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I'm Alf!
QuadrAlien: JMich: that was the bit that got me killed? Not the "Did none of our investigative power roles think to investigate him last night"? :P
Blame Joe actually. He did guess during Day 1 that P1na was a Doctor and that you were a cop, so we did decide to kill you on Night 2. I just tried to prepare the ground for a lynching on Day 3, but you turned out to be a JOAT, not a cop.
Vitek should be providing a link for the scumchat soon, so you can see our reasonings.
cangratulations and thanks to Vitek! A most marvellous setup.
Out of curiosity, was the plan for if the Town did decide to not lynch anyone that night just to kill Flubb? :P
QuadrAlien: Out of curiosity, was the plan for if the Town did decide to not lynch anyone that night just to kill Flubb? :P
It could actually be helpful, as it would allow Twilight to track someone and he would have chance to find killer.

Flub would just be confirmed, but they wouldn't be much closer to finding killer.

JMich: Blame Joe actually. He did guess during Day 1 that P1na was a Doctor and ...
Pina was in fact something very close to doctor, so it was really good target.

Mafia roles:

Hello Jmich,
You are Ethereal Commander, Mafia Strong-Minded Ninja. It’s time to conquer this town. To control it’s inhabitants and to make them do your biddings. You were born to control and conquer , but some don’t understand it. They are trying to protect puny humans. All the better. They are just another victims you can dominate.
You get no false claim. You are smart enough to devise one yourself.
Even the strongest mind needs some help sometimes so you joined the forces with Robbeasy (Mafia Godfather) and JoeSapphire (Mafia Brutal Janitor). During nights you can chat at following link:
You can chat there for the short time before the game starts.

Psychic message: Through your strong mind you can send message to another player at night. You can type there whatever you wish. You will remain anonymous until you want to sign it. You don’t send it directly to target, you send it to me with name of target and I’ll send it to recipient.
Strip of vote: Thanks to your psychic powers, you can attack mind of person and they won’t be able to act for the rest of game. If you target player with this ability, he will be unable to vote next day. This ability takes a lot of time to charge up and needs to be used soon after charging so you can only use it at night 1.
Ninja: If you are carrying out night kill, you can use your mental abilities to conceal your movement. This will make you unobservable by any means, be it watcher, tracker, diviner or other means.
It is draining and you can only use it 2 per game. You can perform night kill without using this ability.

Mind Immunity: You are immune to any form of mind control.

Win condition: You win when number of town equals number of mafia or if such outcome is inevitable. It doesn’t matter whether you live or not.

Hello JoeSapphire,
You are the Alien, Mafia Brutal Janitor. You came to this town and you thought you will have easy time in killing its inhabitants and infecting them with your offsprings. But then the annoying group of goodie-doers came and now they are protecting weak inhabitants of this town. They have to be removed before you are allowed to feast or weak humans.
You disguised yourself as Alf, cute friendly extraterrestrial being, to appear more innocent. You are not sure how, but so far it worked.
Although you certainly would be able to handle those weaklings yourself, you allied with Jmich (Mafia Strong Minded Ninja) and Robbeasy (Mafia Godfather) and together you can chat during nights at following link:

Abilities: At night your team can pick one town person to kill. If you are the one carrying out the kill you can use a bit of your corrosive blood to destroy victims features, thus rendering it unrecognisable. If you use it, no one will learn victims character name nor role. After using it, you need rest and can’t use it for next 2 nights.

Win condition: You win when number of town equals number of mafia or if such outcome is inevitable. It doesn’t matter whether you live or not.

Hello Robbeasy,
You are Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz, Mafia Godfather. You finally gained all necessary permits and now you are standing here, in this pissant town, ready to build new highway. Obviously it is vital to destroy this strange town and to remove all its inhabitants. Unfortunately there is group of weirdos who are trying to prevent you in your goal, so they have to be destroyed if you are to complete your task.
No one here knows you and becasue some people don’t like Vogons for some reason, you should be pose as other character from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It’s up to you to pick the right one.
Beware, though. If someone asks you to recite some poetry, you will be unable to contain yourself and will throw away your disguise.
Although you don’t share the same goals, you all want to remove protectors of this town, so you allied with Jmich (Mafia Mind Ninja) and JoeSapphire (Mafia Brutal Janitor) and together you can chat and plan demise of town during nights at the following link:
They are useful but you don’t believe them as they don’t share the same ultimate goal.

