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Let's do the time warp again*!

Welcome to our [url=]DRM-Free Time Machine Sale! Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a fascinating ride to the early days of PC gaming and back again, with 30 excellent titles selected from the years 1983-2013, available up to 90% off (that is for as little as $0.59!). You'll find amazing games in amazing prices featured one by one on main page, and before the sale is done you'll be able to complete your very own display of gaming history on a budget below $65 (because this would be the cost to get every single game in the sale). Are you ready?

<iframe width="590" height="322" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There's more than just buying games incredibly cheap to our DRM-Free Time Machine Sale! We're ready to pass its steering wheel (or rather the control console) to YOU. Each game in the sale is offered for a limited time only, and how long we stay in its year is up to you! Each time you see a new game on sale you can vote to either add or subtract 1 second from the timer. Each time you buy a game, you add 3 seconds to the time of it being on sale. We begin with 1983's Zork, bundled with the rest of the Zork Anthology of 6 games in total, for only $1.79. How long will it last on the front page? You'll be the judge. What comes next, as the game of 1984? Let's find out!

Let's take a trip in's DRM-Free Time Machine Sale! 30 great games from 1983-2013 will be available up to 90% off, and you get to decide how long each game is on sale. Ready? The technomagical gateway to 1983 opens NOW!

* "Again?", you might ask, "when did they ever do the time warp?". Well, once you embark on a journey through time, all becomes relevant and there's absolutely no guarantee that what you are doing, you are doing for the first time. In fact, that's highly improbable. After all, time isn't linear. It's more like a giant wobbly-bobbly goggy-boggy ball of gaming awesome!
Post edited January 28, 2014 by G-Doc
GoblinFX: I hope the 2013 game is good. I just missed another game I wanted when I had to go help some family for a bit. I wanted Sam & Max and Unepic but the short sale times torpedoed me.

Also, I've had to hit f5 for about 6 games even though it says not to, just like many others.
1.) The 2013 game should be Spelunky.
2.) If your internet connection is 'glitchy' you'll have to hit refresh a few times.
Post edited January 30, 2014 by donsanderson
Russonc: Another great game I already have.....I hope I can stay up for Spelunky... (now to count how may Gog games I have...)

edit - only 82 gog games for me so far (I just hate to duplicate too many I have elsewhere...although that hasn't always stopped me as I love the DRM free concept!)
I have many duplicates, games that I also owned on CD. I have an actual, floor to ceiling bookshelf, filled with nothing but games, from the 80's to today.

I buy them from GoG again sometimes because I don't have to worry about making it work on my new system, and I don't have to worry about searching down patches (retail CD boxed versions rarely are the final version) so with my GoG copy I can just install and go.

I don't buy duplicates that I have at Steam though, with ONE exception, which was only to see the differences between the versions (Divine Divinity, and at the time there was some difference, I believe today they are identical)
VanZanz: LOL, that made me curious.... and yes, this sale pushed me over 100 from GoG! (scary!) Scary part is I have the original 5.25's and 3.5's from several of the Sierra, Microprose, and early EA games. (oh and my Tandy 1000SX with it's blazing turbo 7.14MHz 8088 still works and plays a few games I have never seen remade for the VGA+ graphics modes - Artic Fox (Electronic Arts), Lode Runner (Broderbund))
OldFatGuy: 100, ffffftt. Rookies. ..... :)

(See Attached)
Oh have the Keane set!
I brought only 3 games this time DeusEX, Price of persia and Legend of Grimrock ... I fall asleep when sam & max was on offer... :(
JustSayin: Oh have the Keane set!
lol, I've been meaning to ask several times but didn't want to show my ignorance, but what is up with the whole "Keanian" thing going on in this thread. (Or is it GoG wide?)
OldFatGuy: I buy them from GoG again sometimes because I don't have to worry about making it work on my new system, and I don't have to worry about searching down patches (retail CD boxed versions rarely are the final version) so with my GoG copy I can just install and go.

I don't buy duplicates that I have at Steam though, with ONE exception, which was only to see the differences between the versions (Divine Divinity, and at the time there was some difference, I believe today they are identical)
I do love the fact that Gog gets older games to play nice with the newer operating systems as well!
JustSayin: Oh have the Keane set!
OldFatGuy: lol, I've been meaning to ask several times but didn't want to show my ignorance, but what is up with the whole "Keanian" thing going on in this thread. (Or is it GoG wide?)
And you call us "rookies"...

I hope the 2013 game is Papers Please.
OldFatGuy: lol, I've been meaning to ask several times but didn't want to show my ignorance, but what is up with the whole "Keanian" thing going on in this thread. (Or is it GoG wide?)
sirchaox1224: And you call us "rookies"...

LOL, well played!
JustSayin: Oh have the Keane set!
OldFatGuy: lol, I've been meaning to ask several times but didn't want to show my ignorance, but what is up with the whole "Keanian" thing going on in this thread. (Or is it GoG wide?)
Okay fine since no one else answered and I'll feel like a jerk if I don't, it originated during the Insomnia Sale... Jack Keane 2 stalled the entire sale by like... so long... Days? Weeks? o_<

Hence why anything that stalls a sale longer than it should is "Keaning" it or some kind of spinoff game of Keane. It's all so original and clever, it boggles my mind.
Post edited January 30, 2014 by sirchaox1224
I bought 21 games during this sale, didn't miss a single one I wanted. True, some of the purchases were of games that didn't really hold much appeal to me (like Cannon Fodder) but the prices were so good i figured what the heck. Spent $39.89. If we figure an average of 80% off each game, I probably saved about $150.00.

OldFatGuy: lol, I've been meaning to ask several times but didn't want to show my ignorance, but what is up with the whole "Keanian" thing going on in this thread. (Or is it GoG wide?)
sirchaox1224: Okay fine since no one else answered and I'll feel like a jerk if I don't, it originated during the Insomnia Sale... Jack Keane 2 stalled the entire sale by like... so long... Days? Weeks? o_<
Yeah I think it finally ended three days ago. ;)
theslitherydeee: I hope the 2013 game is Papers Please.
GOG advertised Spelunky in this sale, so unfortunately it's probably not Papers Please.
sirchaox1224: Okay fine since no one else answered and I'll feel like a jerk if I don't, it originated during the Insomnia Sale... Jack Keane 2 stalled the entire sale by like... so long... Days? Weeks? o_<
JustSayin: Yeah I think it finally ended three days ago. ;)
Soccorro: What's so great about Spelunky?
It's the kind of games that you can play for 100+ and still discover things that you didn't know. The game is mostly about mastery; chances are that you'll struggle to get out of the first area for a long time, but then you'll start to learn the nuances of the game and then eventually be able to conquer the game (possibly even the secret boss).