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visconteprimus: Well, as I've just said a lot of pages ago, of great books world is full: time to return to Literature.
I have reached that point as well. I guess we just aren't part of the target audience anymore for computer games, so I guess we need to move on.
high rated
visconteprimus: Well, as I've just said a lot of pages ago, of great books world is full: time to return to Literature.
Karterii1993: I have reached that point as well. I guess we just aren't part of the target audience anymore for computer games, so I guess we need to move on.
We've acquired the Murtaugh Level but it's ok: I'm ready to this since a couple of years! ^^
high rated
Members can find details about my program here -

I've also started doing some investigative preparatory work on another possible program for Windows users, called GOGRepo GUI at this point .... more about this later, but I said a little here.


We are up to 1430 votes now .... they just keep coming.
Timboli: Members can find details about my program here -

I've also started doing some investigative preparatory work on another possible program for Windows users, called GOGRepo GUI at this point .... more about this later, but I said a little here.


We are up to 1430 votes now .... they just keep coming.
Thank you for your continued work!
low rated

We are up to 1430 votes now .... they just keep coming.
Nice of you to update the vote count, but why link it when I posted it 5 posts back on the same page?

(I am honestly asking, btw, and not trying to nag/ I see no obvious reason why another link is needed after 4 short posts)


That said, I love this bit you wrote and the good news contained in it:


Timboli: I've also started doing some investigative preparatory work on another possible program for Windows users, called GOGRepo GUI at this point .... more about this later, but I said a little here.
Now THIS, this is very good to hear....a good number will likely be happy.
Post edited June 16, 2020 by GameRager
Lifthrasil: Thank you for your continued work!

If you want to see how I am going with GOGRepo GUI, check out this post, which also has a screenshot link.
I haven't used Gog Downloader often, but this was really good program for downloading offline installers and extras for games, R.I.P. Downloader. (v_v)
Despite my advancement with GOGRepo GUI and the option of it, no reason to not vote.


We are up to 1520 votes now .... they still just keep coming. :)
Post edited June 25, 2020 by Timboli
Timboli: Despite my advancement with GOGRepo GUI and the option of it, no reason to not vote.
Will it offer easy selective downloading? e.g. show the manifest and checkmark the games you want to download? (maybe with a search function)
It's still great that you're doing this - even if I can't find a use for it. I know you can download individual games with the script now, but that's just too much command line for my liking.
teceem: Will it offer easy selective downloading? e.g. show the manifest and checkmark the games you want to download? (maybe with a search function)
It's still great that you're doing this - even if I can't find a use for it. I know you can download individual games with the script now, but that's just too much command line for my liking.
Depends on what you mean.
For starters, there is no command-line usage by the user with my GUI program.
And even the current limited version available for downloading, presents a scrollable alphanumerical list of game titles. If you need to jump somewhere, select a title, then the first character of the title you want to go to ... that will get you fairly close.

I may give a search option at some point, so you can be more precise, but its low on the priority list right now.

The current list of games shown in the scrollable list, is extracted from the manifest, and you don't deal directly with the manifest as such ... all that is handled by, which you run via buttons on my program.

There are two ways to update the manifest and list for new additions. Either use the UPDATE button with ALL option selected, or you can use the method I am now favoring - either copy and paste a game name (I copy it from my library web page) or type it into the Title input field, then click the FIX button to convert to lower case and underslashes, then click on UPDATE with the ALL option deselected .... that updates the manifest for that game and you are ready to download after selecting the game on the newly updated list.

As for specifying which games to download, you select one and click the DOWNLOAD button, then you can immediately select another and click DOWNLOAD again, adding it to a queue. The first game will start downloading when you add it, if auto start is enabled .... or you can go to the Queue window and manually start the list downloading either while populating the download list or after. You can make changes to the list before or during downloading.

I am keeping things simple, so no checkboxes on the list ... no need for that, that I can see. You cannot add a game more than once, though you can update its download settings.

PLEASE NOTE - That some of what I mention is not in the version currently available for downloading (i.e. no queuing).
Post edited June 25, 2020 by Timboli
Timboli: I am keeping things simple, so no checkboxes on the list ... no need for that, that I can see. You cannot add a game more than once, though you can update its download settings.
It was just an example - a queue for downloading certain games serves the same purpose (a I see it) ;-)
low rated

We are up to 1520 votes now .... they still just keep coming. :)
They likely (sadly) won't do anything even if that count gets to 5x that.

It has been near 4 months and many have weighed in with almost nary a peep from GOG, so I don't think more votes or people saying the same thing will change much(barring a miracle).

(BTW this is not meant to be belittling to anyone who wants this. Just my two cents based on observing GOG over the years and their responses to various things)
Post edited July 02, 2020 by GameRager
I have been a while here, there are so many things new to me, including this. What's a GOG Downloader? Is that the download page of the game you already bought? Like there is blue buttons there, saying GOG Galaxy thing, and there is also another button below it, saying for offline installer. If yes, what's up with that? If no, so what is it then?

Sorry for asking, I just joined GOG this year, to buy games that I don't need online connection or logging to play them. I don't see any other places that did this kind of thing, and I am glad GOG did it.
EvergreenArtwork: I have been a while here, there are so many things new to me, including this. What's a GOG Downloader? Is that the download page of the game you already bought? Like there is blue buttons there, saying GOG Galaxy thing, and there is also another button below it, saying for offline installer. If yes, what's up with that? If no, so what is it then?
I was Gog first client, before Galaxy, to allows easy downloading of installers instead of having to download them through the Browser. They announced five years ago that they would stop developing it but it remained "working" for a long time, it has been totally disabled some months ago hence the existence of this thread.

We are up to 1520 votes now .... they still just keep coming. :)
GameRager: They likely (sadly) won't do anything even if that count gets to 5x that.

It has been near 4 months and many have weighed in with almost nary a peep from GOG, so I don't think more votes or people saying the same thing will change much(barring a miracle).

(BTW this is not meant to be belittling to anyone who wants this. Just my two cents based on observing GOG over the years and their responses to various things)
hanks for the bump, that was really needed.