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So ... Gog's page for this game says that Windows 7 is supported, Direct2Drive specifically says Windows 7 is not supported, and Steam only lists XP and Vista as supported versions.

Can anyone here confirm that the version of the Witcher runs correctly under Windows 7 64 bit?

Thanks in advance
This question / problem has been solved by Namurimage
I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and The Witcher, gog version, works perfectly for me.
I played a disc copy of the Enhanced Edition and it worked fine for me on WIndows 7 64-bit.
This game was released before Windows 7, which is why it's not listed in other pages. But GOG grants Windows 7 compatibility to every new title they release now, so if the Witcher needed any changes, they would do it.

Still, The Witcher is recent enough that any version you get will work fine, so don't worry.

I'm not sure why D2D puts emphasis on Windows 7 not being supported, but I think they just mean "If you use Windows 7 and it doesn't work, we will not refund you or anything", since Windows 7 was not in their contract. But knowing CD Projekt, if that was the case, they would probably just make another patch.
Post edited May 28, 2011 by Dragobr
Not supported doesn't mean it won't work.

All versions of The Witcher will work on Windows 7 x64.
Runs perfectly on my Windows 7 64 system.
i cant get it to work! i keep getting the min require not met error. yes i have added the –dontForceMinReqs to the target. still not working. PLEASE HELP! I have an alienware m14x should run this game fine.
aaronth86: i cant get it to work! i keep getting the min require not met error. yes i have added the –dontForceMinReqs to the target. still not working. PLEASE HELP! I have an alienware m14x should run this game fine.
So you still get the minimum requirements error even after adding -dontForceMinReqs to the shortcut? That definitely shouldn't happen; there's probably a small mistake somewhere in your shortcut. Make sure you do the following:

1) Make the shortcut to witcher.exe. Do NOT use the game launcher! Find witcher.exe in your install directory, and make a shortcut to it. Use that shortcut to run the game.

2) When you add the command to the shortcut, make sure there are no typos and you have the space and the quote marks in the right place. It should read (the blah\blah\blah represents the path to your install directory):

"c:\blah\bah\blah\witcher.exe" -dontForceMinReqs

Make sure that the -dontForceMinReqs is OUTSIDE the quote marks, and that there is a SPACE between the ending quote mark and the -DontForceMinReqs. If there is any small error in there it won't work.

I hope that helps! Post back if you're still having trouble.
Waltorious thanks for the relpy maybe im a newb but correct me if im wrong i go to the system folder select the witcher appl button at the bottom when i try to make a shortcut it only lets me make one the desktop. then i change the target correctly,,,,nothing. im i make a wrong shortcut? i dont see withcer.exe
aaronth86: Waltorious thanks for the relpy maybe im a newb but correct me if im wrong i go to the system folder select the witcher appl button at the bottom when i try to make a shortcut it only lets me make one the desktop. then i change the target correctly,,,,nothing. im i make a wrong shortcut? i dont see withcer.exe
You are using Windows 7? If so, the game probably installed to c:\Program Flies (x86)\\The Witcher Enhanced Edition. Go to that folder and look for witcher.exe, which should have the witcher medallion icon. It might not display the .exe on the end, so if you're not sure, right-click the file and go to properties. It should give the full filename for it there. That's the file you want to make a shortcut to.

Alternatively, just search for witcher.exe using the search box on the start menu.

If you are using Windows 7, you probably also want to make sure that the game is running as administrator. To do that, right-click the shortcut, go to the "compatibility" tab, and check the box that says "run this program as administrator". I don't think running as administrator is needed to get the -dontForceMinReqs to work but it will probably make the game run better with fewer issues.

EDIT: I just saw in another thread that you seem to have found the correct file, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work. Try running as administrator (the fact that you could only make a shortcut on the desktop makes me think that you don't have administrator priveleges) and see if that helps. Don't give up! We'll get it working.
Post edited August 05, 2011 by Waltorious
after i ran it as admin it works! thanks.
aaronth86: after i ran it as admin it works! thanks.
Awesome, glad you got it working!
I'm just curious why this happens in the first place?
EPGPX: I'm just curious why this happens in the first place?
Are you referring to the "minimum system requirements" thing? It happens because the developers only have so much time and money they can spend on testing different hardware. They picked a set of minimum hardware that they could "guarantee" the game will run on, and implemented the minimum requirements check so they wouldn't have people complaining that the game messed up their systems when it's below the minimum specs. It's kind of a way of avoiding liability... they make it very clear that running the game on these systems is NOT supported by the makers of the game.

In reality, many of these systems CAN run the game (at lower settings of course), and fortunately the system requirements check can be bypassed fairly easily. But running the game on these systems is done "at your own risk" in a sense.

It's a similar idea to why unlocking a cell phone is not officially supported and will void the warranty.

If you were wondering about why you have to run the game as admin, that has to do with the fact that Windows 7 has certain security measures in place in the Program Files directory in order to protect critical system files. If a game is installed there (which is the default location) but you are not running as administrator, it can't write files and therefore doesn't work properly. Running as admin or installing to somewhere other than program files fixes this.
Ive tried to use the advice of Waltorious and yet i get this message "Application load error 5:0000065434" I got my edition on steam, that might be why?

Es suuucks, just finished tW2, and now i want to finish off the first Witcher to get my Witcher fix!