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dtgreene: I attended a Women's March.

Not the one in Washington, DC (it's a little too far), but a smaller one closer to where I live.
My sister in law joined one in Sacramento.

I thank all of you.
low rated
Women aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about:)
Tauto: Women aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about:)
thats not right
low rated
tinyE: My sister in law joined one in Sacramento.
I'm absolutely stunned that someone would want to marry into your family.

Or do you mean in law, as in on probation or parole?

dtgreene: I attended a Women's March.
Why only women, that's sexist?
Post edited January 21, 2017 by Kleetus
It was my 3yo daughter's birthday today. Took her to ballet this morning. Tried to get an ebay order out to, failed, stressed me out, don't want to lose that money/order as I have no other income, heart was pulsating (I have high blood pressure). The local weirdo was hanging around outside all day that stressed me out when I had to get our newborn and 3yo out.

He's slashed our tires stabbing them about 10 times, threatened to run my missus over, driven into my missus on a bike, walked up to me and my mum litterally making barking noises and tried to stalk us around the park walking at about 100mph.....going outside when he's there puts my stress levels through the roof. I bet it's him who killed our cat but it might not have been. He started swearing at my other neightbour when he had his 3yo with him over and over for no reason.

Yes a real man would of beaten him up....and it's not like I'm not bigger than him, stronger than him and I used to box a bit. I kind of panic imagining the reprocussions, whether he gets my family back when I'm not there or if he carries a knife or if I get done by the police. But really if I'm honest I should of sorted him for any one of things and now I panic whenever I leave the house, knowing I must be ready to fight because I may get attacked.

My nextdoor neighbour but 1 who's a pal offered us his 3yo sons old baby clothes, which was really kind of him. That made me happy

My mum and sister made a lovely She-Ra cake for my daughter's birthday and She-ra cupcakes. Yes She Ra is old, but my daughter has my sisters dolls and loves the cartoons, which have a moral story to them I feel. Everything they did for her was just lovely. She was so happy about her presents too. She played with her 7 year old friend and I love their relationship. I will be sad if we can't maintain that if we move away as we plan to.

Oh found out my great uncle, who was a great bloke died, pretty sad about that. He was might fave and late granny's brother, her, him, her 2 other brothers and 1 sister used to get together constantly. He always said to my family 'we keep getting together at funeral's we need to get together for something nice, a wedding or a get together', well that sadly didn't happen and now it's his funeral on Weds.

Having a few beers now anyway, relaxing and calming me a bit.
Fixed a partially dried-up ink cartridge that was responsible for a streaky print image. Soaked the cartridge print head for 40 minutes in a 50/50 solution of hot water and rubbing alcohol. Thanks once more, YouTube.
dtgreene: I attended a Women's March.
Kleetus: Why only women, that's sexist?
Actually, there were a few men marching, though it was indeed mostly women. Any man who supports the march's platform is welcome to march with the women.

Anyway, I have learned that my two uncles also went to Women's Marches with their wives and (in one case) a daughter.
Just now reading your post. I am sorry for your loss. Also, I hope your situation with that bully character will improve - it's very likely you'll have to do something about it though. I don't know how helpful the police is where you live, I would maybe talk to them to 1) make the issue and name of that guy known to them and 2) ask what they could do and for advice to you on how to resolve that situation.
Post edited January 22, 2017 by chevkoch
low rated
dtgreene: Actually, there were a few men marching, though it was indeed mostly women.
But you called it a women's march.

The use of that term is sexist and goes against what you stand for.

I'm kind of disappointed in you Deatrice, but I'd still march with you.
low rated
Kleetus: Why only women, that's sexist?
dtgreene: Actually, there were a few men marching, though it was indeed mostly women. Any man who supports the march's platform is welcome to march with the women.

Anyway, I have learned that my two uncles also went to Women's Marches with their wives and (in one case) a daughter.
Those weren't men. Those were women with penises.
All those women marching? Kept them from getting behind the wheel, to the benefit of the rest of us.

So I'm happy about that.
HereForTheBeer: All those women marching?
Was Positive Patty at the march?

I heard she was positively going, although Indifferent Ida was on the fence and Negative Nancy was definitely not going.
HereForTheBeer: All those women marching?
Kleetus: Was Positive Patty at the march?

I heard she was positively going, although Indifferent Ida was on the fence and Negative Nancy was definitely not going.
She wasn't there. Busy shaving her legs and making me dinner.

Okay, that's not true. I made dinner. 'Cuz I'm a liberated male-like being of the abbreviated variety-du-jour.
Watching the highlights of the namm show, plenty of new gear to ponder on.