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50-75% off Shantae: Risky's Revenge, Recettear, Jade Empire, Dungeon Keeper, Unreal Tournament and more…

Have you met the #StreamTeam yet? They're a fantastic bunch of gamers, game lovers, entertainers. They're also on every single day to bring you great gaming content with love. We asked them to pick out some of their favorite titles from the catalog to include in this week's <span class="bold">Weekend Promo: #StreamTeam Selection</span> - all from 50-75% off.

And here's what they have to say about their favorite picks:
A freelance voice actor and YouTuber of other stuff, features Skulls of the Shogun - Humorous with nice artwork and a good amount of depth for it's simplicity, as well as Raiden 3 - the classic Shmup that offers fast paced in your face action at a reasonably high skill level.

A games critic, fanatic, freelancer, blogger, and way more. He's "just a dude who loves games". He also loves streaming Surgeon Simulator. A lot: "Oh my days! How much fun is Surgeon Simulator?! In a world where simulators always fell short of feeling realistic - Bossa studios took it upon themselves to create a hyper-realistic simulator that puts you in the shoes of an untrained janitor who fancies himself a surgeon. Personally, Surgeon Simulator is a lovely change, it's stupid, the actions you take lead to usually hilarious outcomes and under all of this there is an actual challenge there that needs completing. Buy the game, like the game, tell your friends, tweet me your best screenshots @ScreamingJoypad and most of all - Stay Awesome!"

Teacher by day, dreamer by night, streamer somewhere in between. One of the favorites is Wacky Wheels: "Sick of your kart racing games being console exclusives that feature overweight plumbers and anthropomorphic testudines? Start your engines for this DOS classic that stars a cast of escaped zoo animals and (extremely) live ammunition! Wacky Wheels is a classic kart racing game that features a plethora of racing tracks, two-player racing (featuring both split-screen, and modem/serial cable multiplayer), a shooting gallery, and a deathmatch mode. While racing you’ll be able to pick up a variety of weapons to slow down the other challengers, including a pair of demonic balls, and poor pack of porcupines that you blast out your front end! While Wacky Wheels won’t challenge most experienced gamers, it’s perfectly suited for all ages and as the first full-priced game that I ever purchased as a kid is easy to recommend to you wonderful members of the GOGcom family!"

The dynamic streaming duo, colliding in the most awesomely awkward of gaming relationships - one of their favorites is Unreal Tournament 2004 "Often touted as the best of the Unreal Tournament series (although some may argue UT99 wins this due to its originality), Unreal Tournament 2004 is classic Arena FPS in every sense of the word. Weather you love it for its fast-paced nature, its unique and fun match types (like Onslaught) or the sheer detail the developers put into every aspect of the experience, UT2004 still continues to make a mark on gamers today. Personally, my relationship with Unreal Tournament started with 99, but 2004 made me decide to it was time to exchange vows with the franchise... a vow to Monster Kill!!"

Memories in 8bit
A filmmaker, photographer, writer, and of course, streamer features Dungeon Keeper 2: "Have you ever dreamed of conquering a whole kingdom? Do you want to spread terror and darkness over the land? Then Dungeon Keeper 2 is the game for you. By uniting elements of a building sim and strategy game it was far ahead of its time and yet it is accessible even to newcomers to the genres as well!"

A YouTuber, and lovably radical streamist, happens to also be a big fan of 'Gray Matter: "Jane Jensen is on fine form in this often overlooked point and click adventure game for both newcomers and seasoned veterans alike. An evocative story, gorgeous artwork, and a haunting soundtrack contribute to an overall amazing experience. It also contains the only Street Magician known to humankind that I don't want to repeatedly punch in the face."

Piran Jade enjoys many things. Those include 90's cRPG, jRPGs, Hoppity Hops and Creatures Exodus. Like, a whole lot. "Creatures Exodus is THE sandbox-virtual life sim for me. You set the goals yourself, you modify the world with all the great user-created content out there, and do whatever you want. Want to breed colourful Norns? Do it. Longliving? Fighters? Illness-resistant? Go for it. Or just let the game run overnight and have a look the next day at what happened. By the way: Creating a proper biome can be just as exciting as breeding Norns. You can also breed Grendels, or Ettins, or rainbow sharks..."

For him, Gemini Rue is a winner. "A mysterious tale that will have you take charge of two separate characters: Azriel Odin, an ex-assassin on a dangerous mission on the planet Barracus, and a man called Delta-Six who wakes up in a hospital with no memory. Best played on a rainy Sunday with a nice, hot cup of tea in hand, this is a sci-fi point & click must-have; a pitch perfect blend of Blade Runner, Noir and Orwell’s 1984 with amazing retro style graphics, phenomenal sound design and voice acting."

She's a game dev, concept artist, animator - and even pitched in on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Unsure sure if she's a vampire or zombie, Outstar recommends Theme Hospital: "This is probably the worst game to educate your children about healthcare. As a 6 year old, I was sure hydrocephalus can be treated with a head-popping machine. Thanks, Theme Hospital! Arguably the best "Theme" game ever made, making shooting rats and kicking patients out of hospital viable ways to get awards for Best Hospital In Town. Must-have."