Abilities: You have all necessary official stamps and so no one would ever guess that youa re bad guy. If you are ever investigated by investigative role, you will turn up as non-mafia.
Win condition: You win when number of town equals number of mafia or if such outcome is inevitable. It doesn’t matter whether you live or not.
You are also in possession of useless communication device.

Town roles and night actions coming later.
Post edited August 18, 2013 by Vitek
Town Power roles

Hello Pina,
You are Chewbacca, Town Elite Bodyguard. You and Han crashed on this planet when you were traveling from galaxy far, far away. Accidentally, when looking for some crap material to repair Millenium Falcon, you stumbled upon this town and its troubles. There are some evil forces in work here, trying to destroy poor people of this town. Luckily there is also group of good fellow aliens who are willing to do anything to protect them and you, with all your experince of fighting against oppressive powers, quickly decided to join them. You said nothing to Han because this should stay among inhuman creatures.

Abilities: You protected your companions for your whole life and you won’t stop it now. At night you can PM with name of person you wish to protect. If the person is target of kill, you will sacrifice your life to save it. You are also proficient fighter so if you successfully protect, your killer will die with you.

Hello TwilightBard,
You are Skaarj, Town Tracker. Okay, you realise it yourself. Skaarj are not exactly friends with humans and there is a lot of bad (and spilled) blood between two races. You used to be the same. Killing people just for fun, but it changed. One day you were browsing intergalactic television network when you discovered intriguing reality show situated in small earth city. It was big fun and for 16 years you lived lives of its participants with them. Last few years quality of show was dropping and soon you felt something is afoul. With recent episodes your suspicion became almost certainty and you decided that you can’t leave it like that and quickly set out on your way toward Earth. There you quickly learnt you were right as you encountered group of unfriendly aliens, trying to destroy the town and it was obvious that they are responsible for lowered quality of the show.

Abilities: You are proficient in hunting and stalking and it shows. Once per night you may PM me with name of person you want to track. You will then learn who he visited at night.

Hello flubbucket,
You are Vortigaunt, Innocent Child. Your race was enslaved for generations and you were forced to commit anything your enslaver commanded you to do. Recently The One Free Man killed your enslaver and freed your whole race. Such deed can’t be ever repaid but you have to at least try, so you are helping humans however you can. Recently you learnt that combined forces of hostile extraterrestrials are trying to wreak havoc in this innocent yellow city. You are determined to stop them and luckily you are not the only one trying to achieve the same goal.

Abilities: People tend to not believe you and to fear you because of your past, but your persistent good behaviour will eventually change their opinion. If you are alive on Day 4, your alignment will be publicly confirmed by moderator.

Hello pazzer,
You are Doctor John Zoidberg, Town Jack-of-all-trades. You have many reasons to save this town. Its inhabitants are something like your siblings, having the same parents. You are also doctor and you are bound to save lives. They also have very tasty trash cans there and ther is some guy who has similar eating habits as you do, so you wouldn’t like him to get hurt. Also there is a group of extraterrestrials already trying to save the town and you always liked to be part of some group. It’s great to be here.

Commute – Once per game at night you can hide in random dumpster to search for some food and nobody will be able to target you with any ability including kill.
Watch – Once per game at night you can hide in dumpster in front of someone’s house to search for some food and you will be able to see all people who visit the person.
Roleblock – Once per game at night you can hide in dumpster in front of someone’s home to search for some food and when he will come home you will squrt ink at him, effectively blocking him and preventing him from performing any action that night.
You may only use one ability per night.
Post edited August 18, 2013 by Vitek
Rest of roles

Hello TwisterBE,
You are E.T., Town Phone Seeker. You accidentally landed in this town and only thing you want is to get home. Unfortunately this town is under attack of hostile aliens and you are forced to join with friendly extraterrestrials to help protect this town if you want to keep chance to leave this town.

Abilities: Every night you can search one person house for phone. If you find a phone you will able to call home and if you survive, you will be able to leave this planet. Beware! If you are found by government agent, you will be taken into custody and will never leave this planet.
Hidden 1-shot bulletproof: For some strange reason you are attracting attention of young boys. There are always close to you and can protect you. If you are target of nightkill one of them „bites the bullet“ and you survive. You don't know this si the case and you can only use it once, as there will be more careful next time.

Victory Condition: Find a phone and remove all threats to town.
Although, OP in game thread says that town has the same winning condition, yours is the only one differing.

