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InkPanther: Looks like we missed Homeworld: Cataclysm (now Homeworld: Emergence), it was also released in 2000.
You're right! Added, thank you :)

Also added Crime Cities.
Oh, look, thanks to this post one can run Homeworld: Emergence in widescreen resolution, neat. Maybe I'll play it next. Just maybe.
hwc1.jpg (434 Kb)
hwc2.jpg (466 Kb)
hwc3.jpg (445 Kb)
I've decided to play Crime Cities. Got it free during the Techland sale last month, so I thought to myself "why not?".

I've never played this game before, so there's no nostalgia or childhood memories about it. However, I've played old games recently that I also never played before and got impressed and/or enjoyed them a lot. This one, however, has not caused a first good impression, tbh.

I'm playing on medium and find the game to be hard. The first couple of missons were a breeze, but then, the following ones, started to through a lot of enemies at me at once. Since they have shields, they take a lot of bullets to die. I gain money from the missions but it's not enough. I spend a lot of it on recharging shields and ammo. Getting new weapons is costly, so I'm always kinda screwed. Also, even when I'm not on missions I get attacked by too many enemies.

This game is no joke!

Has anyone played it? Did you find it difficult or am I playing it wrong?
Forcing myself to go through Crime Cities. I just beat the first planet (apparently there's 3 of them).
Moving from one planet to the other, I had to leave my flying car behind, so all my weapons are now gone, so each planet is a new beginning! All the money I had from the missions I did? All gone too!

I don't like to quit games, but this one is tempting me a lot...
bluethief: [...]
I don't like to quit games, but this one is tempting me a lot...
If it's really that bad then why not move to something else? ;)

I've completed 4 or 5 missions of HW:Emergence a while ago when it turned out I can make it work with modern screen resolutions, but nothing since then. I liked it so far, but I wasn't in the mood for an RTS.
bluethief: [...]
I don't like to quit games, but this one is tempting me a lot...
InkPanther: If it's really that bad then why not move to something else? ;)
It's due to my stubborness :D. I'm taking my time with it. Just playing it when I feel like it and only for short periods.

InkPanther: I've completed 4 or 5 missions of HW:Emergence a while ago when it turned out I can make it work with modern screen resolutions, but nothing since then. I liked it so far, but I wasn't in the mood for an RTS.
I updated the op with this.
In such case I'd probably considered one planet is enough to mark the game as somehow completed :D
So I just finished the second planet of Crime Cities.

For some reason I actually enjoyed it. I think the game finally clicked with me. Not that it drastically changes when one goes from one planet to the other, quite the contrary. But I think this time I was aware of what to expect so I adapted to it.

Now I'm on the third and final planet, so I'm willing to finish the game now, more than ever.
Impressive – congratulations! It's not an easy achievement :)
ciemnogrodzianin: Impressive – congratulations! It's not an easy achievement :)
Thanks :).

I'm glad I kept going, but the will to drop it was high at some point.
Finally finished Crime Cities.

The last planet went faster than I was expecting. Maybe it had less missions than the others (I didn't count them). However, the last mission has a spike in difficulty that's ridiculous. I had to be constantly saving, just to avoid repeating some sections. It's a good test for one's patience.

Overall, I ended up enjoying it more than I though it, so I'm happy with it.


I also started playing Daikatana with the the 1.3 fan made patch installed. It's going to be the second time I play this game. Back then I remember enjoying the game, despite all the negativity it carries. Sure, it's no masterpiece and even with the fan patch, the AI companions can be a pain, but overall I enjoyed it. And the fact that each episode has its own flavour make things more interesting.

Anyway, last night I just played the first level, and sure mechanical frogs and mosquitos are not the most engaging foes, but I don't really mind it. The main problem for me is actually be able to see them. Since I'm color blind, I find it more difficult to spot them in the environment.

Despite that, I'm looking forward to continue my playthrough.
bluethief: Finally finished Crime Cities.

Nice, congrats!
bluethief: Finally finished Crime Cities.

InkPanther: Nice, congrats!
Thank you :)
bluethief: Finally finished Crime Cities.
bluethief: I also started playing Daikatana
And you're not going for easy pickings either... And I'm referring to them not being easy to like more than the actual difficulty.
Cavalary: Congratulations!
Thank you :)

Cavalary: And you're not going for easy pickings either... And I'm referring to them not being easy to like more than the actual difficulty.
Eh eh, true story.
However, unlike Crime Cities, with Daikatana I know what I'm getting into, since it's my second time with it.
Like I said, it's not a masterpiece, but with the fan patch the game become a cool fps, IMO.