<span class="bold">Weekend Promo: #StreamTeam Selection</span> is an awesome collection of titles, by a team of even awesomer streamers including Classicor, PantslessAaron, E___A, Donis, Reitanna, RerezTV, ArvanEleron and Unraveller. Pick and choose your favorite games at 50-75% off until Tuesday, October 20, 3:59 AM GMT, join us on, and check out the hilarious first episode of the StreamTeam highlight reel:

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Post edited October 16, 2015 by Konrad
IwubCheeze: I'm wanting to pick up Worms World Party in this promo having not played it for so long but the reviews for the game are discouraging to say the least. Is this game still broken? If so are there any reliable 3rd party fixes?

Any up to date info on this title would be much appreciated thanks
omega64: It's still broken, no fixes as far as I know.
Only thing I could find:
Damn, I had a feeling this was the case. Thanks for your reply regardless though
Hello everyone! I just wanted to drop on and say thanks for all the kind words about the promo. Personally it's awesome that GOG have invested a lot of time and energy into their StreamTeam over the last year or so and we're able to help shape stuff like this which means you guys and girls get awesome discounts on awesome games!

I'll see you on Sunday, don't forget to drop in for some Surgeon Simulator :-)

Stay Awesome!
Good promo, though if I get anything, it'll be This War of Mine (assuming those complaining of a major bug ever elaborate on what it actually IS).

A couple of minor issues I noticed when browsing the games on sale:

- The option to sort the games on the promo page by "Date Added" actually sorts them by original release date (as listed on the GOG store pages, anyway... ;) ), not the date they were added to the GOG catalog. Not actually a huge problem, but the sort option should be re-labeled to reflect that.
- Some of the top reviews for Double Dragon Trilogy still complain of the Galaxy client being bundled with the game whether you want it or not. Ignoring the fact that the game was never bundled with the full client, but only a launcher for the multiplayer component, this has not been the case for many moons now. One of the staff should perhaps edit the reviews to add notes that this "problem" no longer exists.
I noticed GOG is hiding reviews below 3-stars from coming up on the sale page (like reviews complaining about the Prisoner of Ice save bug). :P Hmmm, not sure how to feel about that.

Anyways, solid deals for sure. I noticed "Sea Dogs" is on sale and will definitely pick that up, but that's because I want to - in a way - pay for pirating "Pirates of the Caribbean" (2003 game) and encourage Akella to find a way to rework it as "Sea Dogs 2" and self-publish it here (assuming Bethesda or Disney can't be bothered). ;),
avatar Theme Hospital
This is probably just a coincidence, right?

I can highly recommend Wacky Wheels if you would like to play a racing game with your children .
avatar Theme Hospital
evilnancyreagan: This is probably just a coincidence, right?

But is it DRM-free?

By the way, you gotta love the mention of their Great Game Guarantee:
If You Don't Love It, Just Return It!

This game is covered by the Origin Great Game Guarantee: If you don't absolutely love it, we'll give you a full refund.
tfishell: I noticed GOG is hiding reviews below 3-stars from coming up on the sale page (like reviews complaining about the Prisoner of Ice save bug). :P Hmmm, not sure how to feel about that.
I'm guessing that you either didn't notice the GOG staff edit or that they've added it after you posted (in which case I applaud you). :)
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Lemon_Curry
tfishell: I noticed GOG is hiding reviews below 3-stars from coming up on the sale page (like reviews complaining about the Prisoner of Ice save bug). :P Hmmm, not sure how to feel about that.
Lemon_Curry: I'm guessing that you either didn't notice the GOG staff edit or that they've added it after you posted (in which case I applaud you). :)
I did see that the save bug was fixed, but GOG is still hiding reviews under 3 stars (even ones highly rated) which feels a little dishonest to me.
Zoidberg: Oh look, Theme Hospital, the "abandonware" that's supposed to be free. :P

I should start replaying it with that opensource mod...
SirPrimalform: Huh? Has someone been claiming that?
Some people do, yeah... damn abandonware sites and stupid people. :P
tfishell: I did see that the save bug was fixed, but GOG is still hiding reviews under 3 stars (even ones highly rated) which feels a little dishonest to me.
Yeah, I strongly dislike that as well. They've certainly changed...

If they would at least include the first three or four lines of every helpful review displayed that would ensure that people notice the edit.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Lemon_Curry

Dungeon Keeper and Unreal !
Finally, I got all the games I wanted when I joined GOG on the list !
avatar Theme Hospital
evilnancyreagan: This is probably just a coincidence, right?

Lemon_Curry: But is it DRM-free?
Apparently, it requires Origin (unless it's just a standard EULA):
Besides, why do some people expect it to be free at this site just because the actual owner of the license has chosen to give it away in order to promote the company website and client?
evilnancyreagan: This is probably just a coincidence, right?

Lemon_Curry: But is it DRM-free?
Lemon_Curry: Apparently, it requires Origin (unless it's just a standard EULA):

Lemon_Curry: Besides, why do some people expect it to be free at this site just because the actual owner of the license has chosen to give it away in order to promote the company website and client?
Zoidberg brought it up. Ask him.
Grabbed Freedom planet with this sale. Wow that game is such a breath of fresh air, level design is great.
Oh I feel pity for my wallet, <$5 for each of the Metro games, that's A STEAL! Many other fantastic deals in there, good job #StreamTeam!