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Pretty deadly little thing.

Captain, I have some new information regarding "The Aristocrats". No, they're still laying low after their last heist, so low that we haven't seen Don or Freddie since the meeting with "The Boss". Someone might've hid them underground but we won't know for sure just now. Anyway, there's a new girl that was seen with Rick Fermione. She from outta town, don know exactly where. Seems a member of the borguise. It's bourgeoisie? Don't know sir, some fancy stuff I don't get--pearls, caviars, and champagnes, sir. Yes, one of my boys is following her. Yes, I know this is very delicate matter. Oh, the mayor... no, of course, no, I mean I'll talk to... Yes sir. No one seen. The report, yes. The last thing, sir--and this is a little bit unexpected--it looks like "The Aristocrats" are planning to move to a new district, any moment now. Can't tell for sure, but my bet is Connecticut Ave. We'll see. Will do, sir. Goodbye.

Omerta: City of Gangsters, an organized crime simulation you have been playing for the last couple of weeks just got bigger with The Con Artist DLC. There's a new henchman to recruit, new weapon, and a new district up for grabs. Experience "the greatest con of all time" in this action-packed expansion for only $4.99 on

Requires the base game Omerta: City of Gangsters on GOG in order to play.
SmashManiac: My opinion on this whole debate:
I could not agree more. Personally, I am looking forward to DRM-free DLC and newer games.(Crosses fingers for Deus Ex: Human Revolution)
I'm glad that GOG is finally selling DLCs.

This is really the only way how GOG users can be treated the same like users of other digital distributions.
Or would you like to rather wait 2-5 years for complete edition with all DLCs and expansions? As long as it's DRM-Free I don't care. If you think it's overpriced than why do you care? Don't buy it.

GOG and developers will see if it's selling or not. Vote with your wallet, it's the simplest thing.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by MichiGen
Roman5: GOG was always about delivering value to Gamers, if we get more of this nonsense in the future then the core values of this site can start to break apart piece by piece
MDyzzle: was build upon a foundation of delivering the best value to gamers. We know gamers are not stupid, and we know they won't buy anything we serve just because it's there. Of course we'd like to include all the DLCs, extra materials, soundtracks for free, but that's not always possible. For some of the games, it's possible to bundle all the expansions (or DLCs) in one package, for some it ain't. I can understand that you might be afraid that we're losing our values, but we're not. All we want is DELIVER the games. At the end, it's always YOU who decide--buy or skip. And we'd rather give you that choice now.
Remember YOU decide what to buy.
I'm ok with GOG selling DLC, most new game come with DLC.
MichiGen: Or would you like to rather wait 2-5 years for complete edition with all DLCs and expansions?.
Yes! I would rather!
And if you need an explanation why, just read Psyringe's wonderfully detailed posts in this thread.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by mrkgnao
If you didn't see this move coming, you're blind as a fuckin bat.

I don't mind the move, but $5 for that? No.
MDyzzle: All we want is DELIVER the games. At the end, it's always YOU who decide--buy or skip. And we'd rather give you that choice now.
I can understand this rationale: you give us the choice, and we have the power to skip it thus making the developer feel the response from the poor sales. I despise paid DLC as much as I despise DRM, so I'd never buy this, but I undestand this probably was the publisher's and not GOG's idea. And while it's kind of amusing how people got extremely vocal about this, I think it was more or less expected of GOG customers (the people here are like cyber-activists of gaming).

Still, I've never seen such a reaction here. It's worse than when GOG closed the site for one or two days without notice as a "clever" marketing stunt. Another aspect that's unique in this situation is that not even EnigmaticT and Judas are replying. Usually, no matter how bad it looks, they *try* to reason.

Anyway, I'm neutral towards GOG choosing to put this up, but it's good to see that GOG fans don't take any bullshit ever.
This is definitely a step in the wrong direction for GOG. On the other hand, making a business selling new games without their DLC's would be difficult.
I'm okay with this.
GOG hasn't let me down yet and If I don't like it I won't buy it.
I'm sure the developer makes certain pre release deals with GOG on how they want GOG to sell and present their games.

I see that many of the reviewers are complaining about the price tag for a 4mb download on the product page.
It was probably pre coded to an extent prior to release and it unlocks it in game after purchase.
It isn't GOG, but the developer who is at fault .
Post edited March 08, 2013 by irishskrapper
Vitek: Only thing I am worried is more DLC content clogging catalogue, if there really will be more DLC content.
That is the only (minor) concern I have too with DLC in GOG, but it is quite easy to fix. They could list the relevant DLC only on each games' gamecard, not as separate items on the main game list along with other games. And add that check or at least warning if someone tries to buy DLC without having the base game in the same account (still allowing it, in case someone had bought the base game from another account).

That way 20 Crusader Kings DLCs would not clutter the game list, they could be purchased only from the Crusader Kings gamecard, each DLC separately, or option to buy them all at the same time.

I agree I don't want to see GamersGate-like clutter with dozens of DLCs cluttering the game list.

All that said, I'm actually extremely happy to see DLC appearing in GOG, as that proves GOG is ready to start selling newer games too, that will come with DLC, whether GOG wanted or not. That doesn't necessarily mean I will buy the games before all the DLC is available (so I can see what it all costs together).
Post edited March 08, 2013 by timppu
irishskrapper: I'm okay with this.
GOG hasn't let me down yet and If I don't like it I won't buy it.
I'm sure the developer makes certain pre release deals with GOG on how they want GOG to sell and present their games.

I see that many of the reviewers are complaining about the price tag for a 4mb download on the product page.
It was probably pre coded to an extent prior to release and it unlocks it in game after purchase.
It isn't GOG, but the developer who is at fault .
Where's your proof?
I think Paradox will join to GOG soon .
Oh, look. Another reminder of my shattered expectations. I can hardly contain my excitement.
I find it funny how it's also shown on the front page games banner. Compare that to the other actual games being advertised there, which are arguably a lot better value for money (and quite likely a hell of a lot more fun to boot), and I'm starting wonder who would actually buy this crappy little thing?

Yes, it's nice to have that option for those that want it, but I equate (the majority of all) DLC as a piss-poor delivery system for trivial shit. After a few ill-advised purchases of said stuff a few years back left a bad taste in my mouth, I've not touched any of it since. More often than not it really is a waste of money.

I miss the days of honest-to-goodness expansion packs that were actually worth buying. Thankfully, most of GOG classics have them included.

Vote with my wallet you say? Alright, it's staying shut, especially seeing how little interest I've had in Omerta as is.
Vitek: Only thing I am worried is more DLC content clogging catalogue, if there really will be more DLC content.
timppu: That way 20 Crusader Kings DLCs would not clutter the game list, they could be purchased only from the Crusader Kings gamecard, each DLC separately, or option to buy them all at the same time.

I agree I don't want to see GamersGate-like clutter with dozens of DLCs cluttering the game list.
But, in theory, wouldn't it be best served as Crusader Kings II complete? Then again I suppose 'complete editions' is on the wishlist but not official.

I'm ambivalent to this; of course we'd all rather have the complete editions, but GoG can't afford to wait for complete editions; just doesn't make good business sense.

It's really in the developer's hands, and the publisher's hands. GoG is a distributor, and often can't afford to be too picky when it comes to publishers. Probably why selling indie games is now something that they do, and I'm all for that.
I love how people act like it's GOG who developed Omerta. They only got one choice in the matter, either offer the dlc, or don't. I personally prefer the former.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by Messi_is_Messiah