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Includes Mind Games and Gold Edition DLCs!

Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition, the complete edition of the challenging modern Sci-Fi roguelike game that challenges you to explore ancient alien ruins, is available 25% off on That's only $9.74 for the next three days. At the same time, the permanently reduce the price of the game's regular edition to $6.99.

Are you prepared for the Pit? If you think you are, scout, you've already failed and our world is doomed. I want you to really understand this: you are not prepared. Nothing in the world could have prepared you. No amount of training, not even years of experience, nothing. So if you're feeling confident, that you can go to the Feldspar Mountains, scavenge the ancient Suul'ka complex, steal their secrets, and return with the cure for the Ghoul Plague--we're dead. Our only hope lies in your ability to doubt yourself, second-guess your own judgment, and think twice about your every step. This is how dangerous the Pit is. I would know. I've been there. I reached level 3 before my squad was decimated by mutant beasts. So, soldier, I'll ask you one final time, and this time I want you to really think before you give me your answer: are you prepared?

Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition is a phenomenal turn-based RPG turning the traditional roguelike dungeon exploration, item scumming, and careful planning into a modern gaming experience. The infamous Pit is randomly generated on each playthrough, which--combined with the game's three different character classes--makes up for crazy replayability value. With tons of items to find, many equipment and character modifications, and--most importantly--a vast selection of blood-hungry monsters waiting for your every mistake, this game offers you a Sci-Fi adventure you'll be enjoying for hours and hours. The Mind Games and Gold Edition DLCs included in this premium package, add new layers of gameplay and come with a plethora of improved and added features. (Both DLCs also available separately. The Gold Edition Upgrade DLC costs $2.99 and requires the previous Mind Games DLC to be installed first).

If you like challenging games that first become your passion, then an obsession, and finally an addiction, you need to grab the definitive package of roguelike goodness, Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition, right now, for only $9.74 on! The 25% discount offer lasts until Monday, November 11, at 14:59PM GMT.
tinyE: I would imagine it's about now that Judas begins to reconsider his decision to do this rather than joining the priesthood like his mother told him to.
Wouldn't trade the job for the world but thanks for your concern :)
Azilut: SOTS TP Gold Edition is not a stand-alone "complete" installer; rather it is a bundle of three separate items:
1. SOTS: The Pit
2. Mindgames DLC
3. Gold Edition DLC

SOTS TP Gold Edition Upgrade is just the new DLC.

So there is no difference between buying the "Gold Edition" bundle and buying each item separately, except for the price - if you have none of the games, it is slightly cheaper to buy the bundle.

Prices (individual items):
1. SOTS: The Pit - $6.99
2. Mindgames DLC - $4.99
3. Gold Edition DLC - $2.99
TOTAL: $14.97
Yes, that's correct. Basically, we want everyone to have the same version but not have those who already bought the previous entries pay through the nose :)
Post edited November 08, 2013 by JudasIscariot
Okay, thanks for answering my questions. Just for the record, if your management reviews this, this whole process makes me not want to buy any games before DLC comes out. Reinstallation is going to be a real pain in the butt if I have to put all of these pieces together myself. I would love it if there was an upgrade path to just one installer instead of three.

I probably won't be buying any more games before gold edition.
isisprince: Okay, thanks for answering my questions. Just for the record, if your management reviews this, this whole process makes me not want to buy any games before DLC comes out. Reinstallation is going to be a real pain in the butt if I have to put all of these pieces together myself. I would love it if there was an upgrade path to just one installer instead of three.

I probably won't be buying any more games before gold edition.
Not a problem :)

Actually, if you already have the previous games installed there is no re-installation necessary. So if you already have the base game and the first DLC installed, for example, all you have to do is install the Gold Edition upgrade and you're done :)
JudasIscariot: The three parts, when put together, are that big, yes.

I played the game using mouse and keyboard and am going to try and see how well it handles with a controller as I've never had the time to play it after all the updates :) I *think* that you can control the game entirely by mouse but I personally have never tried doing so :)
I guess I'm just used to Rogue-likes being visually very minimalistic ( as well as having little or no audio effects/music ) so the 2GB label was a bit of a shock. Doesn't help that my web connection is basically junk, but if the game is as fun as it looks, then it might be worth the big download. As I understand it is possible to just get the base game, and then get the add-ons later... ? Maybe I'll go for that option, so I don't have to download it all at once.