Hello Noxoss,
You are Kodos, Town Lone Mason. Kang is dead! He was cruely murdered! You can’t leave this be. You need revenge. As if Kang death is not enough, his murderers are trying to destroy the town you and Kang liked so much. You spent more time around this town than with exploring space as aws your original task. People here were just so amusing and captivating. And now someone wants to kill them. The same group who murdered Keng. You will stop them. You must stop them. You will do anything possible to avenge Kang and save this town.

Abilities: You are mason and you can communicate with your fellow mason. Unfortunately he is dead so it is really of no use.

Hello SirPrimalform,
You are Space Jelly, Town Emboldener. Your real name is Geverid the Omniscient, but it is of no importance as nobody knows you by this name.
Being in town beset by evil forces is not new think to you. You already went through it once and unfortunately it happened again. First time you tried to take control of the town and make people worship you. You would like to do the same here, although the town seems to be a bit odd and every person here a bit weird, but it is impossible for now. The town is under attack of some other extraterrestrial beings and unless they are stopped, there will be nobody left to worship you.

Abilities: The Omniscients work in secret, but you are no longer bound by their petty laws. You may say anything about your role, up to and including a full roleclaim. Of course you may. Everybody may.
You somehow feel that this ability actually does nothing here.

Hello CSPVG,
You are Vulcan, Vanilla townie. You landed near this town on your quest to study humanity. When you arrived you learnt there are bigger things happening here. Fascinating things. Some clique of hostile aliens are trying to kill local population and other group is trying to prevent them in their quest. It is only logical that you decided to join forces protecting this town.

Abilities: Your mind might be strong and your logic is powerful weapon, but they offer you no other ability than ability to vote and hunt scum.
You are also in possesion of useless broken communication device.

Hello Lifthrasil,

You are Grey, Town Vanilla. You visited this planet many times and this particular town even more often and you certainly doesn’t want to see its inhabitants hurt so you will do anything you can to protect them.

Abilities: Although you are willing to do anything you can to protect everybody, you are actually quite similar to humans with your abilities, meaning you have no special powers.
Night actions coming next.
Post edited August 18, 2013 by Vitek
Night actions

Night 1:

TwilightBard tracks Sirpirmalform:
You really need your fix. It’s several days since you saw last episode of your favourite series and you already feel withdrawal syndroms. You though it could be fun to be in this legendary fun, but so far it is almost as big massacre as you experienced on Na Pali. You need to set situation here right and you have to do it quickly.
You will start with SirPrimalform. This guy is no good and he is certainly hiding something. You decided to keep an eye on him tonight. swiftly sneak throughout the town, using your supreme agility, not giving anyone chance to spot you. You quietly peek through his window and you saw him there, oblivious to your presence. You watch him, but you see nothing unusual. At first he played guitar for some time, then he spent a lot of time arguing on some backwater gaming forum and ultimately he went to bed where he spent rest of night. You return home, slightly disappointed and with sore eyes from all those peeking.
You saw SirPrimalform do nothing.

QuadrAlien watches TwisterBE:
Oh, man, you are so hungry. Food is only thing you can think about. You only had one old sock today and when you tried to taste the Kodos body, your mean „friends“ chased you away. Since then you were roaming the streets, while finally this brilliant idea struck you. Twister mentioned he is going to have pizza today and hopefully he will throw out some and if not, you can at least eat the cardbox. You quickly make your way to the street where he lives and even faster you jump into his dumpster to find your target. To your disappointment, his dumpseter is almost empty and even hours-long search yields only pair of old paintings and box of matches. „Thanks“ to this you have a lot of time to observe your surroundings, but it’s even more disappointing than the search through of dumpster. You saw not a single thing outside.
It was quiet and wasted night. Nobody visited Twister and you didn’t get your pizza.

Twister seeks phone at Pina's house:
[i]You don’t like this town. It’s too brutal for your taste and you really want to see your family again. Others don’t understand taht you have no place here. You are annoyed as hell. Today, yet another boy offered you to give you ride on his stupid old bicycle. You ordered pizza and when he deliver it to you, he looked at you with the look you know so well and of course, soon the inevitable offer came. Why would you do it is beyond you, but somehow everyone thinks that it’s great fun and already at least 50 boys offered it to you. You think they are probably xenophiles or something and want to abduct and rape you. You were so disguted, that you even refused to take the pizza.
To put an end to it, you set out to explore Pina’s house tonight, in hope that of finding some way to get home. You wait until dark and when everything is quiet and you crawl through window into his home. You quickly search his belongings and although you find pantry full of pineapples, big heap of assorted pineapple porn and wardrobe full of „I love Pineapples“ clothes, but no communication device.
Sad and disappointed you slowly walk away back to your home. Not surprisingly, on your way back you are approached by some annoying boy offering you ride home on his purple skateboard.[/i]

You found nothing.

