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Fishing Girl (both endings)

So my list thus far is:
Fallout 3 GOTY
World of Warcraft (Feb. 2005 - March 2011)
Oblivion with KotN and SI (508 hours 55 minutes)
The Sims 3
Fishing Girl (both endings)
Did I mention Iji? Nice freeware shooter.

Portal 2 (PC) - both single player and coop. Time to hunt for Achievements and listen to the developer commentary track...
1. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West- Xbox 360; 1/10/2011 8.5/10
2. God of War- PS3; 2/4/2011 8/10
3. Blue Toad Murder Files Episode 1- PS3; 2/13/2011 6.5/10
4. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 1- PS3; 2/22/2011 8.5/10
5. Dash and the Stolen Treasure- PC; 2/26/2011 7.5/10
6. Streets of Rage Remake- PC; 2/27/2011 6/10
7. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 2- PS3; 3/1/2011 7/10
8. Fight Night Champion- PS3; 3/7/2011 8/10
9. Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi- PC; 3/9/2011 8/10
10. Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare- PS3: 3/23/2011 5.5/10
11. Pokemon White (main story)- DS: 3/24/2011 9.5/10
12. Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe (Both Story Modes)- PS3: 4/8/2011 3.5/10
13. Batman Arkham Asylum- PC; 4/20/2011 8/10 (Would have gotten a much higher score had it not tried to artifically extend the length of the game near the end by sending me from one place to another only to find out that the person I needed to talk to was going to say or do nothing of any real interest then send me back where I started from in the first place... this was frustrating as hell in my eyes)
Post edited April 20, 2011 by Roberttitus
Another World (Took me whole afternoon).
Tales of Game's Studios Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa (PC) - awesomely funny shareware.
Just finished:

So far, I've finished this year [from newest completion to first completion]:

Risen; Two Worlds 2; Medal of Honor [2010 Reboot]; Dead Space 2; STALKER: Call Of Pripyat.
Time Gentlemen, Please

Great and very funny game. A bit ... disgusting at times, at least for a couple inventory items :). Had to use a walkthrough a few times, not proud of that :(

Tommy Tronic

Was stuck for a long time on the last level. Finally gave up and switched difficulty from Hard to Easy to complete it.... Might come back to it and try Normal in the future.
Post edited April 20, 2011 by kalirion
Just finish Broken Sword 2.
Just finished Splinter Cell Conviction on (I think) normal difficulty. Died a crapton of times on the last level, although by that point I was rather bulldozing my way through and the game seemed to have abandoned any pretence to stealth.
Whitecroc: Tales of Game's Studios Presents Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoopz Barkley SaGa (PC) - awesomely funny shareware.
I freakin' love this game! I haven't finished it yet though, so don't spoil it for me. I am at the Ghost Dad battle. My favorite moment so far has been when they convince Charles Barkley to write a poem for that guy that's been surgically altered to look like his favorite animal. Hilariousness!
Finished episode 3 of Back to the Future and liked it. It was short (3h max) et easy but the story and dialogs are great !
Portal 2
Forgot to mention it
Post edited April 21, 2011 by TheCheese33
Replayed all of Thief Gold and Thief 2: The Metal Age. Still playing Dark Mod (Doom 3 Thief) fan missions.

Re-installed Wheel of Time - gonna mess around with that over the weekend.

Plus ongoing campaigns of Dwarf Fortress, Dominions 3, and Mount & Blade Warband.
Post edited April 21, 2011 by Grimdango
Finished Darksiders in easy and normal mode.

Now I'm close to the end on apocalyptic mode. Not so tough.
Dragon Age 2. Damn, you know, they really had some good ideas as far as the story line went. But they just didn't execute it well at all.