As for the controls, it probably plays more conveniently using keyboard hotkeys, but if it's at least theoretically possible to use only cursor ( or touch ) input that would be a plus for me. I'm always looking for good non-"casual" tablet games, but aside from Point&Click Adventures there's not many options.
Whislt I loathe the idea of SOTS becoming a game other than the odd mix of 4x and RTS I love, this game doth still intrigue as a filler for FTL and a few others ive played too much. Will have to wishlist though.
Sorry, but if I play the first / base game (I assume there is some sort of story) I play the base game, but if I install any of the DLC then I cannot play the original game? Or am I worng and there is no story to the game, so you just play on reguardless.
JudasIscariot: The three parts, when put together, are that big, yes.

I played the game using mouse and keyboard and am going to try and see how well it handles with a controller as I've never had the time to play it after all the updates :) I *think* that you can control the game entirely by mouse but I personally have never tried doing so :)
CharlesGrey: I guess I'm just used to Rogue-likes being visually very minimalistic ( as well as having little or no audio effects/music ) so the 2GB label was a bit of a shock. Doesn't help that my web connection is basically junk, but if the game is as fun as it looks, then it might be worth the big download. As I understand it is possible to just get the base game, and then get the add-ons later... ? Maybe I'll go for that option, so I don't have to download it all at once.

As for the controls, it probably plays more conveniently using keyboard hotkeys, but if it's at least theoretically possible to use only cursor ( or touch ) input that would be a plus for me. I'm always looking for good non-"casual" tablet games, but aside from Point&Click Adventures there's not many options.
I liked the kb+m combo as it is very comfy :)

You're free to download as you wish as you can install the base game now and just add the rest as you have the time and net connection :)
011284mm: Sorry, but if I play the first / base game (I assume there is some sort of story) I play the base game, but if I install any of the DLC then I cannot play the original game? Or am I worng and there is no story to the game, so you just play on reguardless.
There is a story but it's mostly told via text logs that you find :) It's really your classic roguelike with a lovely tileset so you can feel free to ignore the story as you wish :) You're more than free to to play the base game as it is a complete game but you'll be missing out on the extra classes and races that you get to play as :)
Post edited November 08, 2013 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: You're more than free to to lpay the base game as it is a complete game but you'll be missing out on the extra classes and races that you get to play as :)
"iPay"? - that some new thing from apple?! o_O!
JudasIscariot: You're more than free to to lpay the base game as it is a complete game but you'll be missing out on the extra classes and races that you get to play as :)
Sachys: "iPay"? - that some new thing from apple?! o_O!
lpay is from Banana :P
Sachys: "iPay"? - that some new thing from apple?! o_O!
JudasIscariot: lpay is from Banana :P
well, as long as its not from the blakstar sausage corporation we have nothing to worry about!
I'm actually glad that the gold edition and the base game are two separate things. I was planning to start with just the base and add the dlc later when I'm hungry for more. If it was all merged/linked together into a GOTY package, that would have thrown a monkey wrench in my plans.
tinyE: I would imagine it's about now that Judas begins to reconsider his decision to do this rather than joining the priesthood like his mother told him to.
JudasIscariot: Wouldn't trade the job for the world but thanks for your concern :)
Azilut: SOTS TP Gold Edition is not a stand-alone "complete" installer; rather it is a bundle of three separate items:
1. SOTS: The Pit
2. Mindgames DLC
3. Gold Edition DLC

SOTS TP Gold Edition Upgrade is just the new DLC.

So there is no difference between buying the "Gold Edition" bundle and buying each item separately, except for the price - if you have none of the games, it is slightly cheaper to buy the bundle.

Prices (individual items):
1. SOTS: The Pit - $6.99
2. Mindgames DLC - $4.99
3. Gold Edition DLC - $2.99
TOTAL: $14.97
JudasIscariot: Yes, that's correct. Basically, we want everyone to have the same version but not have those who already bought the previous entries pay through the nose :)
But why not give a gift code of the standalone or base+mind for those who already have them and bought the gold edition?
I just purchased this and the base game is not showing up on the shelf....The description clearly states it includes the base game:

Includes: Sword of the Stars: The Pit

Not to mention stating the following in the description: "To celebrate the success of the series, we’re releasing this Gold edition, which not only gives you the **game**... "

Is this a bug, or am I missing something? Did I just buy a bundle of DLC for a game I didn't own at a higher price than buying the DLC separately? When I click the link to go to the game in my account list from the link that says "game owned - redownload" I get a game not found error....

Am I going to have to wait 3 days (or more) to have someone look at my ticket?
I'm getting the same problem as Brigand1973. Links to download the DLC, but no link for the base game and a "Hey, you really should buy the base game to use this DLC" message.
Gnagn: I'm getting the same problem as Brigand1973. Links to download the DLC, but no link for the base game and a "Hey, you really should buy the base game to use this DLC" message.
Having the same problem too... :(