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Like fangbite wrote in my other thread, I think it is good, if we could make a list, what game from GOG works good/ not so good with Ubuntu/Linux and Wine.
I will edit this post with alle tested games. :)
I take the start:
Games with Wine tested:
Descent 3
bagnaj97: it works perfectly if you take note of the following:
1. You must use the opengl renderer. After some fiddling I got direct3d working but it was slow.
2. I found oss sound to be better than alsa, but YMMV (change using winecfg)
3. Compiz must be disabled before playing. This is very important as direct3d wouldn't display anything except the hud and opengl had severe scaling issues (only top right of display shown over the whole screen). You can run the command "metacity --replace" to temporarily disable compiz, log out and in again to get compiz back.
This actually worked better for me than under vista x64 as under vista I couldn't get mouse control working.

No Problems with the installation, starting the game also worked without any problems.
Fallout 2
No Problems with the installation, starting the game also worked without any problems.
jsims2359: Freespace 1 runs on Ubuntu 8.04 with wine 1.1.4, but the sound cuts out and exiting the game will force you to kill the X server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. Be advised.
UPDATE: The mouse is usable as a flight control, but just barely. There seems to be some disparity between the resolution of the game window and the resolution the mouse thinks is in effect. The effect is also noticeable in the hanger if you move your mouse pointer to the far right. You start to see some delay on both axises.

Giants: CItizen Kabuto
jmgreen7: Giants installed and started fine but the performance really tanked whenever the camera was facing a building/structure (like 5-10 FPS). Then I installed the GiantsHooks patch and the performance is now great. I haven't tested multiplayer.

Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
jsims2359: is running as it should on Ubuntu 8.04 with wine 1.1.4.
NOTE: You must emulate a virtual desktop in order for Direct X to be detected correctly which allows you launch the game. Also, the sensitivity of the x axis while using mouse control (with the helicopters) seems to fluctuate randomly from near perfect control to frustratingly unresponsive. Mouse works fine everywhere else.

danebramage: installs and runs fine (there's no cursor on the main menu screen, but since it can be navigated with the arrow keys, that's no big deal).

danebramage: installs and runs fine (since it runs in DOSBox, it works best in a window where the top of the screen isn't cut off by the DOSBox window's title bar--hit Alt-Enter to go into windowed mode).

M.A.X. 2
danebramage: installs fine but wouldn't run for me the one time I tried. No big loss, as M.A.X. 2 sux and it comes bundled free with the original M.A.X.

Dash: works great under WINE, all except for the video. It's not bad though. It stretched the video out to the point where some of the game was off screen in the Y directions. A change of options to the display of games in a window fixed it.

Original War
FALK: Original War is somewhat playable, but with bad graphics in hud, wouldn't recommend it. Unable to run in VirtualBox because it cant detect the graphics card memory correctly. Maybe it works in vmware.

fangbite: Perimeter installed and ran fine. The only thing which might be considered a glitch is that the game just took over a piece of my desktop in the top left corner, carving out a number of pixels according to its resolution.
FALK: Runs great in wine 1.1.4 except the cursor is invisible, can be fixed by building and using wine-hacks: . I hope the patch enters mainline soon, but the bug has been known for almost a year.

jmgreen7: Sacrifice installed and ran without a hitch and runs great. I haven't tested multiplayer.

chris20636: In Fedora 8, the game would play fine for a 15-30 minutes and then the sound would go to a loud hiss. Some google searches seems to pinpoint the problem to the new X windows sound server in Fedora 8 and up called pulseaudio. I removed the pulseaudio packages from my system using yum. I rebooted and after playing with the volume control some, I got sound back which should be pure ALSA system. So far, that seems to have fixed the sound problem.
I didn't notice the mouse issue some have had under XP. However, I did notice it under Linux. The fix was the same though. Just don't use the mouse and hit ESC to get past the movie to the main menu. Then using the mouse at the menu and in the game works fine.
Post edited October 25, 2008 by Destro
I'd like to start making a list of games that have natural ports to Linux as well. Running natively is so much better.

Anyway, the OP I think may not be returning. Can we edit his post? I'd be glad to help, his list is SEVERELY outdated. Didn't want to make a new thread but we'll see.
Baldur's Gate seems to work flawlessly on Mint 8 with Wine 1.1.31. I did have to start it from terminal for the sound to work properly but other than that works great out of the box.

Thanks GoG, your sins are forgiven!
Linux gamers wanting to run IE games such as Baldur's Gate shouldn't forget about GemRB:

"GemRB (Game engine made with preRendered Background) is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine.
It was written to support pseudo-3D role playing games based on the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset (Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series, Planescape: Torment). It should run on GNU/Linux, Microsoft Windows, OS X, possibly other UNIX derivatives and others. It is licensed under the GPL."

