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Pretty deadly little thing.

Captain, I have some new information regarding "The Aristocrats". No, they're still laying low after their last heist, so low that we haven't seen Don or Freddie since the meeting with "The Boss". Someone might've hid them underground but we won't know for sure just now. Anyway, there's a new girl that was seen with Rick Fermione. She from outta town, don know exactly where. Seems a member of the borguise. It's bourgeoisie? Don't know sir, some fancy stuff I don't get--pearls, caviars, and champagnes, sir. Yes, one of my boys is following her. Yes, I know this is very delicate matter. Oh, the mayor... no, of course, no, I mean I'll talk to... Yes sir. No one seen. The report, yes. The last thing, sir--and this is a little bit unexpected--it looks like "The Aristocrats" are planning to move to a new district, any moment now. Can't tell for sure, but my bet is Connecticut Ave. We'll see. Will do, sir. Goodbye.

Omerta: City of Gangsters, an organized crime simulation you have been playing for the last couple of weeks just got bigger with The Con Artist DLC. There's a new henchman to recruit, new weapon, and a new district up for grabs. Experience "the greatest con of all time" in this action-packed expansion for only $4.99 on

Requires the base game Omerta: City of Gangsters on GOG in order to play.
timppu: That is the only (minor) concern I have too with DLC in GOG, but it is quite easy to fix. They could list the relevant DLC only on each games' gamecard, not as separate items on the main game list along with other games. And add that check or at least warning if someone tries to buy DLC without having the base game in the same account (still allowing it, in case someone had bought the base game from another account).

That way 20 Crusader Kings DLCs would not clutter the game list, they could be purchased only from the Crusader Kings gamecard, each DLC separately, or option to buy them all at the same time.

I agree I don't want to see GamersGate-like clutter with dozens of DLCs cluttering the game list.
I'm not sure if that's a good idea. If I wanted to check if there are some new DLCs to buy, I would have to visit every game page for the games I bought.

I think a simpler thing - new section of GOG catalogue "DLCs" that would list only DLCs and the DLCs wouldn't be visible in a regular catalogue listing, to be a better thing.

Or some checkbox "display DLCs", to hide them, if you don't want to see them.

BUT, adding a DLCs list on a game page as a additional feat. would be nice.
Oh no, we get DLC crap at gog now. That's too bad.

@gog: Please make sure that it will be clear from the beginning if a game will have DLC later. At least I can avoid that game then.
Psyringe: Well, whether or not it would be silly (for GOG) to wait on releasing a game until a complete version is available, depends on the ratio of "Buy-immediately" customers to collectors like me. Both groups exist. In all other game shop communities I have experience with, the former outweigh the latter. But for GOG, I'm not so sure. GOG has always had a much stronger appeal for collectors, and a much weaker appeal to first-day customers, than other shops.
I don't see the relevance, both groups are being served. Don't want to buy until it's "complete" in your eyes? Then wait. Simple as that. Others who want it ASAP can buy it now, simple as that.

The argument you are making is more along the lines of "I only want it when it's complete so they shouldn't sell it until then." That's 1) not compatible with GOG selling new games, and 2) pushing your issues with DLC onto others instead of just voting with your wallet.
gameon: Where's your proof?
It is all just speculation, but for the amount of content the DLC is claiming to have there is no way it can be stuffed into a 4mb package.
They'd have to use a crazy compression method.

Unless you mean GOG not being at fault..then I dunno what you are implying.
They didn't make the game.
I don't own or even like the game, but like I said the developer probably decided on how they want their content initially priced and packaged.
I dunno though I'm just speculating like I said.
wizardtypething: But, in theory, wouldn't it be best served as Crusader Kings II complete? Then again I suppose 'complete editions' is on the wishlist but not official.
No. GOG made a survey years ago, and people wanted NEW games.

Waiting 2 years for a complete edition of Crusader Kings 2 is not the smartest move. Most people would buy it elsewhere already on a dozen occasions. Waiting god knows how long for a complete edition is not a smart move if you want to sell NEW games.

silentbob1138: @gog: Please make sure that it will be clear from the beginning if a game will have DLC later. At least I can avoid that game then.
Yeah, because GOG has a crystal ball and knows that in advance :D And almost EVERY new game have DLCs today. Have you been born yesterday?
Post edited March 08, 2013 by keeveek
wizardtypething: But, in theory, wouldn't it be best served as Crusader Kings II complete? Then again I suppose 'complete editions' is on the wishlist but not official.
keeveek: No. GOG made a survey years ago, and people wanted NEW games.

Waiting 2 years for a complete edition of Crusader Kings 2 is not the smartest move. Most people would buy it elsewhere already on a dozen occasions. Waiting god knows how long for a complete edition is not a smart move if you want to sell NEW games.
Fair point, fair point.

I agree, by the way.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't, I suppose.
tfishell: I see this as partial evidence that in many cases GOG is better off waiting a few years before bringing expensive new games here.
timppu: Better for who? GOG?
Yes. Perhaps GOG is better off waiting for a specific title that will be known to have DLC to "collect" all its DLC/expansions into a finished/complete edition, and then bringing that.
wizardtypething: Fair point, fair point.

