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Too late, SirPrimalform already hammered.
*waits for 10 minute timer*

Well, it looks like I was too late to stop the quick hammer. I am still not happy with the absence of discussion and the rapidity of the votes; let's hope we made a good choice here.

*waits for Joe's deathpost*

Refresh Edit:

Vitek: Too late, SirPrimalform already hammered.
Yeah, saw that, was just waiting for the timer to run out to double-post.
Yeah, it certainly was hastly lynch without discussion, but we had no time to get more discussion. The discussion should have happened in last 4 weeks, not in last few minutes, there was plenty time for it.
Vitek: The discussion should have happened in last 4 weeks, not in last few minutes, there was plenty time for it.
Yeah, true enough; it was probably too little, too late. I was just hoping for a little more discussion placing more people on the record. At least we have everyone placing a vote on someone, so we will have information to go on Tomorrow regardless.
Ooh, I'm not sure I've ever hammered before!
The final votes are cast. All the attention in the room is focused on one figure whose face is shadowed and still. An awful silence descends like a hungry pelican with a mouthful of fish. The hands that signify murderous intent are still high. No-one is certain as to who should make the next move. Sario Roccia creeps into a cupboard with his hands over his ears.

Piercing the tense atmosphere, like a carefully-aimed yet misthrown dart striking a portly and dignified posterior, a smallish person wearing a black dress and headscarf bowls out of the kitchen screaming in fast Sici-Italian and pointing a hand-held rapid fire automatic combustion-propulsion weaponic device. She addresses a high pitched question to the room, points the gun at the accused and fires.

Glasses shatter, vases of flowers leap for safety, the decorations on the opposite wall disintegrate into powder. Everyone drops to the floor with their hands over their heads. Almost everybody.
The bullets fill the room like smoke, the noise erupts, falls upon itself and escalates in a sort of sonic discotheque. The fire continues for three minutes.

When she's satisfied with her work Mama Roccia takes her finger off the trigger and places the gun down on the table. She looks round the room, tuts to herself and goes to change the sign on the door to show that the restaurant is closed. Before returning to the back of the building she conspicuously adjusts the placement of the tips jar.

The dead person's torso has been entirely demolished. Looking for clues is dirty work. Fortunately it seems that who-ever it was kept a notebook in the back trouser pocket. Flicking through the notebook produces two useful pieces of information - an email address and a GOG password. These are entered into a computer.
The username reads - CeemDee.
Why was CeemDee taking part in the GOG Forum Mafia Landmark 13th Game Celebratory Retreat in Sunny Sicily?
You look through the messages in CeemDee's account. There are several long arguments with GOG moderators, the brunt of which revolves around the Forum Mafia Community and how it should be declined use of the forum. One passage in particular is noteworthy - towards the end of a long argument where a moderator bluntly states disinterest in the subject CeemDee claims - "If you insist on inaction, then I will take responsibility to right these injustices! And let any resulting violence, made necessary by you, rest upon your conscience!"

Gosh. It seems that someone really is out to get you.
Papa Roccia appears in the doorway in his nightclothes. Calmly he indicates the night outside and his dress. It's clear you have to leave. Everyone stumbles out into the street, and makes their way to their beds.
Thus ends the Second Day
Gazoinks has been lynched. He was CeemDee, Mafia Goon.
Thus begins the Second Night

Stop posting, 78 hours. Good Luck!
Morning sunrise. The day is upon us. Thus ends the Second Night.
There is a crowd gathered at one end of the district. As a body you glide towards it and observe the distressing scene, laid out before you like spilled lego. A smear of blood and bone that was once a human thinking breathing being. A second corpse further down with one very thin sheet of face and lots of brains that have ended up on quite the wrong side of their skull.
A Policeman picks up a massive gun from one of the bodies and cheerfully fires it into the air. Pleased that it works she shouts something to her officer who nods consent and she begins to polish and fawn over her new prize. Another policeman has found a blood-spattered mobile socialising device on one of the corpses. He offers it round to the crowd to try and find who dropped it. One of you claims the device and begin to search device for clues.
Another person takes a piece of paper from the second corpse. It is a printout of an email addressed to Adzeth from CeemDee. It looks like another of the badguys has come to the end of their game. Gleefully the news is passed around.
You turn to head into Mama Roccia's when you are confronted by a person who is the spitting image of a brick wall. She grins widely and opens her arms in a welcoming gesture. She flashes a metal badge from a wallet; very official looking.
"Well! Finally we meet! My name is Beatricci DiLeccandrina, and I am Cheif of Polizi here. I'ld like you all to accompany me."
About eighty policemen appear behind you and escort you all to the local gaol. Where you are all thrown into one cell. DiLeccandrina stands at the barred door and swings a key around nonchelantly.
"You can stay here while we fill out the paperwork. And we'll see how many of our statues have little mustachios drawn on them while you are in! You perhaps think we are all so foolish in Sicily as to not put one-and-two together? Well you will pay the fine in court! Ahahahahahaa!" And with that she swaggers away.
There is a rusty computer in a corner of the cell. You boot it up and log into GOG.
Dang. Nmillar's avatar flashes up in the corner of the screen. Also on the device has been found various penultima-dimensional bluprints and diagrams. It seems like Millar had been building some sort of saferoom. But to contain what?
Ah. A 'Memo to Self' has shown up on the screen. "Note to Remember - the saferoom is to store one person, preventing them from doing anything or being killed in one night. -Millar x"
Seems so obvious now.
A Policeman appears with a jug of lemonade and the accusations begin.