Native Baldur's Gate, no more wine :) Work in progress at the moment, but runs already quite well.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by kettuz
RealMyst doesn't seem to work in my Ubuntu 10.04 system. Install works fine in Wine but on startup I get graphic freakout no matter what graphic settings I use. I'm going to keep working on it to see if maybe there's something else going on. Not sure what version of Wine is installed (at work now, I assume whatever is the most current for ubuntu LTS)
Post edited September 23, 2010 by damagemanual
SemperFi: King's Bounty: The Legend works, but has some issues...
I experienced these problems as well. Also on my system the in-game text wasn't rendered smoothly and was difficult to read. However, performance was the deal breaker for me. The tactical battles looked like they were happening in slow-motion. Beautiful performance in Windows, though.

On a different note, Panzer General II works perfectly in the latest version of Wine.
Post edited September 24, 2010 by MountainMan
Heritage of Kings - The Settlers works out-of-the-box in Wine-1.3.3.
I noticed the following glitch in the game: water is rendered in red; probably a shader issue.
Kingoftherings: Raptor: Call of the Shadows
There are two .exe files you can use to run the game. If you run rapwin.exe the game will work with no configuration needed. But if you run Raptor.exe wine will give you a descriptive error message telling you to install Mono for Windows. To do that you want to install winetricks.
sh winetricks mono26
Click through the installer and you're all set. The only thing different about Raptor.exe is it shows a launcher menu and you can set the resolution (2 options) and whether or not to use Fullscreen. rapwin.exe defaults to a window.
Did the installer for this game work? I read in another thread that the installer also tries to set up .NET, which ends up failing.
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare works flawlessly in Wine-1.3.3, without any tweakings or extra configurations.

Sniper Elite should work perfectly, although I have the game from another DD site. A very annoying bug was fixed in Wine and the game now works great.

Ufo:Aftermath: the invisible mouse pointer was fixed in Wine some time ago, and the game now works nicely (the config utility still doesn't launch).

In Cold Blood works decently, without issues.

Freedom Force... should also work perfectly, I have the game from another site and no problems at all.

...and here are some of the games that never worked or something regressed in Wine, making them unplayable:

Tex Murphy: Overseer (will it ever work?)
Port Royale 2
Caesar III: worked without serious issues in around 1.1.40, now shows a black screen, unless you start the game in a virtual desktop sized to the game's resolution.
Bloodrayne 2: never worked
PoP Sands of Time: besides the fog effect, water effects causes graphical issues, too.
Incoming: long-long time ago it worked, now it doesn't
Spellforce Platinum: texture corruption and slow rendering
The Longest Journey: graphical issues due to the missing depth stencil buffer implementation in Wine
I-War 2: Edge of Chaos: unplayable due to graphical issues
Ground Control I-II: never worked
Star Wolves (and its sequels): crashes due to a regression. Worked great in the 1.1.18 version of Wine.
Master of Magic works perfectly in Linux. I installed it with Wine and used my own DosBox installation to run install.exe and then magic.exe

I can also confirm that the unofficial patch 1.40f works with GoG's version of MoM, under Linux.
Kingoftherings: Raptor: Call of the Shadows
There are two .exe files you can use to run the game. If you run rapwin.exe the game will work with no configuration needed. But if you run Raptor.exe wine will give you a descriptive error message telling you to install Mono for Windows. To do that you want to install winetricks.
sh winetricks mono26
Click through the installer and you're all set. The only thing different about Raptor.exe is it shows a launcher menu and you can set the resolution (2 options) and whether or not to use Fullscreen. rapwin.exe defaults to a window.
rampancy: Did the installer for this game work? I read in another thread that the installer also tries to set up .NET, which ends up failing.
I can't remember, but I think it did...
Baldur's Gate is running perfectly on my Ubuntu 10.04, wine 1.1.42. No glitches up to now, no need to start from the terminal.
This sort of thing would be better in a wiki, any one if such a thing exists already ?
callidusRex: This sort of thing would be better in a wiki, any one if such a thing exists already ?
You can request a free wiki on
Let's hope I don't repost stuff...
Neighbours from hell 1+2 and Tropico runs great for me.

Although, in some Wine updates, sound will be gone from Neighbours from Hell, so you might have to fiddle a bit.

Wine 1.2 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is flawless as of now (4th October 2010), so don't get distraught. Just be aware that you might have to fiddle around a bit. :)
Planescape Torment works perfectly so long as I play in a virtual desktop.