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dtgreene: Also, it makes me sad that the men on the US Supreme Court are (at least temporarily) denying a trans boy the right to use the boy's bathroom at school.
ChaunceyK: I don't understand why we need gender-based bathrooms in the first place. What are we, animals? We can't be trusted to be in a room with a member of the opposite sex for fear of....what exactly? Robbery? Murder? Rape? Those things happen because of a criminal mind, not because of a bathroom.

Why do such a loud minority (read: ignorant bigots) think people can't just be civilized, go in, and take a squirt or drop a deuce in peace, regardless of their gender and/or orientation?
I'm guessing there would be only stalls, because I can't quite imagine it going down well, a load of blokes lined up at the usual aiming slots in full view as you enter hehe.

Oddly enough, I'm in a miniscule town on edge of a really small city, yet it has closed it's gents toilets & made the women's toilets gender neutral.

Not been any bother at all with them, but then that is probably because a week or so afterwards, they closed that one too.

The nearest public toilets now are something like 2-3 miles away /failol.
Waking up in the morning...
Last day of vacation.....
low rated
Crackpot.756: .
Peek-a-boo mein Fräulein, I can see you.
PLEASE SPAM REPORT doctorsinister's post so that it gets deleted and no one else going to the movies this weekend has all their fun ruined.
Post edited August 05, 2016 by tinyE
Kleetus: ...
You. Why are you so obsessed with tinyE's testicle? It seems ... well, obsessive.
tinyE: PLEASE SPAM REPORT doctorsinister's post so that it gets deleted and no one else going to the movies this weekend has all their fun ruined.
Fuck. >_<
Kleetus: ...
Crackpot.756: You. Why are you so obsessed with tinyE's testicle? It seems ... well, obsessive.
He thinks he is hurting my feelings by poking fun at the fact that I'm a cancer survivor and lost a testicle as a result of that. I have no clue what planet you'd need to be on to think someone would get their feelings hurt by constantly being reminded that they beat one of the most horrific diseases in human history, but then, logic has never been Kleetus' strong suit. :P
tinyE: I have no clue what planet you'd need to be on to think someone would get their feelings hurt by constantly being reminded that they beat one of the most horrific diseases in human history
Probably because he hasn't beat the other horrific disease: stupidity.
I mean, he'd at least be a little more impressive if he could do something besides say the same thing over and over again. Even Tauto is smarter than that, and that's saying something.
tinyE: He thinks he is hurting my feelings
Kleetus: Nope, I'm just giving you some of your own medicine.

And I will keep doing, forever.

zeogold: .
That's just it Kleetus, you aren't. Giving me a taste of my own medicine would be insulting me. :P All you are doing is reminding me how lucky I am. XD

There are a few millions things about me that are rancid and worthy of ridicule and you are jumping on the one aspect of my being that I actually don't need to be embarrassed about. :P
low rated
tinyE: All you are doing is reminding me how lucky I am.
Kleetus: I guess luck is subjective.

I wouldn't call having only one testis, being an alcoholic and living with your parents at age 40 lucky.

More like pathetic.
I tell you what is pathetic about me, the fact that I'm sitting in here having an argument with someone who's favorite color is potato.

I think it's safe to say I have officially hit rock bottom! :P
tinyE: I tell you what is pathetic about me, the fact that I'm sitting in here having an argument with someone whose favorite color is potato.

I think its safe to say I have officially hit rock bottom! :P
Or, how about the fact that I feel like quoting that post, but doing the following:
1. Correcting "who's" to "whose" (unlike noun possessives, pronoun possessives do not have apostrophe's)
2. "Correcting" "it's" (which was correct) to "its" (which clearly isn't). In other words, I felt like introducing an error where there was none in the actual post being quoted
and, of course, 3. Putting an apostrophe in "apostrophes" when it doesn't belong (because it's not being used as a possessive).
tinyE: I think it's safe to say I have officially hit rock bottom! :P
I've a whole paragraph typed up to contradict that statement, but even the anonymity of the Internet won't let me expose myself like that. Funny, here I thought I didn't have any dignity left.
Anyway, you might also know "rock bottom" can be a lot lower than that.

dtgreene: ...
Fuck me, I disagree with a lot of what you say, but your grammar and spelling perfectionism is just right up my alley.