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BloodNet, a dark cyberpunk adventure classic with RPG elements, in which vampires take Manhattan--and cyberspace!--and the stake of the game is your very soul, is available for Windows and Mac OS X on, for only $5.99!

In 2094 the children of the night have a new playground, as far from the burning rays of sunlight as possible--the cyberspace. With the wired and wireless networks covering the whole of New York with a thick digital shroud, there's virtually no place out of their reach. The fact that you have fangs at the helms of the mega-corporations doesn't help either. It would seem that humanity is doomed. But this isn't the story of the human race's fall. It's a story of one person's struggle. When you wake up with two bite marks on your neck in the middle of vampire-ridden Manhattan, and you start to feel the HUNGER, there's very little time to save your soul. Just remember to install some humanity-boosters in your cyber-deck.

BloodNet is a remarkable game that brilliantly blends horror and cyberpunk in a mixture of adventure and RPG gameplay. You will explore the gritty locations of a high-tech futuristic city full of cyber-enhanced freaks, and tread the dangerous paths of the Cyberspace, that houses more demons than it did ever before. Build a team of deckers, cyberpunks, mercenaries, and rage gangers to help you in your desperate fight for your last threads of humanity. With a dark, memorable story, a haunting setting, graphics that aged surprisingly well, and hours of exciting and original gameplay, this classic title is a cyberpunk delight you cannot say no to.

Face some of mankind's greatest fears and enter the high-tech realm of BloodNet, for only $5.99 on
Still not Revenant, but doesn't look that bad..
everyone's favorite call center ^_^
Post edited January 09, 2014 by ErekoseDM
muhehehe, now THIS is a classic!
Nice one! Looking forward to some gender bending action in the near future :)
low rated
An old game, not knowing if i want it (reviewed than with 71%).
Heh. Just a few days ago this was mentioned in a thread about games with vampires. Haven't ever played it, looks interesting, though.

Oh yeah, almost forgot to jump around like a maniac and yell "a release! a release! a classic release! a classic release!".
Post edited January 09, 2014 by F4LL0UT
Wishlisted for now... does look incredibly interesting though...
Instabuy, as promised :)
Whoaa! First game released in 2014 is classic 1993 adventure that lands on my wishlist. I take it for a good sign on what's to come GOG :-D
Nice. :)
Great to see Tommo bringing fresh Atari back catalogue titles and this is one of the ones I was most hoping would turn up too!
Says that it includes both floppy and CD versions - what's the difference? In case people prefer the sounds from floppy version?
The game tried to do way too much. It wanted to be a traditional point & click adventure game with a tight completely voice-acted plot, but then it also wanted to be a traditional cRPG with a a combat system, a party of recruited characters, a stat and skill system, and also a non-linear travel system with random encounters. Of course it doesn't do either very well, the combat is pretty bad and the RPG-system is all over the place, you can even screw up your entire save-game if you kill a quest-essential NPC. But holy shit it reeked of atmosphere, hell even the first character you recruit into your party is a computer virus with a personality (yes) who you meet when you hack into the internet, and he demands a cyborg body.

Game also runs on a timer (kinda like Fallout) until the main character turns into a vampire fully.
Fever_Discordia: Sweeet!
Great to see Tommo bringing fresh Atari back catalogue titles and this is one of the ones I was most hoping would turn up too!
Says that it includes both floppy and CD versions - what's the difference? In case people prefer the sounds from floppy version?
Some videos on the CD version...
Further to Fever Discordia's question, are these versions inferior or superior to AMIGA one? I had read somewhere AMIGA was the better one, I'll see if I can find the link