JMich mind controls Robbeasy:
Tonight’s the night. The night when you will use your stored mental powers to damage someone’s pathetic mind. You picked your „ally“ Robbeasy as your victim. He is useless anyway as ally and doesn’t need to think. You get close to his home, because you don’t want to make any mistake. It already happened and it was embarassing. You wanted to dominate mind of X-Com general hidden in human aircraft and instead you gained control over local cow standing nearby and only thing you convinced her to do was to poo on X-Com Skyranger. It was understandable as their minds were really similar (as is the case with most humans and cows), but your soldiers laughed at you a lot and since then you always make sure that you are targeting the correct person.
So you get next to Robbeasy’s house, look into his window to see if he is there. When you see him, you focus and send out all your energy. Suddenly, Robbeasy visibly wavers and starts shaking. Very tired but satisfied, you slowly return home to get some rest.
You disabled Robbeasy’s vote for next day.

Robbeasy is mind controled:
Eh, why did you agree to this? Whose brilliant idea this was? It was certain to hurt and yet you signed up for it. Why you just can’t be left alone and read some regulation book instead. Why are both your „allies“ doing something and to you, they don’t even allow to recite some of your finest poetry? Instead you are here, squirming in incredible pain and getting dumber with every passing moment. Your poetry is certainly going to suffer from this and it won’t ever be so good as it was before. All these thoughts pass through your brain when you felt that sudden attack on your brain. It was as if your brain melted and leaked out of your head through your ears. The attack only lasted few seconds, but the pain persists and you are certain it will last for a very long time. You can’t think straight now and it will be hard to accuse someone in close future. Right now you are not even sure how you will be able to accomplish your goal and build the new kids playground here. Or was it theatre?
You were attacked by immense mind attack and you are not able to vote anyone next day.

JoeSapphire kills and disfigures Pina:
Oh, you are going to so enjoy this. You were chosen to destroy that puny weakling called Pina. You are glad you were given the privilege by your team. Eh, who are you kidding, you would do it anyway.
Some would maybe plan their action carefully but not you. You are natural-born hunter and when you start hunting no one has chance to escape you. Once you even managed to hunt down pack of watermelons. They were scared almost to death and screaming for help when you finally got them.
Pineapple shouln’t be different. And he isn‘t. Although he tries and he is quite good, you have to gie him this, he eventually stumbles and you are there to kill him. He still tries to put up fight and he even manages to injure you with his leaves, but in the end you prevail. You look over your work and only then you noticed you are bleeding and during your struggle it got all over mister Pina and it left him strongly disfigured. Now nobody will be able to tell who he ever was. Not even you.
Satisfied (and bit weakened) you return home, already dreaming about your next victim.
You killed Pina and disfigured his body. No one will be able to tell his identity now.

Pina protects JMich and is killed by JoeSapphire:
Oh, oh this is not good.
One of you is dead. You are here to protect people and you let one die already. You can't allow it again. You need to act this night and prevent any unnecessary death. You believe JMich is the one who deserves to live and you make way to his home. You spend there whole night, making sure that no one will get chance to kill Mr. JMich. It was quite uneventful night, only one passer-by boy mistook you for dog and fed you old bone. You don't want to think about why he had a old bone with him.

You successfully protected JMich.

When it is all over, you walk home slowly, satisfied with your job.
You have uneasy feeling as if someone was following you.
There! Was it movement? Nah, you are probably paranoid.
Still you rather take out your crossbow and even the machine that goes PING. You continue more cautiously watchful of any strange noise and from time to time you check the machine that goes PING for any sign of movement.
Yet you are completely caught off-guard when large black hulking shadow jumps at you from the ceiling. You try to fight, but the beast is incredibly strong, agile and vicious. You manage to hurt it a bit, but soon you lose your crossbow and the Machine that goes PING is not sufficient defense against attacking monster.
You fall dead on the ground and your mind drifts off while your body is melting away in pain comaparable to being hit by moon.

You were brutaly murdered.

