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The anticipation for Baldur’s Gate 3 is through the roof, as in a just a week from now, on August 3rd, the game will leave early access and be available in its full glory on GOG!

And that excitement, with Larian Studios at the helm, is well-founded. We wholeheartedly believe that with their exceptional track record, commitment to player feedback, and unwavering pursuit of innovation, they will deliver an unforgettable RPG experience in Baldur’s Gate 3. Today, we want to delve deeper into those three main reasons why we think so.

Legacy of amazing RPGs

Larian Studios' Divinity: Original Sin series stands as a testament to the studio's ability to craft immersive and captivating RPGs. In these games, everyone who played them were immersed in rich, interactive worlds brimming with lore, intriguing characters, and impactful decisions. Larian's storytelling prowess, supported by compelling dialogue and narrative arcs, drew players into its virtual realms, making them feel like an integral part of the unfolding story.

The series also highlighted Larian Studios' dedication to offering players the freedom to shape their own destinies. The extensive branching paths, choices with significant consequences, and non-linear exploration were all hallmarks of the series. As they venture into the iconic world of Baldur's Gate, Larian Studios is well-positioned to deliver a captivating narrative that reacts organically to players' decisions, ensuring an incredible RPG experience that stays true to the franchise's legacy and sets a new standard for the genre.

Commitment to community’s feedback

Larian Studios' relationship with its player community has been exemplary. Throughout the development of their previous games, the studio actively sought and valued player feedback, consistently engaging with the community. This open dialogue allowed them to address concerns, gather invaluable insights, and fine-tune their games for maximum enjoyment.

The studio's receptiveness to player input and willingness to implement meaningful changes based on feedback is reassuring for those eagerly awaiting Baldur’s Gate 3. The community's voice likely played a pivotal role in shaping the final product, ensuring that it resonates with the expectations and desires of long-time Baldur's Gate fans while welcoming new players to the franchise.

Innovation and technical expertise

Innovation has been at the core of Larian Studios' approach to game development. The Divinity: Original Sin series introduced groundbreaking features that elevated the RPG genre. Cooperative multiplayer allowed players to enjoy the adventure with friends, promoting dynamic and unique playthroughs. Interactive environments encouraged experimentation, as players discovered creative solutions to challenges using the environment itself.

Larian's Divinity Engine 2 showcased the studio's technical prowess, enabling players to craft their own adventures and mods with ease. This commitment to empowering players with creative tools is likely to carry over to Baldur’s Gate 3, and with their new Divinity 4.0 engine we can only imagine how stunning the graphics and how great the gameplay mechanics will be.

Of course those three reasons are amongst many others that assure us we will spend hundreds of hours in Baldur’s Gate 3 and enjoy every single moment of it. Larian Studios' ability to deliver an exceptional RPG experience is overwhelming and their passion for craft makes them the perfect developer to continue the legacy of the legendary series.

The wait is almost over – mark your calendars for August 3rd!
Clownski_: I would like to remind everyone that hateful comments, lack of tolerance, downright bigotry, and political discussions are not accepted on our Forum.
@medievalserf, @Lecutter, @GogWarrior71, @hellseed79, make sure to familiarize yourselves with our Code of Conduct.
First of all, I do not hate anybody. Secondly, how is my objecting to a game that is introducing to the players the option to commit an act of rape (and glorifying rape) considered hateful, intolerant, bigotted or political?

Larian Studios is crossing a major ethical line here under the claim that this is what gamers want when in reality it is just to appease a very vocal minority of individuals who do not represent the customer-base. To be fair, if Larian Studios kept the sexual content separate as a DLC, this would be a different story because the customers would have a choice to add it or not. The fact that this is not the case is very telling. The fact that Gog would censor my objections against rape in a video game is even more telling.

Congratulations. You've lost a customer.
Clownski_: I would like to remind everyone that hateful comments, lack of tolerance, downright bigotry, and political discussions are not accepted on our Forum.
@medievalserf, @Lecutter, @GogWarrior71, @hellseed79, make sure to familiarize yourselves with our Code of Conduct.
GOG censors any opinion or belief they don't want to hear. That is a lack of tolerance if ever there was one.
Diversity is fine with GOG as long as there's no diversity of thought.
All you do is label anything you don't like as hateful and call it a day.

StingingVelvet: If you want a game with great CRPG mechanics where the story comes second and can mostly be skipped I think your best shot is the Pathfinder games.
Really? I thought the pathfinder games had excellent stories. They are not great at cinematics but the writing I thought was very good.
Post edited July 28, 2023 by EverNightX
GogWarrior71: Congratulations. You've lost a customer.
Are there things in BG3 I think are bad? Yes.
Are there things about GOG that I think are bad? Yes.

But I also don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Everyone and everything has problems. So you may want to consider if the bad is really outweighing the good to the point that you have to abandon it entirely.
Post edited July 28, 2023 by EverNightX
What makes a human supreme? He can be "the jack of all trades" and no AI can meet the diversity of a human:

Hello human, I am a GPT-powered AI chatbot. Ask me anything!