Vitek has been Murdered. He was NMillar, Town Jailkeeper.

Krypsyn has been murdered. He was Adzeth, Mafia Strongarm.

Thus begins the Third Day
Two Mafia down!!


Now for a lengthy reread to see who Krypsyn was pushing and who he was leaving alone....
Ouch, I am dead.

Good luck, town.
Okay. That was unexpected.

- On one hand, it gives elements to confirm my doubts about the Pazzer nightkill.

- On the other hand, yeah. I did assume Krypsyn to be a power role, but a townie one. I never saw the mafia thing coming. He's a good player. Or I'm dumb.

- Two of the most active players are gone, this is not good.

- I really, REALLY thought the whole game had been solved, with Gazoinks being mafioso. It was suddenly completely clear to me that his co-scum were JMich and Bazilisek, with absolutely zero ambiguity. Was ready to launch all by little graphs, showing it univocally, and to co-lynch two remaining mafiosi in a row. Krypsyn being mafia just kinda shatters it.

- I don't know if Krypsyn has been murdered by a serial killer acting randomly, or by a townie vigilante. In the latter case, congratulations.

- Also, what is a "strongarm" anyway ? Is is a specific power role ?

Am posting the graphs I was currently working with. They don't include day 2 accusations, except the Gazoinks lynch, and they don't include the morning discoveries.
Firstly: Woo!

Secondly: It seems that the mafia have names of people who've never played mafia here.
Two dead during the night? So we do have a second killing faction ingame?

So, what does that give us? The first question is whether Vitek blocked a killer or a victim on the first day, and whether he was blocking scum or the 3rd faction (1st faction is town, 2nd is scum, 3rd is the wildcard).
Unfortunately, Vitek is in no position to give us information. So we (or at least I) will move towards the only other one to say that there may be another faction, which is Telika.

Now on to a few more coincidences.

Telika: He was one of many to have openly suspected Nmillar, and the only one to be accusing Gazoinks (Krypsyn did too, once), but it's hard to read a reason in that.
You do say here that one mafia did accuse another mafia (Krypsyn and Gazoinks).
And guess who Krypsyn targets on his first post after the first nightkill.
Krypsyn: What makes you immediately, in your first post after the new Day, hypothesize that there might be two killing roles (mafia and vigilante) and the mafia got blocked? Not that the vigilante got blocked and the mafia made the kill, but only that the mafia got blocked? Why does it automatically have to be a vigilante, and not some other killing role like a JOAT, or improbable as it may be in this game, a Serial Killer?

Your reasoning, and your implicit assumptions, lead me to believe that you know more about the night events than you are letting on. I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it does make me a little uneasy.

FoS Telika
I will have to read a bit more carefully to see who and when Krypsyn voted (and FoSed), but what I currently read on the discussion between Krypsyn and Telika is a newbie scum being (publically) schooled by a more knowledgeable one.

So, I will start the voting by accusing Telika, and asking for more info on what made him suspect (rightly as it turns out) that there is another faction.

So, for the official vote
Vote Telika
Robbeasy: Now for a lengthy reread to see who Krypsyn was pushing and who he was leaving alone....
In the course of day 1, Krypsyn had basically voted(+unvoted) and FoS-ed virtually everybody, except Sirprimalform, you, and Red_Baron. In fact, his official list of suspects was very close to the townies.

So, yeah, we'll have to scrutinize it closeley, and evaluate the "how" and "when". My brute stats won't help.

If I stay on my route, accusing a triangle made of Gazoinks, JMich and Bazilisek, I have to either accept that one of JMich or Bazilisek is innocent, or to open the possibility that there are four mafiosi (which would change the meaning of JMich's old post).

Also, the only "link" between Krypsyn and that triangle is JMich : during day 1, Krypsyn has already voted against Bazilisek and JMich, but only FoS-ed JMich. I'll have check day 2 (I haven't, because I assumed that mafiosi would be too aware of that aspect in day 2 for the data to be as valuable).

Do we assume there is only one mafioso left on the loose ?
I get the impression I'm being kept alive because of the element of doubt about who is mafia and who is town out of JMich and myself. While this element of doubt exists, the mafia have an advantage, so I think JMich or myself should be lynched. Perhaps even both.

We are in a strong position now, so a couple of mis-lynches would not be critical.

Vote JMich.
Telika: He was one of many to have openly suspected Nmillar, and the only one to be accusing Gazoinks (Krypsyn did too, once), but it's hard to read a reason in that.
JMich: You do say here that one mafia did accuse another mafia (Krypsyn and Gazoinks).
Yes. While I was examining "networks" on the assumption that a mafioso would seldom bring attention or suspicion to another mafioso, Krypsyn was accusing a co-scum (which is the sort of clever move that I was fearing, and fearing to become more common after having showed by charts - obviously Krypsyn didn't need me to remember to be careful about sparing co-scum too much).
Krypsyn and Telika is a newbie scum being (publically) schooled by a more knowledgeable one.
By lynch ?