I agree, by the way.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't, I suppose.
Yeah, this is a big problem for GOG. If they want to sell new games, and would not offer DLCs, people would be upset if some important (or even small) DLC wasn't avaible, because "GOG is waiting for a package", and if they do release smaller DLCs, people are upset because they are offered a few textures or something for a price of a game.

It's a dead end for GOG on both ways. They had to decide what to do, and they chose wisely imho. It's better to offer something for people who want it. The rest may just simply ignore it.

If I bought a new game here, I would expect DLCs to come too, and would never buy any new game here again, if I couldn't complete my package by buying DLCs.

On the other hand, I usually buy DLCs only heavily discounted (75-85% off), and GOG usually doesn't make such big sales, so...
tfishell: Yes. Perhaps GOG is better off waiting for a specific title that will be known to have DLC to "collect" all its DLC/expansions into a finished/complete edition, and then bringing that.
This is a pretty good thought.
I mean GOG has a pretty good fan base so I can see why people wanna get their games on here quickly if possible, but a finished and complete product is ideal.
Patches,expansions and DLC are much more appealing when all combined into a neat economical package.
I definitely get that.
tfishell: Yes. Perhaps GOG is better off waiting for a specific title that will be known to have DLC to "collect" all its DLC/expansions into a finished/complete edition, and then bringing that.
Why? Why not sell them like this for those who want it, then collect everything into a bundle when the publisher ends support for the game? I don't see a difference.

This whole thread reeks of "stop being okay with things I am not okay with!"
Foxhack: Nice going, you pissed off most of your customer base, myself included.
That can't be true because ***I*** represent the majority of GOG's customer base, and I am not pissed.

In fact I am relieved GOG started selling DLC too (as that helps them getting new games here too, which may be quite important for GOG's long-term survival).

The GOG majority agrees, because as said I was voted to represent them in the forums.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by timppu
MichiGen: Or would you like to rather wait 2-5 years for complete edition with all DLCs and expansions?.
mrkgnao: Yes! I would rather!
And if you need an explanation why, just read Psyringe's wonderfully detailed posts in this thread.
I've read it and I understand what he's worried, but I really can't see a way how this could work any other way.
By this logic, GOG should stop with releasing new games because there might be an expansion or a DLC in the future. So they should just wait for at least 5 years, when there will be zero possibility there there will be any new content for a game and then finally release it?

That's not good. The possibilities are:
1. GOG will sell new games in complete editions 2 or 5 or more years after their release. =Everyone would look at GOG as it's some second-class distribution, where they can just get some old stuff, but not new, fresh games.
2. GOG will sell new games but not expansions, DLCs or any additional content. =Users would be pissed off that they've bought the GOG version because they want to play the new DLC but they can't with GOG version. New users who've bought new game from GOG could spread a bad word of mouth and discourage their friends from registering on GOG.
3. GOG will sell old games as well as new games. When developers will release new DLC or expansion GOG will offer it to its customers, they can buy it, or wait for a sale, or don't buy it. It's their choice. GOG will continue to grow with more new users. Developers and publishers will subsequently stop to look at DRM-Free as it's something risky. They'll see that there are a lot of new games and DLCs released on GOG from other publishers, and will see a GOG as a great place with a lot of customers, where they can release their products.

3 is the only possible step forward imo.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by MichiGen
StingingVelvet: Why not sell them like this for those who want it, then collect everything into a bundle when the publisher ends support for the game?
Once they sell them separately, neither GOG nor the publisher will ever want to bundle them at a potentially lower price.
Post edited March 08, 2013 by paulcmnt
tfishell: Yes. Perhaps GOG is better off waiting for a specific title that will be known to have DLC to "collect" all its DLC/expansions into a finished/complete edition, and then bringing that.
Or maybe, just maybe... If you want only the complete package, you should wait until all DLCs are released?
Vitek: Only thing I am worried is more DLC content clogging catalogue, if there really will be more DLC content.
timppu: That is the only (minor) concern I have too with DLC in GOG, but it is quite easy to fix. They could list the relevant DLC only on each games' gamecard, not as separate items on the main game list along with other games. And add that check or at least warning if someone tries to buy DLC without having the base game in the same account (still allowing it, in case someone had bought the base game from another account).

That way 20 Crusader Kings DLCs would not clutter the game list, they could be purchased only from the Crusader Kings gamecard, each DLC separately, or option to buy them all at the same time.

I agree I don't want to see GamersGate-like clutter with dozens of DLCs cluttering the game list.

All that said, I'm actually extremely happy to see DLC appearing in GOG, as that proves GOG is ready to start selling newer games too, that will come with DLC, whether GOG wanted or not. That doesn't necessarily mean I will buy the games before all the DLC is available (so I can see what it all costs together).
This is an excellent suggestion and I hope someone from GOG is taking notes.