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Apparently RNG shared you opinion about Damuna. We will see how lucky he was.

It's nice when players don't believe mod and have to watch him doing game stuff. ;-)
Vitek: Apparently RNG shared you opinion about Damuna. We will see how lucky he was.

It's nice when players don't believe mod and have to watch him doing game stuff. ;-)
The mod requested it actually ...
nmillar: The mod requested it actually ...
So he doesn't believe himself? Looks like Damantion has some issues. :-)
I am unhappy Damuna was modkilled but it was probably for best as the people obsessed with her will have free hands and heads to do something else.
nmillar: The mod requested it actually ...
Vitek: So he doesn't believe himself? Looks like Damantion has some issues. :-)
I am unhappy Damuna was modkilled but it was probably for best as the people obsessed with her will have free hands and heads to do something else.
I did indeed request it, simply so people would be aware that I chose the person at random. Call it a safety fallback, in case people take issue ;)

But yeah, the modkill is not a desireable end to a day...
Post edited March 23, 2012 by Damnation
Damnation: Day 1's deadline has been reached, by random number generation witnessed by Red_Baron and nmillar, Damuna has been modkilled! Stand by for kill scene. You may continue discussion until night begins...
Is that it? =S

Or will we be getting a 'modkill scene' when night falls?

If not, this is why I said we needed an emergency lynch guys!
Damnation: Day 1's deadline has been reached, by random number generation witnessed by Red_Baron and nmillar, Damuna has been modkilled! Stand by for kill scene. You may continue discussion until night begins...
SirPrimalform: Is that it? =S

Or will we be getting a 'modkill scene' when night falls?

If not, this is why I said we needed an emergency lynch guys!
He said "stand by for kill scene", so I assume we'll see some sort of Act of God...
Tantalising, the day begins with the death of a musician, only to be followed by agonizing and slow discussion that leads nowhere.

"Help in my attempted suicide." Damuna suddenly says amidst the aimless talking.

"What?!" jefequeso exclaims in response, "Why in the hell do you want to commit suicide?!".

"To find out who killed Ryan Förster." Damuna replies.

The suicidal desire withstanding, you continue to argue its true purpose, but also other possible suspects.

Again, discussion becomes agonizing, slow or unfruitful as everyone attempts to keep their footing sure. No one willing to seem forceful.

Slowly, with nightfall approaching, attention turns to Damuna once more as her proposed suicide is still a hot topic.

As night approaches, you still have no found anyone you're convinced of being the perpetrator of the murder, so you decide to flip a coin. It comes up Damuna, the one some of you have been focusing on.

"Well, the coin speaks fate." nmillar says.

"Right you are." Red_Baron replies.

"Then let's do this." SirPrimalform says as he grabs a wooden plank from the ground.

"Not strong enough." Vitek says as he grabs Damuna's head with his hand and slams it into the corner fo the stage, blood spewing from the point of impact, as well as the sides of her mouth and nose.

SirPrimalform comes up to Vitek and stands hammering on Damuna with the plank, with Red_Baron, nmillar, Rodzaju, Robbeasy and QuadrAlien joining with punches.

stoicsentry, NotFrenchYet and jefequeso look at eaøch other and shrugs.

"If the coin say she must go, I suppose we must adhere to it." stoicsentry says.

"Really? Leave it to chance?" jefequeso responds.

"Got any better ideas?" NotFrenchYet says aggrevated as she and stoicsentry join in the killing.

"I guess not..." jefequeso replies, joining in as well.

Over the course of the absolute destruction of Damuna, TwilightBard, Detlik and xzyem join in.

Another half hour passes, and the circle of people surrounding Damuna treads a few steps back.

In the middle of you all lies the broken body of Damuna, skin severely bruished, every limb broken in nearly every perceiveable place, bones clearly turn to dust, skull crushed and broken open. Blood flows out from the countless wounds she has and every other opening on her body.

The open skull visibly shows you her brain, of which a part lies scattered around the field. Her face is blood drenched and near unrecognisable.

"So that's over... Who was she, anyway?" SirPrimalform asks.

Vitek checks her trousers. He finds her wallet and opens it to check for any sort of ID.

"Well... An old legend is who we just killed..." Vitek says with a saddened voice

It starts to rain, and slowly your immense blood lust ceases, and you realize exactly what you have done. as you murmur among yourselves, a thunder storm erupts. A lightning bolt strikes the corpse, completely eviscerating the broken remains of Damuna. Shortly there after, another bolt of lightning strikes the very same spot.

***Damuna has been modkilled!
She was Rob Halford, vocalist of Judas Priest (Vengeful Town)
It is now Night 1
Night actions are due within 48 hours.
Discussion in this topic may not continue until a new day dawns.
We interrupt this nightphase to give you an important news bulletin.

PenutBrittle has been replaced by GoJays2025

Let's all give him a warm welcome (When the nightphase ends, obviously ^^)

In other news, I am still looking for a replacement for pazzer, and the lead Vitek brought has been unfruitful so far, unfortunately :(
We interrupt this nightphase to give you an important news bulletin.

pazzer has been replaced by bazilisek

Let's all give him a warm welcome (When the nightphase ends, obviously ^^)

Add up to the news report: Yes, this is an automated (Or rather, copy/pasted) message!
Post edited March 25, 2012 by Damnation
d'oh, gl :)
So do I understand it correctly, that townie was killed?
Detlik: So do I understand it correctly, that townie was killed?
Please refrain from posting during nights
Still sour over the way the day went down. Leaving someone's life to chance... Humph

You, however, still trudge on, meeting again by the stage.

The day starts off horribly though, as you are greeted by a ghastly sight.

There, next to where Damuna lay dead before lightning eviscerated her, nmillar lies beaten to a pulp.

You inspect the body, nmillar's bones have been violently crushed by a guitar-like object. You attempt to move the body, only to learn no bone is left unbroken.

Through the gaping wound upon his forehead, you detect skull fractures and brain matter. You quickly move away from the corpse.

Despite having no desire, you inspect his corpse to learn who it was.

nmillar has been killed! He was Vivian Slaughter, bassist and vocalist of Gallhammer (Town Watcher)!

You stare at each other with horrified expressions. You quickly notice someone else is missing.

Scouring the festival grounds, you quickly find the missing person infront of his tent.

Having been stomped to death, Vitek is found in a pool of his own blood.

Vitek has been killed! He was Robert Lowe, vocalist of Candlemass (Town Vanilla)!

You move back to the stage, eyeing one another closely. Someone has been busy tonight it seems. And that someone is definately among you just now.

Day 2 has started!
I am giving warm welcome to all new replacements.

Also, do'h! Good luck, town.
Damn, my money was on Vitek being what?