Are you playing Baldurs Gate 3?

As an AI, I don't have the capability to play games like Baldur's Gate 3. However, I can provide information or answer questions you may have about the game if you'd like.

However, there are AI bots able to play games. So, not every AI is unable to play games.

You are correct, there are AI bots that have been developed to play games. However, as a language model AI, my primary function is to assist with generating human-like text based on the input I receive. While I can provide information and answer questions about games, I don't have the ability to physically play them myself. My purpose is to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities within the scope of my programming.

GogWarrior71: Congratulations. You've lost a customer.
There are probably not to many tears and i try to explain why: Because Larian Studios is a bunch of pretty relaxed and easy going people that are simply trying to provide a game that is not mincing matters, matters that has always been part of the human. It is really you building walls and causing damnation instead of trying to look from the point of true tolerance and simply trying to accept that a human can not be locked down to good and bad. What really matters is the "how", and the "how" depends very much on the individual, so there is no general answer to this.

On top of that, every game is a individual "work" of art and should have the freedom to act and being developed the way it has been intended to... even without the praise of neither a majority nor minority, because it can be considered the freedom of those creating it.
Post edited July 28, 2023 by Xeshra
EverNightX: Really? I thought the pathfinder games had excellent stories. They are not great at cinematics but the writing I thought was very good.
I didn't say they had bad stories.
Clownski_: I would like to remind everyone that hateful comments, lack of tolerance, downright bigotry, and political discussions are not accepted on our Forum.
@medievalserf, @Lecutter, @GogWarrior71, @hellseed79, make sure to familiarize yourselves with our Code of Conduct.
GogWarrior71: First of all, I do not hate anybody. Secondly, how is my objecting to a game that is introducing to the players the option to commit an act of rape (and glorifying rape) considered hateful, intolerant, bigotted or political?

Wait.. WHAT?
Arinielle: Wait.. WHAT?
It is false information. Otherwise, you would certainly read something like this in the articles of several gaming magazines.
Post edited July 29, 2023 by foad01
Arinielle: Wait.. WHAT?
foad01: It is false information. Otherwise, you would certainly read something like this in the articles of several gaming magazines.
..magazines are still a thing? ... and I haven't bothered looking into any of it or this game at all. I usually don't because these people can't be trusted at all to tell the truth. I wait to see others playing it but right now it's also still not actually out so I don't bother with anything until it's actually out..not still testing.
Arinielle: ..magazines are still a thing?
There are still several gaming websites. Yes, it is probably better to wait for the actual release.
Post edited July 29, 2023 by foad01
Arinielle: ..magazines are still a thing?
foad01: There are still several gaming websites. Yes, it is probably better to wait for the actual release.
Try hundreds, if not thousands, depending on how wide you cast your net.

As for actual print magazines, still some of those as well. May find some more that aren't yet defunct in the Wikipedia list, many of them from Japan though.
Clownski_: I would like to remind everyone that hateful comments, lack of tolerance, downright bigotry, and political discussions are not accepted on our Forum.
@medievalserf, @Lecutter, @GogWarrior71, @hellseed79, make sure to familiarize yourselves with our Code of Conduct.
Hate: Intense dislike.
Therefore hateful comments must mean written expressions of intense dislike towards something. Why is this against the rules? Why are your customers not allowed to leave negative feedback on something they find offensive or wrong?

Tolerance: To put up with something you find offensive or wrong.
Since there's no block or ignore button we are forced to tolerate THAT which we may find objectionable. When can we expect the same level of tolerance from the community staff who are the only ones who posses a means to block people. Implementing an ability for gog users to block others would solve a lot of problems I think.
Bigotry: according to
"Bigotry stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own."

One could argue that GOG's code of conduct is bigoted by design and permits the banning of paying customers for not adhering to vague rules are are in conflict with basic standards of morality. As a Christian myself I defiantly feel persecuted by this system.
I don't know what medievalserf, Lecutter, GogWarrior71 or hellseed79 said to have their comments removed, but if it had anything to do with that famous sex scene with a bear (yes I know it's meant to be a druid) than they should be able to express their strong dislike for the promotion of bestiality in the games industry.

I would like to suggest the following.
Update the code of conduct to allow freedom of speech.
Allow users to block/ignore other users at their discretion.

This comment doesn't violate any rules or the code of conduct. I'm just leaving feedback in regards of the forms on gog.
Magmarock: but if it had anything to do with that famous sex scene with a bear (yes I know it's meant to be a druid)
The removed posts had nothing to do with it.
Magmarock: but if it had anything to do with that famous sex scene with a bear (yes I know it's meant to be a druid)
foad01: The removed posts had nothing to do with it.
I didn't see the removed post so all I can do is speculate.
Magmarock: I didn't see the removed post so all I can do is speculate.
I saw them and yes all what you wrote is baseless speculation.
Magmarock: I didn't see the removed post so all I can do is speculate.
foad01: I saw them and yes all what you wrote is baseless speculation.
That's what happens when you censer