslim or atheists ? people do such things unrelated to what their religion says, what islam actually says no matter what someone religion in a family they should remain close but go explain that to people when they get angry they wont listen.

Thing is you put politics/laws/culture in 1 cup with religion and mix them together.

Don't twist my words.

"where is that country in all history on earth where told people become Muslim or get killed?"

The kid is born, the kid, on the first day of his life is given Islamic religion because of the constitution of the country. When he grows up and doesn't have the faith his only way to "convert" is by leaving the country or dropping dead.

"What you are talking about i have already explained before it's exclusive to people who PRETENDED to be Muslims then turned AGAINST islam"

These people NEVER PRETENDED to be muslims because they never had the choice to pretend. They have Islam in their identity card, not by their chosing, thus are forced to live by it's rules even if they don't want to.

"i might lose family ties as you put it"

Fair enough this is my fault. What I wanted to say by "family ties being cut" is not that the family disowns the son that does it. The COUNTRY does not allow that person that converted outside of it to ever come back and receive whatever the parents wanted them to inherit.

"Jews were drinking and living among Muslims during the prophet time, Muslims rules apply to Muslims not none-Muslims what you are complaining about are countries forced laws not religion laws, if you drink in my country you go to jail doesn't matter what is your religion, in UAE and Bahrain (same area the gulf) you can drink if you are not a Muslim but can't if you are a muslim "

People can drink here too. I can go and get myself wasted and no one cares. However to stop from going in circles I will quote myself.
"These people NEVER PRETENDED to be muslims because they never had the choice to pretend. They have Islam in their identity card, not by their chosing, thus are forced to live by it's rules even if they don't want to."
And thus if they drink and are seen by the religious police they are screwed.
Post edited June 05, 2011 by SLOFila
@ SLOFila

Who told you all this ? self study or told by some person or you visited some Islamic country ?

Actually you don't know that the problem with Islam you're talking about does not even exist, you have broken blocks of knowledge about Islam on which you are placing your opinion, Islam does not restrict someone to follow it, infact in Holy Quran, Allah Almighty orders to do "Ghor-O-Fiqer" which means observe and think for what is right and what is wrong and then decide your path, is it not equivalent to free thinking ?

As told by Seph22, there are some countries that have laws of restrictive nature, but its a cultural problem not Islamic problem, for example a woman not allowed to drive a car is a cultural problem not an Islamic law.

However Islam has some clear guidelines for its followers, for example liquor is indeed prohibited in Islam because anything that takes away your ability to think with a clear or "FREE" mind as said by you is prohibited in our religion. Also holding your hand with opposite sex is only applicable until you have proper relation with opposite sex person i.e husband and wife. A person is not allowed to have sex with anyone they like just because they have friendship or they know each other in some way but again if anyone thinks it is wrong or restrictive they can do as they like no one is putting a sword on them but they cannot hope to stay inside Islam and do these things as there are some principles to follow, if they want to do these things they are free to choose another path.

Every religion has some principles I don't understand why Islam gets targeted every time for being restrictive for example some religions don't allow the followers to marry inside family or with cousins, from my perspective it is very restrictive and a difficult principle to follow but I don't complain as it is a principle of some religion.

You cannot cover your every act behind the word "free thinking" otherwise what will be the benefit of teachings, laws, holy books, religions if you are allowed to be totally chaotic and do anything you link anytime you like ? There are some core principles to follow and they exist in every religion, however if anyone feels them as burden he or she can choose the path of being atheist and can have total "free thinking" no principles to follow, no god to worship, no prayers to do and no holy places to visit.

I just tried to clear your misconception about Islam however it is my experience that these sort of things only gets complicated specially when you do these types of discussions on forums or threads, the problem is you cannot convey your message properly just by typing loads of text. The real reason of this thread was to say thanks to CDPR for being caring.