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The Wheel Of Time.

Its the first and only major book series (defined as at least 5+ bricks of 600+ pages) I read as a teenager and while I gave up partway through volume 5 (it was just too long and I came to the realisation that my time was better served elsewhere than reading those endless epics), I feel somewhat invested in the story. Add to that that local multiplayer was supported and it sealed the deal for me.
Post edited April 10, 2022 by Magnitus
First Kiss at a Spooky Soiree - name your own price on itch

The most recent games that I actually paid for would be Diablo and Loom, which I bought at the same time off GOG. My most recent other site purchase was the Bundle for Ukraine on itch.

My wish list here on GOG is a mix of old and new stuff. It includes the really ancient levels of old D&D Gold Box games and the so new that I'm waiting on a release for Cold Hearts and Inkulinati.
Rayman Origins, which is on sale for very cheap at the moment.
I used the newsletter discount and grabbed all Beamdog D&D games I didn't own (basically everything except NWN).
It was the night before GOG sent new codes so I had to buy each game separately using codes from the subreddit. I posted my own code there as well.
Thea 2.

The last game I paid for was apparently Just Cause and Just Cause 2.
Ara Fell: Enhanced Edition
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
If GOG only: The Wheel of Time

Including other platforms: Destroy All Humans
Star Trek Armada.
Played a bit of it, kind of mediocre tbh.
I bought Wheel of Time - I wanted to support a release of a late-classic era game that I hadn't heard of the first time around.
Thea 2: The shattering was the most recent giveaway freebie.

Project Highrise (Standard Edition) was the most recent purchase.
hummer010: Thea 2 is the most recently added freebie.

Though non-freebe? It would have to be a trade, so Tomb Raider Legend/underworld/anniversery
GoG : Seven Kingdoms 2 HD
Steam : Disciples Liberation
Slitherine : Distant Worlds 2 :p
Epic : Vampyr (Freebie \o/)
Thank you all for the responses.
Fonzer: Carmageddon max damage
I bought it, but I've yet to play it. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it, since it also looked good to me.
I had the opposite experience with the older games: I played the second one first, and I loved it. When I played the first one afterwards, it was a disappointment in comparison (though I did still like it somewhat). I only played the demo for the third one, and I found it very underwhelming. It just fell off my radar after that and I never regained interest in it.
SpaceMadness: Gamedec
A nice looking game, on my wishlist for some time now. It'll stay there at least until they're done releasing all DLC.
skeletonbow: Last game I bought from GOG: Mad Max (Aug, 2021)
I got it from frogthroat. It was good! It renewed my interest in racing games, which is a genre I hadn't gone near in many years.
StationaryNomad: This War of Mine, bought for Ukraine charity drive.
A game so nice, I bought it twice.
LordCephy: Inkulinati.
Also on my wishlist for what feels like ages now. I got excited when I came across a countdown site for it. It was just SEO clickbait that counted down to the last day of the year.
FlavioV: I had to buy each game separately using codes from the subreddit.
You can also find newsletter codes in the dedicated Newsletter discounts thread. Some people instead post them in The Expiring Codes Clearinghouse Thread.
low rated
Psychonauts, which was a freebie for buying Psychonauts 2.