Night 2:

TwilightBard tracks JoeSapphire:
You tracked Joe. He didn't visit anyone this night. He stayed at home and baked. (baking means nothing)

QuadrAlien blocks flubbucket and is killed by JMich:
You blocked flubbucket. You also died horrible cruel death when your brain exploded.

JMich kills QuadrAlien:
You killed QuadrAlien.

JoeSapphire bakes for his companions:
You baked a cake from your digestive biles. Your teammates liked it. You gained +1 to relations. You are not allowed to use this in game thread in any form to gain benefit.

Night 3:

JoeSapphire kills TwilightBard and even admits it in game thread:
No text necessary.
Vitek: It could actually be helpful, as it would allow Twilight to track someone and he would have chance to find killer.
except that JMich could turn invisible so I think Flub might have been the best target still.

Vitek: Pina was in fact something very close to doctor, so it was really good target.
What can I say? I am gifted with the Power Cosmic.

I love the Skaarj's role description! Makes me laugh.
Night actions were amazing!! Sorry for the ones who missed out.
Quad's Night 2 result!!
Vitek: It could actually be helpful, as it would allow Twilight to track someone and he would have chance to find killer.
JoeSapphire: except that JMich could turn invisible so I think Flub might have been the best target still.
I fear this game I have been cursed with knowing precisely how to win as Mafia, and having very little idea of how to stop it. :P

Not that I'm saying the Mafia didn't deserve that victory, but I'm... really questioning the power balance this game. Quite frankly, if our entire investigative ability is a one-shot Watcher and a Tracker, then quite frankly a single night's worth of Ninja would have been bad enough.
Singups for Mafia #17 here.

Hosted by yours truly.
Now when this is over I'll add few of my thoughts.

Pardon me, but in my opinion town was absolutely horrible in this game and although mafia was not exactly stellar, town never had any chance.
Most of the time you focused on not important stuff and ignored the real problems. That's actually what annoyed me in previous games so it's nothing new, but it seemed to reach new level in this one. No one even bothered with Robbeasy's not counted vote and Joe's ridiculous claim just went unnoticed. (was it really that hard to figure out that Kodos was Kang's mason, not Alf? I even mentioned his dead brother in lynch flavour).

From town I would say only TwilightBard was really good and if he pursued Joe after making case against him, instead of sticking to voting Twister for his error, he could maybe do something with the game.
From the rest of town, Lifthrasil and CSPVG were quite good, but they were not able to make something out of it and Lifhtrasil was too focused on one target, ignoring everything else.
QuadrAlien was not bad either and flubbucket started well, but his play declined during the progress of game.

On mafia side Robbeasy was very good and I think he was best player in whole game, as his play was not really distinguishable from his town play.
JMich was not bad, but the thing he did with role hunting was something he should die for.
JoeSapphire play was in my opinion really forced and artifical, very unlike him, and I think he was the most obvious scum of all.

What matter most is if you had fun, though, so don't let my criticism hurt you. :-)
Vitek: JoeSapphire play was in my opinion really forced and artifical, very unlike him, and I think he was the most obvious scum of all.
I agree to some extent. I found it very difficult to find things to say, and kept having to stop myself from saying things that would massively benefit town. (By the way! I see what you did with the vulcan and grey roles. Shame the two players who were in both games were on the bad guys' team.)

I would probably have claimed doctor if Twilightbard hadn't claimed before I had. Even if Twiglet had claimed his role but not what had been done I would have been brazen enough to claim doctor and then get discovered. But Twiglet ruined my fun! Boo you!

Also I like to think that - if I were town - I would have had a lot of trouble with Robbeasy's I'm Vanilla -NO WAIT I AM DESIGNER
JoeSapphire: I agree to some extent. I found it very difficult to find things to say, and kept having to stop myself from saying things that would massively benefit town. (By the way! I see what you did with the vulcan and grey roles. Shame the two players who were in both games were on the bad guys' team.)
To be fair, wasn't Lift also Vanilla? Grey, wasn't it he claimed? (And why isn't he on the list of roles?) :P

I quite possibly would have been also considering the number of Vanilla roles, if I only had a brain. (Commence singing) :P

EDIT: No, wait, I've misinterpreted that bit at the start completely. The point about it not being in the role list still stands. :P
Post edited August 18, 2013 by QuadrAlien
Damn it. Wrong again. Looks like I was a noob all around. Wrong on every vote. :-( Sorry folks!

But yes, my role PM is missing, Vitek. Doesn't play a big role now, because my claim was actually true. But still for completeness sake you might confirm it.